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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. Well that escalated quickly.
  2. wow hooray for the admins, sometimes they see stuff. Well done Wardie, great to see you hitting the potential you always believed you had (nah just kidding, really glad to see you come good, well done ) Tinman......its only a games, sakes.
  3. I reckon Rallycameraman's one of MoR's mates....is there a suzuki swift in-game?
  4. Looks great, still very proud to see stuff i helped with still in use
  5. Shed!!
  6. Are they coming up with any error message or are they just not loading at all?
  7. that's really attractive lovely job!!
  8. Chaps, I'm happy to announce that this winter's work on the mod is now complete and the new version is available for download on the link below. New additions are the Randall 2010 shale chassis and the Bingley shale (downbar) car, along with Compomotive wheels, Ford RS 4-spoke wheels and the new smaller wing on the RCE.......hope you like it CLICK ME TO DOWNLOAD
  9. (just to add, i saw the post and tried it with Chrome and the download ran ok for me)
  10. hopefully this and one other
  11. with thanks to Martyn Robinson for the skin......
  12. Hi, I think the fix for this was to right-click the icon for properties and use the compatibility mode tool to switch it from windows 2000. the hard disk option is your hard drive.
  13. National Hotrod European finals are being shown love FREE!! NOW!!! Live from Tipperary
  14. here ya are RealFeelPlugin.zip
  15. yep that makes two of us.....Allan are you getting the meathead off his MyProtein mountain long enough to look down or is he refusing to go outside without his microsized shirts to match his microsized.....erm lol
  16. new templates will appear if and when new chassis are added into the game......nothing will be added dutring this current season, but may be added over the winter prior to next season's online schedule. Oh and i never say what's gonna be there coz that's bad luck i know what's in progress and i'll release pictures once the relevant cars are at an advanced enough stage that i'm not gonna hex em by telling you all about em
  17. download it from the link above and install. You can test it as a free game without adding any of the mods (buying it basically unlocks the facility to add stuff) to make sure everything's working ok and you'll see on the first loading mini-screen there's a 'activate' button - restart the game from the desktop icon and then click on that and you'll be taken to a page where you can buy it online with paypal or whatever of the other multitude of buying options you wish to use. Make sure you buy the original rFactor, not rFactor2.....we're not into that with mods at the moment oh and welcome back long time no see
  18. Hi, Is this a first install or reinstall of rFactor on this pc? Also is this a purchased disc? Where did you purchase from?
  19. aww thats lovely!
  20. Lol Korizin and Sparky 1-2 in the final......am i 37 years old again? Grats all
  21. Sorry Tam i lost what i had two (or three) crashes ago.....
  22. i did a double-take until i saw it said 'top cut'...... looks really nice though, proper job i'm feeling a bit humbled for posting old skool sh1te after that but here we go....thanks to Dave for not shouting at me too hard for the 'rather light grey' lol....all i have to suss now is how to paint a decent setup onto it
  23. Mine uploaded (hopefully, it's been a while.....) if you could confirm please Dave?
  24. i'd suggest you put that as a provisional m8, the weather forecast for today didn't look much better than yesterday's did......live link here
  25. UKSOM server's set to Hedno now m8
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