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Everything posted by wrighty496

  1. he's on a forum 'holiday' atm (aka a ban lol), i'll let him know you've posted Splinter.
  2. Happy Birthday Binny, hope you have a gr8 day m8
  3. seems odd its looking for 'Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\' rather than the run folder (usually the default folder the tracks install to, esp the clockwise banger tracks) - was the Nascar Heat install the NHessentials or a copy cd? looks like there's bits missing from the original install tbh
  4. you could try HijackThis - a free program from Merijn (i think) software (you need to do a google search m8, i'm at work atm, this browser doesn't do the links etc properly). When you run it, it gives you a report of all running applications in a notepad 'log' which you can then post on Merijn's forum for advice on stopping/killing/deleting programs and processes you don't need - they're good too, and usually quick to respond. best wishes with it, it works for me ...... Wrighty
  5. Congratulations Andy, best wishes to mother and baby
  6. Many congratulations Magpye, hope Tam's recovering and the bairns are both ok
  7. one way to do it is....... set the flames in their own layer, then copy the text and paste as floating selection in a new layer over the flames as you want to clip out, then switch to the flame layer and edit>copy. This takes the selected area around the text (the dotted line), then copies that selection from the flame layer (coz u made that current by switching to it). You can now paste the text-shaped flame-cut-from thingy as a new selection. ish. if you get me thats about how i did this ...... best wishes, good luck - attached was a similar technique
  8. here's the one from my install attached, drop the file into your 'run' folder in Nascar Heat options.zip
  9. I'll take my shovel cos if you're coming one way and Martdaftie is coming the other then the only way out is downwards..... roflmfao
  10. Sorry to hear that but thanks for the warning........... lmao shullbitter u love the attention
  11. and get the first patch here lol, i missed one out zipfile containing 904 skin is attached. NationalHeatV2.01patch.zip
  12. Happy birthday Willie, hope you had a great day
  13. doh, can't edit me posts any more GET THE MOD UPDATE HERE Please remember that the original mod should be installed before the update GET THE ORIGINAL MOD HERE Many, many thanks again to Kev McQueen for hosting the update file
  14. All the best Fozz, have a great day
  15. lovely stuff Si as always (although the download died a death here with abominable 2k transfer rate, i'll try again later). I can remember watching 'the car racing' (i was only 7 or 8 if that) with my dad and he's pointing at the screen shouting while Gerry Marshall's absolutely chucking a DTV vauxhall about (i think it was actually Baby bertha but this is 30ish years ago lol).....anyone who liked racing liked watching Gerry Marshall the first link is a decent technical description of the car (but any article about a racing car that labels it 'ferocious' gives you an idea of how it behaved....) but the second really struck me, one man's story about the Great Man. best wishes Si, you made me do it Check out those stats The other one
  16. All the very best m8, hope you have a great day :)
  17. Happy birthday both of you hope it got warmer and drier tugs lol
  18. all the best for the day m8, hope you've had a good un
  19. 10 points to Krusty here's the car (a celica supra apparently) in all its 'glory' (ahem, i was never a rice-freak)
  20. Is that all you're gonna give her??? aye play yr cards right m8 and u might get yr knee scratched
  21. .....which puts you on an equal footing with about 90% of us - welcome to UK Dirt i'd still recommend you take the plunge tbh, there's lots of people, guides, setups and general assistance buried about the forum and various 'fan' sites so don't feel you won't make progress, i'm sure you will all the best .......... Wrighty ps: it can be immensely good fun too
  22. if you can bear to wait until tonight i've got them (with others) on the pc at home, i'll mail em over.....
  23. only 99 m8? i'm surprised lol - all the best, hope u have a great day :appl:
  24. All the best lads, hope you both have a great day :appl:
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