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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. Hi, I assume by red driver screens you mean the windscreen mesh? this came up as an error a couple of years ago when (i think) a new car was released into the game. If you can, please post which cars you're seeing with the red windscreen and we'll try and sort it (i think the new car used a texture as part of the model that conflicted with a car that was already there or something, like I say it was a while ago lol)
  2. Nationals are both days m8 (in fact everything is except the classic hot rods, which are sunday only) - rods National championship race is on the Sunday i think
  3. try it with the cars and tracks (or at least the tracks) installed m8, i think the cube map is part of the model
  4. just out of curiosity m8, did u download and install the 1.250 update?
  5. wd Lol true it's never sunny at Knockhill! i got burned there last year at F1 weekend so yr talking outta yr butt mart
  6. re: the 'white spots' (its a tropical fish disease too y'know lol) - I noticed this at the weekend doing rods skins.......if you save your PSD as a DDS then continue to work on it and save it again as a DDS, the white spots appear (for me anyway, this was in max, not rf, but looked exactly the same). I got round it by basically closing the dds after i'd converted to it from PSD, and re-opening the PSD to continue painting....it seems to be if you save the same file twice as a DDS it corrupts it. hope it helps ps - MoR, is there any plan to set up a number list? given there's people racing RF 1s who aren't UK Dirt members, i'm concerned there'll be skins over-writing skins if the number database isnt 'centralised' and (as an example) you get 5 FWJ fans who all paint '515' skins and then save em as 515.dds or whatever, or is the skinpack intended to be UK Dirt only?
  7. Tosh means trouble, in the context mac mentioned (tosh is the driver of car 874 ) I thought over the kerbs point Marc, but on the whole, given that there's marker tyres inside the kerb and then the pitlane, the higher kerbs still work just in case anyone gets a pit penalty for jumping the start that they can then 'adhere to' by dipping a wheel over the kerb in the right place - on the whole i'd say from an online game point-of-view the higher kerb has more advantages than disadvantages
  8. 37 booked as of Saturday on the nhr homepage i'll cya there m8
  9. oh that'll be the 'none-eliteness' of the chassis at a guess...........
  10. no thats not a problem m8. When you select 'save as' and then change it to a TGA, you'll see an options button highlight. Go in there to set it to an uncompressed 24bit and then ok it as pazza says, then use mktex to convert it, should be fine
  11. you can get CPUZ from this link trav. I've just tried it.....download that then unzip to a new folder, then go to it and run the cpuz application. It gives you 6 tabs of different data for scrapman to see all of your system hardware info (nothing secret, just ram sizes, chip rates etc....i was baffled , might post my own up lol) glad to see you got RF too, enjoy
  12. you're only allowed to race online with cars that you 'own' so buy a car for each surface in the offline section ('customize - car selection') ........ any cars you've bought are listed for use in the online section. To confirm, go to the customize-car selection bt and click the 'show owned' button underneath the car lists
  13. I just wanted to add a couple of small notes to moR's excellent tutorial, if I may...... re: DDS conversion - make sure on the Nvidia dialogue box that 'generate mip maps' is set to 6 re: naming cars, because the chassis have different names for tar and shale, i think you can use the same number (i.e. 496 in my case) for tar and shale cars (i.e. you don't need a different number for your shale car)
  14. cheers m8, i'll try this later
  15. no m8, when you do the 'buy now' you get an activation code, you don't need to remove anything then just add the mods and tracks in as u fancy
  16. I haven't had the problem with the beta but I have had the problem with sexberium m8, about 3 months ago, something to do with one of the trackside objects missing. I reinstalled the track and all's been fine since (as with all of the rf stuff, delete the track folder then reinstall) as I say, it's been fine since, hope it fixes it for ya
  17. they're on the mod page on rfactorcentral below the installer m8 ps - don't forget to rate the mod if you haven't already...... i voted this morning (all 5s apart from damage and default setup, which i gave 4s to avoid the accusation of bias rofl) and bumped the rating from 361 to 367.....EVERY vote counts F1s FOR THE HALL OF FAME!!
  18. have you added anything recently? i'm concerned as to why it's seeing that Hercules MP3 thingy there as a controller......
  19. he may be schizophrenic (but i'm in two minds about that ) wb btw mart, how was pizza-land?
  20. i managed to console myself with the idea that as soon as it got dark and the lights came on it must've got a layer of dew on the track either that or i've got the setup back-to-front (or side-to-side, depending on your point of view lol) i'm gonna have a go at putting a shale server up tonight, more news as we get it (probs about 9ish ) hell of a night tho, gratz again to the mod team :appl:
  21. try these, full left brake add the folders into your userdata/<name>/settings folder then post up once you've sussed where i'm going wrong please Ipswich.zip Sexbierum.zip
  22. willdo.....anyone who i see in a server in the meantime i'll share over
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