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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. Also, if the sheet has macros for calculating things, make sure macros are enabled when you open the spreadsheet m8
  2. I've been with Pipex since 2003 m8....not the best prices or the super-duperest speeds but i've had about 3 outages in 3 years and 2 of them were my local exchange going bang.
  3. Haha up ye. can i link this post to Wikipedia under the 'small world' definition? cars look excellent (except they're for 'rich kids'......'needed £400 quid on it' omg :S if i bought a real car that needed 400 sovs on it i'd be thinking twice . Lads, Allan must be loaded lol, i could always tell the clothes he wore to cowdie had never been thru a washer......mine's a double vodka chap )
  4. It doesnt works, sorry. Can you make a PS file of it?
  5. All the best m8, hope you have a great day
  6. check to see whether you have windows or your anti-virus set to auto-update, it may have been downloading or installing something automatically
  7. i suppose if there's a missing file in the registry the pc'll be looking for it, hence the startup may appear slower but tbh i'm not a registry expert......someone call Dino
  8. couldn't agree more on the suggestions made here......i seemed to spend ages with the rods templates getting the transition across the panels right, but (i hope) it is worth the effort. Usually, because the shading was lightened to stop it discolouring the paint underneath, i ended up with the joining edges shading as full white (which of course disappears once you change the layer type from normal to multiplier) or the other way was to use the eraser on 0 hardness and about 10-15% opacity and just rub away the joint edge so you get a smoother transition from the erased area back onto the shading for the panel. Re: merging btw, again, couldn't agree more.....wherever i have a decal that crosses two panels (bonnet to side, side to rear or whatever) i use 2 copies of the decal on different layers, and keep as much of each copy of the decal as i can....that way, you can move one or the other to suit a good join across the seam. Love your work btw Mighty, awesome stuff
  9. i think he still posts fairly regularly on the modsquad and texasspeedracing forums both are linked from score (www.score.does.it) - sorry i can't hotlink from the works pc
  10. hi m8, After you've done the cd install, start the game and go to practice and do a couple of laps.....this helps the game finalise the install. Then come out of the game, install your no-cd patch and the 1.72e patch, try it again, then install your mods. I think the problems you've had were by running the disc install but not trying the game.
  11. in the end, is it a bad thing that hobbyists get to use old versions of software without paying megabucks?
  12. Many congratulations to you both and best wishes for the future have fun
  13. hi, if you have a firewall installed on your pc, you may need to allow a file called heat.bin to access the internet. Do a search on your pc for heat.bin, then (if you're firewall does this) allow access to and from the internet for it. The server sends a 'ping' to your pc, the firewall may be blocking it, hence the game freezes good luck
  14. Happy birthday m8, hope you have a great day
  15. sounds like the rrevo from the rods parts.res, i'll post it tonight cheers wrighty i tryed adding the wheel from the hotrods by putting the res file in the f2 drivers doc but when i try to load f2,s it shuts down .obviously it not right somewhere,any help appreciated m8. ah right sry, I thought you wanted a tga for rendering.... pm the error log you get please, there are other files apart from the wheels in the part.res so i'll see if the error log shows what it's missing.....i wouldn't recommend dropping the part.res into your ukdirtf2 mod btw, you'll probably start cheat messages off in the server..... try it in the f2 heat mod plz
  16. sounds like the rrevo from the rods parts.res, i'll post it tonight
  17. I remembered seeing this in my processes list and sure enough it was still there.....i had a look on google and there is a lot of debate about this file.....apparently, if it's in your windows/system32 folder, it's part of microsoft office (to do with enhanced language, see here) but if it's in any other folder APART FROM Windows/system32 apparently it probably is a virus, so search your system to see where it is before you bin it....it may impact on functions in IE7 or Microsoft office if you delete the 'legit' one.
  18. did you do the 'locate nheat' feature on it? u have to help it find the run folder....check the first menu and theres a 'locate nheat' option - select that then click thru to find your run folder and double-click on it, ok that, select a mod in the mod list then select 'launch game' or whatever it is. let me know if it still crashes plz
  19. it might not need to be that drastic m8, make sure u clean out internet histories, temp files, recent files etc....do a defrag and a good spyware/adware etc scan too.....oh and there's nowt to beat a defrag lol if the problem only started since you started playing fifa, is that an online thing? is that hoarding files or IP connection records or something that may be clogging u up?
  20. Careful MC... That sort of thing can get you in trouble !!!
  21. wrighty496

    Help Please

    i just had a quick look and there's no 'file manager' as such i don't think? If you go to UK Dirt, do you get the slide-out menu on the left-hand side? if so, click downloads then pick any formula.....if you select a file to download you get a pop-up window to continue to the download you've chosen, so check you aren't blocking the popup with your browser m8..... let us know if you get it sorted plz
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