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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. All the best, hope you have a gr8 day
  2. Best bet m8 is the 1.6 Mod launcher, Direct Download Here courtesy of Modsquad - its by 'the mask', a legend in his own lunchtime lol, nah he's very good with these heat tools.....the launcher features custom track lists by mod, unlimited number of mods, patch swappers, direct connect (goes straight to your IP address without going thru the first pages in the game etc), the lot.....brilliant stuff. its the dogs chap, only the very best for you sweetie
  3. lol dead easy....my dad raced as 694 in F2s and 496 in F1s in the late 70s/early 80s.......no contest really
  4. I'd advise a router if you don't have one already....we use 2 pc's here and internet connection sharing (the connection to one machine, the 2nd machine connected through the first....imagine the connection setup is an L shape with the internet at the top, then the first machine at the middle and the 2nd machine at the other end) had problems .....the first being that both machines need to be on if pc 2 wants to connect to the internet lol. Buy a router.....you'll save the price (between £60ish to £100ish) in electric in a year and the setups relatively easy...isn't it GazJ....DaveW..... cheers
  5. if you're using psp7, one option is to create the text (using the text button .....looks like a capital A), check its selected in the top dropdown as floating selection (so when u apply the text u type it has the dotted line surrounding), then when u unselect it use the warp brush (its one of the options in the paintbrush). Warp brush allows you to 'warp' (i.e bend or deform) any detail, so ensure the text is on a new layer then have a play with the warp brush to deform it into a curve shape. Both of the attached examples were done with warp brush, its a handy tool have fun......Wrighty [attachmentid=10611] [attachmentid=10612]
  6. i realise i ain't Nick (lol) but as a suggestion, why not save one of the cars models under a new name? that way you'll be able to apply different materials to the cars......
  7. Happy Birthday chap, hope you have a great day
  8. 33? u sure? or is that your shoe size in centimetres? have a great day m8 all the best
  9. thats the TITS!!!!! (i prefer the 8-spoke wellers too ) gr8 skin m8 wd
  10. if you have 5 mins to do a cutting-out job, here u are m8 [attachmentid=10283]
  11. its the connection, not the pc quality m8....wireless still has a 'bad press' for racing online, coz with 20-odd cars in the server (as there was tonight), any interruption in your connection will cause warp (the jumping cars, ghosted cars, heavy cars etc that were all mentioned tonight). sorry m8, wireless isnt (usually) good news for Heat online
  12. same thing m8, theres a lasoo tool in psp but (in 9 anyway) its an option in the rectangle select button ....any button with a wee triangle in the bottom corner has a fly-out menu with extra options. when u get the lasoo tool up, look for the tool options bar and select point-to-point so u can click-click-click round, rather than having to use freehand check you have the layers list open to view (view>toolbars>layer pallette) so u can select the layer yr working in....offer the cursor over the layer name in the list and you should get a little popup window view of whats on that layer
  13. don't suppose there's any straight tigra's parked down your street is there m8?
  14. Happy Birthday Scrapman, hope you have a great day
  15. where there's blame, there's a claim m8
  16. I think thats to keep the wires parting and allowing cars through up to their rollcage (and beyond probably <gulp>) track looks excellent Nick
  17. Thirded...but tbh i was a little disappointed to see that the hard work from 'the team' didnt get them a namecheck..... Well done and best wishes to Grasser, Sam, Hooty, NickM, Jeff (FreeW67) and Jimbob along with Madcowie of course, for all of their hard work in getting the Rfactor development to this stage so quickly. Congrats lads great e-zine (is it an e-zine?) tho, i'll be back for next months deffo
  18. All the best m8, hope you have a great day
  19. erm you've done the easy bit m8 (looks good btw)....the rest of it is done in max....map the texture onto the wheel, create the mod files, then pack it all into the common.res i'm afraid, its a bit of a faff (took me ages to do the rod wheels and some of em need doing again) good luck ....... Wrighty
  20. ooooo yer bugger, thats more than a t-cut job gr8 pic Willie
  21. i'm using heart internet for so-on, the only problem is max file size is 50mb (so kev mcqueens still hosting the big file thankfully until i can fix it) but the capacity, interface and pricing structures are excellent
  22. i daresay (from the replies in this thread) that the majority here aren't interested in 'down wid da kroo, bitch-slappin mofo' blah blah gang-culture crap that tends to dominate hip-hop & r'n'b these days but they've replied to your first post reasonably enough and probably didnt deserve to be slagged off. do i get to call you wigga without causing offence? or just foo?
  23. Happy Birthday chap, have a great day all the best ...... Wrighty
  24. Theatre sounds about right m8, you always were a bit of a drama queen..... re: Hedno, I went for the first time earlier this year, cracking track. The only thing i'd mention (if you're driving) is that the signage isnt bad until you get close....there's a turn-off in the middle of a housing estate to get to the track that isnt signed and I missed it the first time lol (had to double back and follow a car on a trailer to find the track)....can't remember what it was signed for...the school perhaps? the track's about 3/4 of a mile after there (right at the top of that hill). have a good day .......... Wrighty
  25. save it as a jpeg and upload m8, it'll still work in paint progs as a TGA does (i.e. single layer)
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