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Everything posted by Connor895

  1. Bit of a oldie but dose any one carry about the banger heat files use to make the renders ??? i got 3dmax thats it wanted to make team convoy
  2. grate meeting
  3. make sure its in ur locations folder and it no created another gamedata folder
  4. f2 admins treated me quite poorly compare to how they treat other drivers comparing that to how the other admins i get along fine with in loons f1s always the f2 ones for me ... odd that
  5. few dummys spat out last night then ?
  6. if i done that a admin would end up giving me a 5 week ban dont see how 112 is any different from me
  7. there team racing in them most the time i think irl harry
  8. children stop this is a results thread not judge judy
  9. Any one know why my rfactor is just black when i launch it ?? i reinstalled it but still same
  10. booking out
  11. i would of caught u in w&y if that laped down car never nearly leaned me in the tiers
  12. what dose every one think ?? the Team Jones Racing aint done yet on left side still working on it may put it up for sale later
  13. was the horse ok ?
  14. 17UKD100_TomDS grade Fix
  15. DavoSayco 49 Bingley chassis
  16. grate meeting think im getting the hang of f1s now be evin better if people never took things so personal but ye dont evin think i was that bad and that telling em some thing
  17. Think ?
  19. Thanks Crashley Websters colours seen another one floating about here some where to
  20. yes there is ... but it aint finished
  21. will do skins for others starting out but wont be much give me pm sooner the better
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