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Everything posted by Nezza46

  1. i would race the heat nz if they were on.
  2. happy birthday buddy!!! 25 ? thought you were older..... make sure Mel gives you your birthday bl......err treat maybe if you really lucky hutch might give you a signed copy of his puff picture of you.
  3. I will be joining kendo in the car for the long slog up ....by the way...did trav mention he is only 20 mins away ken?
  4. bit concerned at the 'big fella's @ club oasis' lol...something your not telling us m8?
  5. f2's have been running a few meets with 7:30 starts and turn outs have been big everytime, so i cant see the problem personally. times are fine by me admin
  6. click here to see a complete headcase!!! kid under a train....CUCKOO CUCKOO
  7. neil pruden = NEILDO nezza pruden actually comes out as.......NEZZA nezza46 46 =NEZZITO nezza 46 comes out as INHO.....which is definately my favourite place to be lol
  8. someone best tell nath that numbers need to be black and white lol as thats three cars he's done on this thread with wrong colours. does he read the forum or rules? can he even read come to think of it?
  9. happy birthday dave having a few magners then i take it tonight?
  10. nice one lads - i've learnt something new today i googled aol without software and have a print out of how to do it bye bye aol software rubbish yeeeehhh
  11. how do you set it up to do that then aub m8? let me know coz i hate having to log in to aol all the time to get on the internet.
  12. tads, aol doesnt work like that m8. you have to have it on. perhaps things were different then ? if you know how to stay online without using aol then let us know please? i just exited aol and clicked on IE and nothing happened.
  13. i think the software crap lol is the email scanners and spyware programmes that always seem to be running on aol but im not 100% sure. i dont really know whether they can be deleted as aol seems to come as one whole package rather than you downloading them as seperates you can use internet explorer/mozilla if you like but you always have to activate the aol programme to get and stay online which is the down side to aol im afraid. kruiz try what i said and you should see no problems. also in the task manager i shut down extras like the itunes.exe type of programmes which you dont need running when your racing online. i only have about 33 things running when i race so looking at your attachment theres probably afew more you could close to free processor power up.
  14. also have a look at this http://help.aol.co.uk/aol-90-vr-vista-read...115104309990001 im still on 9.0. it seems 9.0 VR (vista ready) is the newest version
  15. hi kruiz, i had the same problems as you are experiencing now about 6 months ago and i am also on aol. i have cured this problem by running end it all. (i only hit the end programmes button found at the top (2 grey boxes with crosses in them) and not the kill programmes button ). then i open task manager and close the aolsoftware.exe's. on my computer. i found there were about 3 of them running in the background and they are very processor hungry. dont close any other aol files just the software ones. this should sort your problem out. cheers, nezza
  16. ukdirt.co.uk should have all your answers m8tey
  17. pmsl admit it jarry its you and hutch advised you to put the sand in
  18. heres a poly...(about to put the kettle on) [attachmentid=20514]
  19. you'd like to give me a whack up the back eh aub?
  20. heres my racist reply then hahahahahahahhahahhhah [attachmentid=20301] [attachmentid=20302]
  21. i know what you mean splinter...when your spectating it does look like your peddling round lol... good job you cant see under the car as my legs were going ten to the dozen in true fred flintstone stylee to be honest when your in them they do feel quicker than they look...they are only a 1.6 which is why they are slow compared to the real ones. believe it not i had the foot down as far as it goes up the straight, a quick stab on the brake then foot down flat again round the bend. and yes splinter i would love to have a go in the real thing. mc ... there was a pretty large man there on our day and he fitted into a car. they have about 8 f2's all with different sized cabs so you should be ok..not that im saying its you thats big lol if you fancy doing it mc i would advice letting them know before hand so they can make sure they have a set of large overalls in.
  22. you can upload direct to your hard drive by attaching your camcorder with an AV cable also my my pc came with a programme called intervideo dvdcreator which allows me to take .VOB files off of dvds, Si. try either of those ways m8
  23. all of the templates available for the game and all mods as far as im aware are on ukdirt.co.uk - blue tab on the left - guides - skinpainting
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