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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. yes.......did u fix the track error yet? lol
  2. erm i've had a look at the error log and noticed the following line a couple up from the error message..... 58.56.390: res: ResourceGet("audibits.tex") not found, returning NULL! I cracked the audi in my uknatrod folder to check that that was included in the packed car and it is.....it might be worth you copying the auditt.car from national heat across to uknatrod to see if its that chassis thats the problem (was this for offline race or single-car test using the tt btw?) or using national heat to test the track rather than uknatrod. Also, check yr options.cfg please for the texture compression (the quick way to check this is to try a race at arena-essex.....no texture compression will see the game crash at arens and swaff i think, although the usual error for no texture compression was a panic:irk as i recall). If this crashes out, edit your options.cfg to texture_compression yes and save. let us know plz ....... Wrighty ps fao Biffo...... glad you like it m8, like i say its a cracking track for lch racing and rods (although its anti-clock only of course) but hey......lch's have fun m8
  3. Cheers Biffo ....... i was trying to think why this place looked familiar lol - i tested it for nascar heat while looking for US Cup tracks for rods Download track here was dead good for rods and lch's
  4. All the best m8, hope you're having a great day cya soon
  5. Can you put me down for 694 please Aussie?
  6. fwd physics m8........if you're on the gas with too much lock on it loses grip.....dinky huh
  7. the mod launcher comes from http://www.themodsquad.uni.cc (sorry hyperlinking doesnt work on the works pc lol) - look in the downloads>popular section. My pleasure Aussie, happy to help m8 its turned out a cracker, well done
  8. Hi chaps, Just got these sorted so thought i'd post em up for your comedy pleasure Mart, I'll change the relevant details to yr name with 379 then PM the .tex over ok? hope you like em ....... Wrighty
  9. thats ironic, two things that Albz might be missing, followed by one thing he isnt missing.......
  10. lol whaddyaknow, posted that, opened westy's....same thing. Try the CWshredder from the link i posted for McCrew Westy, then run another Hijackthis scan, post the results plz. cheers ...... Wrighty
  11. looks suspicious m8, read Here ....the recommendation to try for this is CWShredder .... try another hijackthis scan after you've run CWS. Cant see much else wrong tbh but you've got a lot running as startup processes i think. giz a shout m8, all the best ....... Wrighty
  12. it does sound like theres a background application running thats tying up the processor..... you can download and install HijackThis ....you'll be given the option to scan and save a log...don't worry about it changing anything m8, it won't until you tell it to. Save the log and post it up, we'll see if there's anything tucked away running. Another alternative is to try Firefox browser if you haven't already.....solved a fair few problems on my machine using this istead of IE (again, this'll install separately from IE and won't affect your current setup) hope they help, post the hijackthis log plz ....... all the best, Wrighty
  13. I'll be up for it m8, went into the game when i saw yr post on Monday and lo and behold there was working servers so i had a thrash lol (well, took a thrashing, much the same thing)....ping was about 150 from here to a western US server so wasnt too bad. Jac Haudenschild #83 please
  14. Congratulations and best wishes, hope mother and baby are both fine (Lakey can fend for himself for a couple of days i'm sure ) good luck and best wishes again
  15. must admit i wouldnt be pleased if people started changing the model like..... having said that i'm happy for people to enjoy the model as it is and renderisations thereof thanks for the kind words.
  16. looks good m8 but...... dont forget to hide or delete the 'mask' layer before you save it as a tga. That'll get rid of the dark lines at the panel joints (down each side of the bonnet etc) for a first skin tho m8, nice job wd my first ones were cack....some would say they havent improved lol
  17. Hi all, Been promising these, so here you are.....hope they work the 'pack' zipfile contains wheel textures best wishes .......... Wrighty tig_3d.zip fez_3d.zip pack.zip
  18. Hi all, Been promising these, so here you are.....hope they work best wishes .......... Wrighty
  19. looks well m8, how was the template for you to use, was it ok? (all feedback gratefully received for future projects etc etc) not sure about the sponsor on the bonnet like m8, i hear they're a bunch of cowboys cheers lol, 3ds's will be posted tonight, all the best ...... Wrighty
  20. No wonder he normally wears that stupid hat! roflmao aye its got a big forehead clamp to make him blend in next stop mensa rofl corker pedz
  21. Happy Birthday m8, hope you're having a great day :) Best wishes m8 ......... Wrighty, Joyce and Dani
  22. Firstly, yes Erik, he did ask permission to render the model so thats ok.......several have in fact (i'm heartened by how many people like the cars but more importantly by the fact that people HAVE asked permission). As a result of this, I'm planning to release the 3ds models for both cars with the relevant textures and add-on bits (wheels, wheel textures, interior/underside textures and the like) to try and help people make their renders well without cracking cars etc. I'll post more on this in the next couple of days. Marty, I'm about to do a Jamie Jamieson skin for a National Heat update, so i'll happily take that on if you wish, got plenty of pics here already.....I could do with an ok from rods admin if its for UK Dirt (given the rule mentioned previously about 'replica' cars) but i'll check that out and do the JJ skin next Re: National Heat, there will be an update of course given the new chassis......you've seen the Boardley and Stimson (almost) finished skins already, Dave Brooks' Tigra's done and the Team Haird 351 fiesta is underway. I'll be adding Jamieson, Holtby, Stu Carter etc etc so i'll keep you informed on progress there too (but i'll stop hijacking Aussie's thread for that haha) Finally finally, great skin Aussie, many congrats m8 all of the skins are getting better and better on here....superb work m8 cheers all .......... Wrighty
  23. 37? is that your age or a bumper count for the F2? have a great day m8, all the best
  24. here's my 1024 of the focus template.....i see what you mean about the details, they do lose some definition when you size up, so here's the original focus_template.zip
  25. the focus template was only done as 512x512 m8, just resize it to 1024 when you open it.
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