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Everything posted by Nezza46

  1. after much nagging from kendo,pry and tosh here it is... if youve got a spare 150 quid burning a hole in your wallet then spend it on this. its held at nir and is well worth it and extremely well organised. its a whole day out of racing experience for those that have never tried it but always wanted to. only downside is its non contact (booo lol ) and the f2's are only 1.6 rather than 2 litres but they feel pretty quick when your in them. you get a few warm up laps followed by 2 heats each. then you move on to 3 other challenges, a thrash round a part tarmac,part gravel, part concrete track made up in the car park in a race prepared sierra or capri banger, very slidy and back endy lol with your fastest 3 laps recorded. the fastest driver of the day gets a trophy. then its your fastest 3 laps in a robin reliant, yes robin reliant banger lol...the most unstable car in the world lol followed by the nag drag which involves you being blindfold while driving a metro round a course with a co pilot to tell you where to steer. the afternoon is back to the f2's for the finals. your results from your hts decide which final you go in as they try to keep similar standard drivers together for fairness. click the link below to watch my final win...ave it...and you even get a lap on the victory wagon to show your trophy off to the deafening applause from the crowd (im in the white 66 car) nezzas final heres a few photos of the day as well [attachmentid=19784] kendo lands a hit on my bumper in the heats and gets told off by the steward lmao [attachmentid=19785] nezza gets the robin on 2 wheels [attachmentid=19786] kendo gets the back end out in the sierra [attachmentid=19787] cue the dellboy comments.. [attachmentid=19788] nezza and kendo
  2. have a good one stafford m8 binny did you buy him a hammer for his birthday to straighten that aerofoil with?
  3. was a cracking wf i thought. very close at the start with bumpers going in everywhere. 515 hit 390 into 391 which resulted in andy hitting a parked car. cracking drive for him to get back to 3rd. 16 started to get away with 390 in pursuit with 515 getting caught up in a superb few laps with 107. 515 eventually got away from robbo and started catching 390 and 16. i think 390 was sitting behind 16 lining him up for the end until he saw 515 catching then made his move on 16 with a big hit sending him wide. frankie went for the last bend on stu but couldnt get enough on him and 390 took the win. wd stu smith frankie looked super fast, newsome and robbo were both flying as well
  4. happy birthday parky. bet your hangover is huge tomorrow after the sesh im sure you will be having at nir p.s. did stu take number one? lol
  5. have a good one bully, dont drink to many magners tonight lol only 35? did you lie on your ukdirt application? thought you were older......
  6. not sure what kendo is doing up this poor girls back tho.... [attachmentid=19030]
  7. pffft....prydie was quicker than that in his ministock.....
  8. yes its the chase view from behind the car.
  9. ok guys, went over kendo's last night to play rfactor for the first time and these are my thoughts. before i go any further i am not trying to wind anyone up or start an argument as i know a lot of hard work has gone into this. however, after playing this mod last night i couldnt find any enjoyment out of it and i found myself having to walk away a few times to have a fag before coming back lol. i personally think its just that little bit too hard to drive tbh. i appreciate they are 600 bhp etc. but this is not how i imagine them to drive in real life. i watch the real f1's and they dont seem to be all over the track and spinning out every 5 laps or so. if anyone reading this has driven a real life one then feel free to post up and tell me this how they are tbf. shale looks good exept it looks a bit like an f1 'hovercraft' going round the way it glides rather than slides and i find the tar driving way to slidy. i also find it unrealistic that when 2 cars hit each other then both cars just spin round which i dont see happening in real life. again post up real life drivers if im wrong. at the end of the day i couldnt drive the cars as they are just not grippy enough for me which took the enjoyment out of the game for me. i personally hope that the grip levels can be increased and contact improved or when this game takes over heat then ukdirt will be at an end for myself. sorry to sound negative but these are my negative opinions on the game. i did find a lot of positives as well like the online side of it, pits etc. so please dont take this as a slagging off of your hard work, but from my point of view (and i wonder how many others) i hope things can be changed to put some enjoyment into it for the people like me who arent quite the hardened gamers like a lot of you are. cheers, nezza
  10. dont know whether anything can be done about it, but when the car rolls over, the camera takes an aweful view from underneath the track and the floor disappears till the car rights itself. other than that the tracks seem pretty spot on.
  11. whats that saying about bad workers blaming their tools..........
  12. Nezza46


    dont mean to teach you to suck eggs lads, but why dont you get in the habit of scanning your files with your virus scanner before opening them, thus saving the hassle of trying to remove a virus from your system lol d'err
  13. is tosh not the one in the front with the head band on then?
  14. is that you behind him in the number 10 shirt hutch?
  15. [attachmentid=17618] mor's looks spot on lmao
  16. have a good one me old wee jock mc poo plop the toilet attendant from glascow
  17. also make sure no one else is using the connection on wireless at the same time as they will take your bandwidth up. also make sure msn messenger isnt running.
  18. ditch the wireless ian. wire it up and i bet your problem is solved.
  19. Nezza46


    is it to remind big al that theres a meeting on a monday night? now the outsimers has kicked in with his birthday
  20. naah they will be welding bumpers on to their shop mobility scooters and fencing the other coffin dodgers into the freezers at tesco's have a great birthday lads. two top quality ukdirters
  21. will it finish a race tho? lol
  22. happy birthday trav all the threes
  23. bet that skin looks odd with braderz prep all broken up on it
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