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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. lol Albz, whenever we watch England 'play' football (I say play because they certainly weren't doing it for real ) I think of you The bit that made me laugh last night was the typical incessant rubbish spouted by the commentators.....it was when Motty (?) said after Beckham's cross for Crouch's goal in near-ecstatic tones 'and thats why the Manager brought Beckham back!!!' ... IT WAS THE MANAGER WHO DROPPED HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?!?! 'it'smy team', 'i won't bow down to our 'biggest' stars' etc etc etbloodyc Special mentions should also go to the FA and McClueless for playing a friendly 5 days before a qualifier and watching one of our preferred strikers limp off AGAIN, and of course the FA's fabulous stream of great ideas for the new Wembley.......should we have a roof on so the pitch stays right, seeing as our players all play on billiard-table-style surfaces every week?.......no, let's put a big arch over it instead so 'its iconic'.....how about we make sure the pitch gets enough breeze across it so it can grow and breathe properly......no, with high stands all four sides the pitch has to be re-turfed and never knits together, but the stadium'll be 'our fortress'....should we make sure the pitch stays in the best condition we can offer so we can play football on it?......nah, the NFL want to pay us a huge wodge of cash to play on the pitch to 'further their brand' so we'll take the money.... Am I the only person who think that the FA is too busy watching the balance sheet to remember that Wembley is supposed to be THE HOME OF OUR NATIONAL TEAM!!!!! Home internationals? During the summer when we could do with all of the England squad getting a proper break for a change? Oh, we'll have a new manager in place by then and it'll bring a load more cash into the FA's coffers off the gate receipts.... Rubbish from beginning to end....no not the match, McClaren and Barwick's entire tenure
  2. Certainly aint much chance of that happening whatsoever BM!! Kevs top class preparation usually means the cars brakes bind on,forcing him to be pushed from victory lane into the pits where he doesnt check the car and only finds out the brakes have stuck on when he gets into it again to come out on track for the final!! harsh mek I had a look through the planning application links that Kev posted up earlier in the thread and it looks like a good solid plan to me ..... as mentioned, it doesn't sound like the proposed owners/promoters have experience in this field (no pun intended ) but often that can be a good thing, if they're listening to ideas and suggestions as well as developing the 'day-to-day' business. I realise this isn't a universally popular opinion, but (@ Walker) I still think Cowdie is one of the top 3 tracks in the UK for racing, and it'll be a sad loss to see it finally drop off the map.....to lose Knockhill so suddenly as well is a real blow to the racing base north of the border, so I think all short-oval fans will (should?) embrace the Gelly initiative and support it to the full......it has all of the ingredients (location, location and location haha..... location, possibility of good access, a decent layout, decent income potential through the week on the site as well as the potential for good local 'links' in terms of cross-trade and support). finally, re: BM07's 'wall rather than armco', I think we might have to be happy with what's on offer....... as good as a concrete wall can be, it's bloody expensive to put up and maintain i'm sure, and the raw materials for construction are subject to a fairly long-term price squeeze at the mo, with the rapid industrialisation of some parts of the world......armco is cheap, cheerful and very strong by comparison (especially if it's backed up with a good strong plate fence behind) and is easy to maintain between meetings.....me? I'd let 'the wall' retire with the 'wall and on with the new yours, wishing Teesside had happened too ....... Wrighty
  3. mister Mek are we to assume the Burgoyne pic was during the practice session? pity he didn't save his laps for later on eh
  4. i'd try Acens for them both italic for the 2nd pic then compress as a vector
  5. oooooooo wow nice stuff the wheel's just ugh oh scores in the discs too ....
  6. indeed, and cracking fun it is too......between 7 and 10 drivers involved atm (i havent done the last 2 meets due to crap ISP issues), good clean racing, well organised....top-drawer online racing
  7. i needed more unlocks too, contacted trymedia and got an e-mail back next day. As Jeff mentions, they're based on the west coast of the US which is currently 9 hours behind. Plz be patient Paul, they'll be to you as soon as they can I'm sure (bear in mind also how many code requests they'll be getting at the moment with the 1255 upgrade).....one thing to bear in mind, when you get your new code from them, forward the e-mail to a hotmail account where it'll be backed up for future reference (as opposed to your normal outlook express-based mail, which probably gets wiped whenever you reformat).
  8. yes m8 get 0.1 first and try it is always a safe bet, then get 0.2 and follow the instructions
  9. at a guess go to your control panel and calibrate the controller there, just in case.... when you say 'but when i get in game (on track) it takes around 7 seconds before i can start moving and when turning its the same' do u mean the steering responds 7 seconds after u press or it takes 7 seconds from seeing the car on track before it moves?
  10. hmmmph i've had the same problem with Pipex for around a month....according to some trace software i'm using, some of their servers seem to drop out and reappear about every 15 seconds, so the trace server is showing lost packets of info on the test.....depending on which server it is the dropped % can be anywhere between 10 and 40% loss :@ - i've mailed and called them on several occasions and i'm getting nowhere with them, havent had a clean nights racing in at least a month and they're really peeing me off now. The last mail i received off them was their standard 'why we network manage our users' spiel and they havent offered any solutions thus far. pish, just pish :banghead: oh ps, on the trace it appears that most of our north to south connections go via mainland europe (probably for cheaper line rental than using BT lines) .......... doesnt help.
