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Everything posted by Nezza46

  1. thanks for the meeting trav..i thought it was well run mate. wd to Lee - in my books anyone who wins a title race has got to be given credit as none of them are easy races must admit that i thought you turned up for quite a lot of the meetings this year? and also didnt realise you were this disliked lol never had a problem with you myself mate. look forwars to seeing the gold roof . just leaves me with one thing left to say .........GREEN ARMY!!!!
  2. no probs dumbstick not a good night for me at all...couldnt get the line right at all and was about a second a lap off the pace for some reason. Thanks to drumb and aub who gave me a set up, which did make me better but I was still so far off the pace that I decided to load up after ht 3 and get the ferry back home never to return. not sure why i couldnt get it right as i did put a lot of practise laps in during the week, but to be honest I have struggled with setting the car up and results since the car physics were changed...annoyingly for me everyone else has adapted ok though d'oh. oh well will keep practising and hopefully it will click better soon. wd to Robin on the win and thanks to the rm's on the night.
  3. have a good one son (just remembered i must put it in the post soon)
  4. anyone got a reasonable laptime for next weeks track yet by the way?
  5. cheers tom well run mate. racing was really good tonight i thought had a cracking heat 2 with wrighty who did me last bend for 8th place. was good stuff. the final i collected a spun on the bend aub and that put paid to any points there lol. looking forward to going back to blue soon lol coz i am seriously not good enough yet to go from red. I know i am 8th in the points which is instant red but i wish some graders disgretion would be put in place in future because i am only there because i turn up each week....still the car looks pretty with a red roof though. looking forward to next week at a new track for a lot of us. any one know what is an ok lap time round there for us to aim at?
  6. I was there yesterday and it was a very boring night all round imo..racing was very roundy roundy as the track was very dry and dusty. wf, smithy simply drove off and no one touched him at all. Headbanger, I'm not sure harrison is ever going to win the gold with the mentality of getting into an early bumper battle for 2nd and 3rd knowing full well that andy smith will just drive off into the sunset with the pace he has to be honest. it was an easy win for smithy.
  7. echoing the thoughts above really....I thought the racing was poor last night as well and seemed to spend most of the night trying to dodge accidents/incidents ( and failing miserably lol ) I think a lot of it was down to this track not being given enough respect to be honest. It proved a difficult track to race as the bends are very skiddy and it is very easy to spin yourself out by putting too much power down to early on. couple this with the tyres and you definately have a tough racing venue. I think this track has the potential to be one of the best tracks that rfactor f2 has to offer, but it showed last night that if you turn up a dont put the time or thought into racing it, then it quickly turns into a quarter mile of carnage. loking forward to next week and hopefully back to better racing. Thanks for running it last night by the way Drumb, thought it ran very smoothly. Nez
  8. are we using the updated version of the track that is on madcowies site? as i have just been kicked from the server with a message about shale.hdv mismatch?
  9. happy birthday stav - (bet I have more bbq's than you this week lol)
  10. happy birthday gents - have a good one
  11. happy birthday Johno sir. have a good one
  12. lol...you got the slim bit right
  13. well im the opposite to you wrighty lol...YEEEEAAA!!! always horrible to lose the red roof, but I just aint ready for it yet. looking forward to starting from blue tbh
  14. ok guys, cheers ...I will get rid of the real feel and try that out ffb set as walkers is I take it? i.e. 100% and full?
  15. thanks walker, thats just what i wanted I have mine set up the same already so at least thats ok. must just be me lol getting used to force feedback. do you have real feel on btw walker? as I do.
