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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. 37? are you sure? All the best m8, have a great day :appl:
  2. wrighty496


    Hi Lambo, There is a way around this if you haven't got it sorted already. Install a mod that contains its own UI.res file (national rods (parts 1 and 2) or Brisca Heat, both have a full UI.res), then copy that UI.res into your Nascar Heat/run folder. Re-install the mod that's giving you the problem, and it'll find the UI.res in run, then create its own for the new install. Some of the older mods don't have their own UI because its a waaaaay too big file for 56k download, as was the norm when they were created. These crack the UI.res in run and then re-pack it with the different screens etc during the install (the black DOS window that says 'its in run' yeah?), so adding a UI.res into run then re-installing usually does the trick. Let us know it went ok plz, ........ Wrighty
  3. At meetings, Coke or coffee m8, some of us get to drive home too, believe it or not At home....coffee until i get sick of it, vodka after that haha
  4. Searching 'spywarequake' in google brings lots up. Read this for full removal instructions m8, its a trojan - also read here for general info and another method to fix. gd luck ........ Wrighty
  5. whats the name of the program 'its recommending to sort the problem' m8? sounds like another smitrem job but if u post the program name i'll have a browse first. cheers in advance ..... Wrighty
  6. you can use a mod launcher Here which allows you to set which tracks are required for which mods (in the track manager section)
  7. Happy Birthday Mav, hope you have a great day
  8. theyre not available as separate downloads unfortunately m8 (they're too big, about 30mb each) but what u can try is.... assuming you have a ui.res file in the run folder (the f1 one seems to be there atm, hence you're getting f1 screens for all mods - if it isn't copy it from ukdirtf1 folder to run folder) then re-install the bangers and rods mods (if you have skinpacks etc already installed, drag the existing folders out of the nascar heat folder onto desktop). The ui-builder in the mod should then work from the ui.res in the run folder and recreate the correct ui.res for the mod as part of the normal install. ish try it, see if it works and let us know please ....... Wrighty
  9. normally a firewall problem m8, check your firewall for 'heat.bin' and allow access both ways (incoming and outgoing data) its required for server connection
  10. Hi Hutch, Your install doesn't contain a UI.res file. This is a common problem with installing Nascar Heat essentials because the F1 installer looks for an original nascar heat UI.res to crack and modify as part of its install but Essentials doesn't contain one. To rectify this, you'll need to install a mod that contains its own UI file (the NZ heat mod Here should fit the bill) - install that and then copy the UI.res into your 'run' folder in nascar heat, then run the F1 installer again. think that should do it, let us know please. cheers ........ Wrighty
  11. strange, normally when u get that box and click 'yes' it continues as normal ...... you can change the compatibility for it in add/remove programs in control panel i think....alternatively download the mod launcher for heat here which removes the compatibility thing anyway (and is a handy tool for picking what mod, which tracks are for which mods etc). If you still get an error stopping the game running, save the notepad of the error and post it here please.
  12. lol aye the questions were like 'what was the average speed of the winner in 1952?' or summat lol....the book had a pic of every winner with the stats for the race i had it for the amiga....mouse control was superb (steer by sliding the mouse either way, then throttle and brake on the 2 buttons <sighs> soooo simple and effective too) hell yeah had the amiga first with indy500 and 'skidmarks' (followed by super skidmarks lol - both superb handling games with GeneRally-predecessor graphics and 'look')..... finally plucked up the courage and bought a playstation .... then plucked up some more courage and got it doctored so i could play the original Gran Turismo on jap import hahaha. Got a PS2 on release day (pre-ordered lol) and played GT3 mostly until i stumbled across you lot but......... the first driving game i EVER played was (i think its called) night driver .... arcade game that was basically 2 rows of dots that you had to steer between ..... it was that good i think i was about 10? thats 1977 lads ........ cheers
  13. the laps file is contained within the common.res file. PM me with the tracks you wish to change the length of and a return e-mail address and i'll see if i can make a modified common.res to suit best wishes ..... Wrighty
  14. that'll be cornish for 'cheers for the help, lads' i assume? our pleasure i'm sure
  15. All the best m8, have a great day :appl:
  16. good looking model Dazza found these pics, dunno if they're any good to you ..... best wishes they'll need a bit of rotating to square em up like but i figured they were decent for a template [attachmentid=8169] [attachmentid=8170] [attachmentid=8171]
  17. Hiccy Burpday Budge hopefully the after-lunch snoozing yesterday helped shoulda sat up the top end of the straight where we were, the regular showerings of gravel kept us awake........ Have a good day m8, best wishes.
  18. must be about 90 now is it? i forgot to look best wishes m8, have a great day
  19. hi hack, let me know if the attached is any good to you - i can send it over tonight if required
  20. wrighty496


    k, not sure where to go from here m8 tbh, but if hijackthis is working ok you can still get a log from that, then join hijackthis's forum and submit the log for analysis. If there's something more to sort too (why there isn't a safe mode option from F8 for instance), they'll be able to help you with that too. Join Tech Support Forum, this section is all for hijackthis logs and more general queries by the looks. best wishes, sry ...... Wrighty
  21. wrighty496


    ok i've have a read through a successful removal and its as follows; (save all of this below to a notepad document and save it on yr desktop, that way you can refer to it without having to connect to the net) 1: download and install Hijackthis, you'll need this to remove some bits 2: download Smitrem to your desktop. 3: Run Hijack This and click on scan. The following items need to be fixed - R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = c:\secure32.html R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = c:\secure32.html R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = c:\secure32.html R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = c:\secure32.html R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page = c:\secure32.html R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page = c:\secure32.html Close all windows other than Hijack This. Tick the boxes next to above items and click on Fix checked. 4: Delete the file - c:\secure32.html. 5: Next, reboot your computer in SafeMode by doing the following: Restart your computer After hearing your computer beep once during startup, but before the Windows icon appears, press F8 repeatedly.Instead of Windows loading as normal, a black screen should appear with options to start in safe mode, safe mode with networking, 'last known good' format etc. Select the first option, to run Windows in Safe Mode. 6: Go into hard drive and delete the files - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\paytime.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\TFTP3992 (if its there) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\scmt16.exe C:\WINDOWS\tool2.exe C:\WINDOWS\country.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Folders\ibm00002.dll (if its there) C:\drsmartload1.exe C:\winstall.exe 7: On the desktop open the smitRem folder, then double click the RunThis.bat file to start the tool. Follow the prompts on screen. Wait for the tool to complete and disk cleanup to finish (this can take a while, but must run to finish). 8: reboot. This should clear it all... set a system restore point if you're happy that everything appears back to normal and reset your internet home page. takes a while but should do the trick, best wishes ..... Wrighty
  22. wrighty496


    its definitely 'scamware' m8. i did a google search on system error 384 and got loads of stuff back on it. good info on removal seems to be here (which includes links and instructions for Smitrem, which i've used before and its very simple and very good) and here, with more here. best wishes ........ wrighty
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