  11. yeah any of those, click direct link and you should get the save box pop up
  12. click file>save as, add the .cfg to the end of the file name and set file type to 'all files' then save
  13. long time no see Hair, hope you're well I realise you're sorted with this, but just as a reminder you're right what you say about it not finding the mktex tool........with a copy of mktex in the same folder as the tga, i used to copy the file path from the window bar at the top, then open the dos window then do CD: and paste in the folder location (to change the current directory in the dos window), then do mktex etc etc...... nice to see you about, cya around chap
  14. just done a quick search and 9 times out of 10 it's either program compatability mode (check its set to windows 2000) or you're running a dual core processor (needs to be set to work on 1 core only) also, check (if you've reinstalled heat after a format) that you've patched to 1.72e Let us know what works (if any) plz
  15. read http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=25779 for info on creating your own ghostcar laps
  16. close, it's the crest at Cadwell Park unbelievable action when BSB raced there earlier in the year - nice pic allstar
  17. well it took some finding but........ a chap called X-Ter posted the following quick tutorial in creating AI laps for heat mods..... 'Typically you would make your own ghostcar file by running a few clean laps on the track. The best lap will always be saved as a "trackname_difficulty_best_ever.gcf" (Atlanta_Simulation_best_ever.gcf). Copy this from the ghostcar folder to the main mod folder and rename it to trackname.gcf (atlanta.gcf) and voila, you have a new AI. ' (refer to This link for the full thread). What mod's it for? I know I had a load of trouble trying to make a decent AI lap for Arena for the rods, which mod are you using? Let me know if u manage ok, cheers in advance .... Wrighty
  18. it all looks good for 1-3 m8, but I think you've got the car skinpacks but not the cars....between 3 and 4 install the banger mod file, then the 1.1 update, then the 2007 update from UK Dirt Banger section, THEN download and install the skinpacks...... if you're looking for 'names' then you'll need banger heat, look for links on here for those files.... so: 1: install essentials, 2: install 1.72e patch 3: install ukdirt banger mod and updates 4: download and install skinpacks and/or banger heat 5: go to BHCM to choose skinpack for game then launch game as normal.... IF you get a UI error like; ========================================================== () Panic: Can't load resource set "ui.res" ========================================================== get this ui.res from Texas speed racing then put that UI.res in your 'run' folder in nascar heat (C:/program files/hasbro interactive/nascar heat/run) and then re-install the bangers (points 3 then 4) best wishes, post with how it goes (or doesnt go) plz
  19. Skin looks excellent Mr. Beef there's a couple of things you can tweak.......firstly, as you'll see the painted areas on the wing are very slightly shy of the panel edge, hence the black lines on the joints, so add a little more white on the template (basically extend the white by 3 or 4 pixels each way) and you'll get rid of the black join lines when you convert it......also i'd do the roof panel (above the drivers head) as chassis colour rather than 'roof colour', thats more than adequately represented by the wing colour. Other than those, I wouldn't change a thing, lovely job
  20. Avram Grant confirmed as new manager, Steve Clarke assistant Bye Jose
  21. k my bad, sorry.......pity the rest of the post wasn't as inaccurate eh its hardly even close as you werent in the meeting yourself, going on third party storys hardly makes it accurate oh yes, it's all complete lies and fabrications, i'll get my coat. Maybe you should read my post back through again and see how much of it was about last nights test meeting.
  22. k my bad, sorry.......pity the rest of the post wasn't as inaccurate eh
  23. I was shockened and saddened to read this too, Kruiz. I've only done a couple of the test meetings but I noticed this a couple of weeks ago that already people were getting dug into newbies ribs about not being perfect.....it's laughable, it's a brand new mod for a new game, everybody starts from 0 in terms of experience and yet, less than 2 months after the mods release, we get this. I'm not speaking on behalf of the mod creators here, nor do I intend to (ever), but i'm sure i'm not alone in saying that this is the LAST type of behaviour anyone would expect, never mind encourage. Test meetings are exactly that....tests, opportunities for people new to rFactor and the stock cars mod to get a taste for the online racing......i've hosted test servers since the mod was released and (with one exception who frankly had it coming) havent booted anyone, havent flamed anyone and i've tried to offer setups and advice for anyone needed....i'll be serving again this week Matty, and you're welcome in. The kind of behavior you've seen tonight should not be considered representative of what you'll always get, but is representative at an all-too-familiar scene that we've all witnessed (Hutch's 'why is he using my skin!?!?!' post last week was just as laughable) and hopefully we'll not see this again anytime soon......people seem to forget that the server isn't subscribers, or 'Jolt' or indeed 'UK Dirt' its free for testing. These meetings are being conducted to promote feedback to help the mod improve, and this kind of unnecessary flaming inhibits this process and is NOT WELCOME AT ALL!! [/rant] yours, Narked of Aycliffe
  24. ok, firstly i'm not a Norton user so i'm afraid I can't offer you a 'walk-through' fix........check through the Norton firewall to see if it has a section for program settings (where you can set how each program you have accesses the internet) - if Norton has this, you may need to allow nascar heat specific access, and this will probably be 2-way access, so your game receives the incoming ping. When I used to use ZoneAlarm, allowing was down to finding the specific component (in this case heat.bin) and allowing it 2-way access. Heat.bin is hard to find, so do a search for it then use the found path to allow in Norton. ish hope you sort it, let us know please ...... Wrighty
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