  16. hi guys, just after a bit of help please from anyone who is running a microsoft sidewinder steering wheel on rfactor. Having come from a saitek r220 with no force feedback I am having a bit of a transition to using force feedback now which is much better. I have been using the sidewinder for three weeks now with the same settings as I had on the saitek, but finding I am being spun a bit too easy, and on the saitek I could generally hold the hit a bit better. Perhaps it is just the transitional change, but I did want to check that I have the wheel settings correct for it. I have real feel plug in btw. Could someone take a screenshot of there sidewinder settings or post the values up please so I can make sure I have it configured correctly? also what is the best forcefeedback settings in game to use with real feel for this wheel ? much appreciated, Nezza
  17. "Aye thet be my fault all the other tracks the lights are on at 10 but not a sexibum jeff was telling me what the problem was it needs to be set later and i got it wrong theres a shock lol but on the other hand i didnt restart it cause i didnt think it was that dark" must be the time difference eh aub? lol being abroad and all that
  18. had a good nights racing again here wd tosh on the final win I also felt the physics change was good and the contact seemed better to me...got a big ish it from I think walker in one race and seemed able to hold it better rather than spinning out, but maybe my experience is growing as well. the only thing I didnt like to much was the lack of lights, as towards the end of the night the racing got a bit dark and i was struggling to see the track properly in places, but it didnt spoil the night anyway. was there a problem with the floodlights on the night? Also I have just ordered a microsoft sidewinder wheel so I can experience it with some feeling for a change as my current wheel has none. can someone you is using one of these let me know what settings they have for it please? thanks, Nez
  19. what pc specs are you running mate? I am surprised any dual core processor based pc wont run heat to be honest. i would be more concerned at the 'bottleneck' results tbh....what graphics card you running ?
  20. great meeting again second meeting from red for me and definately tougher from back there - first heat I started poorly but pulled it back to about 7th and having a cracking race with Lee 531, then two laps to go and looking good for about 8th place we tangled a bit and i hit a flippin tyre lol. second heat went really well and was well chuffed with getting 5th. the final was manic to say the least but good stuff with all the carnage of a real life race i thought - and visually more realistic under the floodlights. I hit a few accidents in the final, but got back up to about 13th or so...had a cracking race with mav and finally got past him and away. was laughing a lot on the last bend as just as i went to stick one on leech for 10th place and glory, the earlier pileups took there tole on the car and it caught fire and died, leaving me a dnf with engine failure and smoke pouring out the bonnet (must admit i had thought just prior to this that the car was handling badly lol) Gn went well again and chuffed with 6th - good last bender from tomd on me to secure 4th, and mike bundled past me while i was recovering from the hit - good racing lads p.s. Mav (and any other novices starting to race these) - dont give up just yet as i know how you are feeling at the moment - I nearly gave these up after the first grading period as I was continually getting spun out everytime i was getting hit - bloody frustrating game but once you get the hang of it you will see the difference mate. look at my early forum post for help and you will see the problems I had which quickly got resolved with help from the guys here and grasser. just setting the steering wheel up properly makes a massive difference. there is also a knack to hitting properly and if you get it wrong you spin the car out - if you noticed in the races we had mav I didnt dive in with the hits as I am still learning how to do it well as I dont want to take anyone out by getting it wrong - keep perservering and it will come - my standard has gone up a lot since I started (I think lol)
  21. i am on the saitekr220 as spike says - however, this wheel does not have any ffb tho pluko - so dont buy it if you want it.
  22. thanks for running tonight guys....really enjoyed it and every week i enjoy it more well first week from red...definately a tad harder lol - my first heat was a bit nerve racking but was pleased with 9th to be honest. - heat 2 i relaxed a lot more and drove a really good 6th which i was well chuffed with. final didnt go my way though and hit a crash and spun out but happy to get back up to 12th - wd Lee on the win by the way. Gn was a good race with 20 cars all in - got off to a shaky start with the stringer brothers sending me on a snakey first lap after a bit of early contact - (think this sent dave over a tyre lol) then got away a bit and was going well. - then aubrey struck the back wheel going into a bend and spun us both lol went well to get up to 10th but was too late by that time and the lap handicap taker Lee was on me with a great last bend to stick me out of the points. good stuff Lee roll on next week at the lynn. also good to see some new faces in daveybird, ciderman and mav - I thought you were all going well tonight especially for your first or second meetings - stick at it lads.
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