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Everything posted by Nezza46

  1. get yourself online m8. the racing is much better and more realistic than offline ai cars. you'll get a better challenge all round
  2. i had a similar problem a while ago with it not connecting to the ukdirt chat room. i deleted it and reinstalled and it was fine. hope this helps
  3. have a fantastic new life over there albz. not known you long and never met you but your a top bloke. heres raising a glass to your future m8
  4. i normally have a wee huuuughhhhhieeee after a bottle of scotch as well
  5. one word ...AWESOME revenge and a half
  6. matey, nearly catching me up almost the big 30 have a good one
  7. to both you youngsters, have a good un lads
  8. happy birthday welly m8. hows the hangover this morning?
  9. happy birthday counter have a good un
  10. happy birthday albz soon be fifty have a good un
  11. happy birthday binny bet yer trolleyed already
  12. happy birthday mate dont get too drunk round the bedford town centre innit
  13. have a good one fozzyboy plenty of tonight m8 and a
  14. if anyone wants to meet kendo this will be him after his day at the seaside
  15. what odds does mav get on that one then pry?
  16. hope leek allows it in brisca legends will be good to fence the harrison slayer
  17. this is the best thread yet i cant wait till the awards come round again. i think youll lose your muppet of the year title kidicooter lol and finally, im sure you feel like doing this? right now sash lmao
  18. +10 more (this will be crashers night anyway)
  19. dont know much about these things but did a quick google search and found this spyware strike forum scroll down and there is a removal tool.(it didnt work on this occasion but i think it was due to the fact that he had changed a few registry keys already) good luck and hope its of some help
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