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Everything posted by Nezza46

  1. im with allan on this one. think its a funny picture personally and wonder why you would associate this with child porn when theres nothing provocative about it at all. its not like shes pictured with gary glitter (sorry chops for the reference)
  2. happy birthday parky. see you at klynn if yer going? and theres still no number 1 m8 :beer_mug:
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEee1qoIQHg this was a classic for me. same fixture the following year i remember saying to my m8 'wouldnt it be quality if this were as good as last years game'. it turned out it was and they had exactly the same result as well. its the superb liverpool v newcastle fixture. ( couldnt find the link to the following year tho so if anyone does please post it )
  4. see londons sense of humour is set at 0 then?
  5. dont post the link up then m8 as someone will probably click on it in the end few planks on here that will anyway lol
  6. buy some cotton buds m8.. I SAID BUY SOME COTTON BUDS M8 !!! sorry couldnt resist it lol
  7. is this any good m8? http://www.emachine-upgraders.info/ on the left is a downloads section hopefully one of the boffins on here can tell you which one you need?
  8. like the shale car but im not a fan of the tar car. the big pink 'kisses' need to go (nothing wrong with your painting m8 just dont like the design)
  9. Nezza46


    nice job aub wheres mine m8? still waiting lol
  10. Nezza46


    here yer go Bozz_Number_Set.zip
  11. did the skin converting program not work that i posted up for you peter?
  12. sorry , kev can you connect the download link back up for peter, please.. i think its download=180 and should be a tga to tex converting programme
  13. i think this is worth a read m8. found it with the search facility funnily enough dont how that happened tga to tex converting program
  14. kendo thats the wrong one lol try this one m8 www.ukdvdr.co.uk i have an epson c66 at work and an epson c6600 at home and the cartridges here are 89p each and very reliable company m8
  15. mav and aub's little one (NIR wet tonight and it's actually raining here as well. and im just down the road )
  16. 41 you say?, i didnt think you were a day over 45 have a good one budge
  17. try this lads create a new folder and put these 2 programmes in it. put your tga file in with them and rename it 'car' then double click the tex file and a dos window will open and close. a tex will appear, just rename it carxxx.tex and put it in the game with yer drivers text. ( replace xxx with your number btw lol ) hope this helps as ukdirts method didnt work for me either. tga_to_tex.zip
  18. thanks mike but i figured out how to make the decal from scratch in the end
  19. thanks mike but it doesnt open. says invalid psp??? aaaaargh!! (im on paintshop pro if that helps?) sorry lads think i need it in psp? still trying to learn lol
  20. does any kind skin painter have the liqui molly decal psd they could post up tonight plz?
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