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Everything posted by Nezza46

  1. I used to have aol and changed as they are terrible...now with bt and have no problems here. a lot of it depends on how far away from the exchange you are as well though mart.
  2. i work with daves wife liz and showed her this si - she wet herself at the love tap lol thought it was great
  3. nezza 46 booking in please
  4. wd tugs and rubber - hope you have a fantastic day
  5. really enjoyed this meeting and much prefer these to the f1's - well pleased to win the gn even tho it was from white lol...nearly lost it on the last bend though when the hit came in from 41..was good stockcars. I had cracking races all night with big al we were trading places a bit on a lot of bends till the fast gang came through us and split us up lol. Also thanks to aub or dave (not sure which one) for doing my skin as well.
  6. nezza46 booking in - and can you bosh me up a quick shale car if poss aub please or see if dave will? just numbers like the tar car will do if that is ok?
  7. err is it just me or is that a porn stars banger? ....mr cumshot...lol
  8. nezza46 booking in for tonight please
  9. nezza46 booking in please. did you get my pm the other day by the way aub? lol thanks for the reply.
  10. aub, do we have to put a skin in? or can i race in a blank one that comes with the game? I dont have the time or my paint program anymore, unless someone can knock one up for me if they get time?
  11. does that mean you can legally have it up the..........? happy birthday buddy
  12. nice thrupnies on the bird at the end
  13. cheers for the meeting Johno, first meeting out in these for me. certainly takes a lot of getting used to after coming from a pad on heat using swingman view to using a wheel on bonnet view in these. The meeting pretty much went how i expected for me, as i was fairly off the pace. did a few 13.8's by the end of the night but couldnt do them consistantly, but was happy that i didnt spin out (apart from when i was helped lol) was a real bonus to finish 10th in 3 of my races, as i wasn't really expecting any top 10 finishes at all. I thought generally I had the car under control, but the contact did take me by surprise a few times as I am not used to it yet, resulting in me being sideways on the track in my second heat and causing a bit of a pile up, so apologies to anyone if that ruined your race. The racing itself was a lot more aggressive than i thought for a mod that people have said is a mare for contact, but maybe it felt that way to me as i got hit a lot because i was going to slow lol. (that wasn't a moan btw lol - just an observation from a newbie) all in all I enjoyed the evening, but definately require a lot more practise to go the speed of some of you guys. I seem to recall heat being like that when i first started and remember before i joined the league d/l a wf and watching mike and corny battering each other at coventry. Me and Kendo were in awe at how quick they were going, as we were about a second off their lap times and inconsistant lol. Still, at least i was going better than spike he he thanks again Johno and wd all race winners.
  14. can someone bring the pictures back please as i have just got a saitek r220 wheel and could do with the help setting it up correctly. I assume these pictures wiped with the hack? cheers, nez
  15. thanks guys for all the help blimey i feel like a newbie again with so many 'probably' daft questions lol just need my wheel to turn up now as the pad is making me dizzy going round in circles, and will see you all online soon thanks again, nez
  16. found them in 'my documents' for some reason. just looked at another thread and this seems to be a vista thing?
  17. thanks lads thats great.. ta for the help also i m doing the updates needed and I frequently see ....You will also find in your rFactorUserData"Your Player Name" folder a file called F1Stockcars.cch and F1Stockcars_league.cch. It is highly recommended that you delete these files!!!! ... I do not have a file called nezza46 in this location for some reason ..do i need to activate something first to create this folder?
  18. sounds stupid but do i not need to worry about having the disk in the drive then? it wont cause any problems running online etc?
  19. thanks Walker, but i am not sure what to do with that lol. there seems to be three things in that update, 2 are .exe's but I dont know what they do? do you have any more info on what they are at all? on dvd the game does install onto the harddrive with a desktop icon, but the game will not run without the disk in the disk drive. I am a bit concerned that running with the disk in the drive may use up some of the processor power, and ultimately don't want to cause any warp by having unneccesary things running in the background. any advice on this will be gratefully recieved. cheers, nez
  20. hi guys, thought it was about time I updated into the next century of ukdirt, so just bought rfactor on dvd (version 1.255) rather than download it as it was only 17 quid off amazon. brand new and works fine. got a wheel and pedals on order as well so hopefully be joining you all online soon. Just wondered if there is any way of playing it without the cd being in the cd drive? I have had a search on here, rfactor central and googled it, but have not found anything? so apologies if there is a glaringly obvious one that i have missed lol cheers for any help, nez
  21. why has he done this Aub? has he said?
  22. congratulations to you both btw boy or girl?
  23. hi sam, whenever you access an internet page your computer will save that page so that the next time you visit the same page it will load up quicker - it is important to delete these ever so often (I do mine about once every week or two) as these files begin to clog up your computer and will slow it down. to delete your temporary internet files if you use internet explorer - (not sure if it is the same for Mozilla) left click start - at the top will be internet explorer - right click this - and left click internet properties - a box will open with tabs - on the general tab left click delete in the browsing history section - another box will open - dlete whatever parts you like or simply delete all - hopefully your laptop will speed up a bit.
  24. just finished watching that...awesome tv..they should do more like that. also was it just me or did anyone else fancy davina covered in blood and gagging for a feed? lol
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