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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. erm if you're looking for blueprints for modelling (whether it be for r/c or 3d) register with smcars.net m8, superb collection of blueprints there http://www.smcars.net/forums/index.php
  2. the recycle bin should be renamed 'sh*ite i divvent need' but apart from that i just need the number for my local 'windaaz dealah'
  3. yeah yr connection's dropping i think m8, sounds like yr connections on the mend so let us know... i've racked me brains btw, i need a clue (there's no info in yr personal profile lol)......go on
  4. What error are you getting when you lose connection, a 'keepalive timeout'? i think this is related m8.....if you're getting a keepalive timeout from jolt i think your connection's dropping for a split-second then re-connecting.....if it does that while you're downloading a file, it'll corrupt the file too. Given that you're taking at least 20 mins to download that file (which is approx 40mb) i'm convinced your connections not stable. Not sure how you can approach fixing it however i'm afraid.....I think thats more Dino/Allan268 (i.e. clever people) territory but it might be worth getting a download manager off the 'net (allows you to download in bits rather than having to hae a complete stream until u get yr conn sorted) best wishes ......... Wrighty edited for craap speeling
  5. i'm not in the milton keynes area (the milton keynes area breathes a huge sigh of relief) but what kind of help are you after? installing the game and making it work or racing help?
  6. found this , doesnt look good for use in openoffice i'm afraid m8...
  7. i don't know office org m8 but is there anywhere to enable macros in the tools bit? thats what its missing m8
  8. All the best m8, hope you have a great day
  9. is this a 'those who can't do, admin instead' thing? (race spreadsheets for fun, you need a hobby ) np aussie, adam glad u like
  10. yep i'll mail it across this afternoon m8 Can u email it over to me as well please mate np this was the spreadsheet i used for the season points calculations for the UK Dirt rods. To use the spreadsheet, the driver number goes in the first column, then the total score for each meeting is added into the relevant cell (add your own fixtures in for the ones at the top as appropriate of course) and the 'national points sort' button will calculate the total points for all entered drivers, put em in order and list averages and best scores (well, people were interested ). The total series points are calculated in column B so don't fiddle with that or it'll kill the spreadsheet (its always worth having the original stashed and resave it for your own use just in case) When you open the spreadsheet for use, you need to enable macros for the buttons to work. I've left all the old data in so you can see ow the sheet works....people were added through the season as you can see from when the points were scored etc, so there's no need for the entrants list to be in any order (the stuff thats in order was the registered driver list for the start of the season IIRC). If you need more fixtures than there are slots for there, you'll need to modify the macro to suit (good luck hehe....). The other buttons were for specific points (world quallys etc) so if you want to add something like that, feel free to go through the macro's etc and have a try. If you get stuck, pm me letting me know what you're trying to do (and what it isnt doing lol) and i'll try and help as best i can. thnx all, hope they work for you.............Wrighty Rods_stats_done.zip
  11. yep i'll mail it across this afternoon m8
  12. lol if it is they've got very odd hips...... wow nice robot
  13. yeah the common.res sets the race lengths in laps m8, you'll be able to use the one from Nationals coz if you're online the laps are all set by the common.res at the server
  14. lol yeah theres 2 ways...... 1) wait until tomorrow..... 2) download the track from one of the mirror locations. Most of the files on Rfactorcentral are either available from them and from mirror sites too (the RfactorCentral downloads are the ones with the red blob next to em). Rfactorcentral downloads are restricted to 4 or 5 (or summat like that) per day but you can download from as many mirrors as you wish. I'd recommend using the mirrors tbh, its a good way to get to see the websites of some of the developers who are spewing out the rfactor stuff at the moment (and of course from time to time you find stuff that isnt on rfactorcentral for one reason or another). good luck m8, happy hunting ..... Wrighty
  15. Hi Bozz, One thing to bear in mind as well, if you're (or the boy is) using a mod launcher, once a track's been installed it'll show up in your 'run' folder but in the later mod launchers you have to still select the tracks to run with that specific mod (by picking your required tracks for a particular mod in the track manager). I've seen the server boot people before (specifically me) for having the track installed but not selected in the mod launcher track list. Also m8, there's the texture compression issue with some of the newer tracks.......edit your options.cfg file in the mod folder and set texture compression to YES otherwise you can be booted with a PANIC:IRK error. good luck and best wishes,but most importantly welcome back ......... Wrighty
  16. i dropped the full folder into gamedata>locations and it works fine here m8
  17. LOL i got these yesterday.....the servers were full of 'em so figured it was the polite thing to do astonishing mod rofl, could barely see for grinning (as Scrappy and Mac can testify, they saw how well i was doing ) congrats again MC, stunning stuff ps - the baja buggies from KDSR suit the tracks well too
  18. Firewall turned off...still dont work:*( you have a pm m8 merry xmas
  19. if you click the 'cancel' button in that box sometimes the server appears (but with a 1000 ping) but its more likely to be your firewall blocking the return signal from the server m8. If your firewall has an 'allow' list (i think norton does, along with zone alarm) then allow heat.bin access both ways (in and out), it's a game file but you'll have to do a search on yr pc for the location, its in yr document and settings folder so check hidden folders can be viewed when you search). Once thats sorted, you'll get a return ping from the server and be able to connect
  20. if you just want a free programme for 3d try z-modeller, its decent considering its free.......probably better for its 3d than its rendering but you cant render it if you can't draw it first yeah? good luck, best wishes .......... Wrighty
  21. the stimson fiesta and boardley tigra will be in the national heat from so-on around christmas time-ish the neal smith 206 was never completed afaik.
  22. Happy Birthday Pedz, hope you have a gr8 day
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