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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. no, if you have nascar heat installed and a mod installed (i.e. bangers) you can install all of the other mods (f1, f2, ssc etc) and they all appear as folders within nascar heat so therefore, one install of nascar heat and u can run as many mods as you want (i think my highest total of installed mods was about 60 but theres well over 100 available now lol)
  2. if you start the game and its crashing, it'll give you an error log notepad document. Please post the contents of that up and we'll try and help. look for a bit between rows of equals signs like below... ====================================================== ERROR WILL BE HERE ======================================================
  3. Happy Birthday m8, hope yr having a great day
  4. might be to do with forum permissions (with that being your first post) m8.....kev149 might be able to advise better
  5. i made some for big ronnie's pug rod m8, not too bad when u get into it but u can lift these for a play if u want theyre in there somewhere, happy hunting 944_pugrod.zip
  6. if you go start>my network places then 'view network connections' i have seen an msn connection thats set sometimes as part of their install....if thats set as a default for msn then it may cut yr connection in an attempt to 'redial' on its own default...might be worth a look
  7. Happy birthday Reb, hope you have a good day m8
  8. Killed... Thanks all Cheers Jarry, good fun (and good NIR praccy) last night
  9. Hiccy Burpday Nick, hope you have a good day
  10. One of Dragons that m8, best ask by PM
  11. i seem to remember there was a problem with the ministox model that meant it was prone to warp in private servers, so it might be worth you testing beforehand
  12. lol get that man to ref darlo vs hartlepool YouTube gets better by the day...... found these too Chad Vader - Episode 3 This one's even sillier - Vader vs the Japanese police
  13. Boddle's excellent site has the original ssc mod available m8, I think Kev Mcqueen's looking after the planned update
  14. The pleasure was all mine Dazza, many thanks again....tonight was the dogs danglies
  15. IP will be posted here to Dazza, hope to see some of you there
  16. wow they're really good tilly, how'd u make them?....
  17. Heat.bin isn't installed into the normal nascar heat folder m8, mine's in C:\Documents and Settings\(username if you use one)\Local Settings\Temp. If you are using a 3rd party (i.e. Norton (i'm not a Norton fan lol), or ZoneAlarm or whatever) add heat.bin into the programs list by browsing for it then ensure it has 2-way access (access the internet AND 'act as server).....this ensures that the ping command is allowed to reach the server you're trying to connect with AND receives the reply. Apologies for the delay in replying, only just seen the thread again.
  18. Happy Birthday Kev, best wishes and many happy returns for the day.
  19. Oddly enough......I spent some time over the weekend trying to assist GazJ and grant set a network up in their house (currently on NTL connection). Originally we'd had problems with the PCs seeing the router and had to do a DNSflush on both machines, which appeared to be due to the the fact that the PCs held the connection IPs for NTL in a cache... the flush cleared that cache out and helped with both machines (Gaz also mentioned that connection to the internet appeared to be responding quicker after this was done). Do the following to DNSflush; open a command prompt (dos window) - if yr on xp go 'start>all programs>accessories>command prompt type in ipconfig /dnsflush (note theres a space before the /) it should say 'done' after a short period (a second or two) and that'll be the cache cleared....then try Jolt again and see if you're getting connection on your own name or a 11-7, 11-8 or whatever 'copy' (in any event, the DNSflush shouldn't harm anything....we found it on an NTL help forum looking for DNS addresses and it was mentioned as part of the 'things you'll need to do anyway' kinda stuff). Is it a single machine or a home network? is your NTL a cable connection or just ADSL? let us know please, best wishes ....... Wrighty
  20. glad yr sorted......was this the car?
  21. all of the templates for the cars in BH2005 are available arent they?
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