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Everything posted by Nezza46

  1. oh and i forgot to say...... hutch i dont know about the card heating up two degrees but with mine i have to keep a fire extinquisher at close hand
  2. are you ready lads? can you handle nezza's 'Tower of Power'? HP pavillion Celeron D processor 512 mb Ram 80gb hard drive nvidea gforce mx 3000 (i think) (it aint that good anyway lol) some Sony 17" flat screen monitor keyboard mouse gamepad anyone want it?
  3. happy birthday davey have a good one m8
  4. the funniest setting is the big uns on medium
  5. fantastic news congrats to you both hope all is well oh and fritz he 'got in there' 9 months ago
  6. happy birthday dannyboy have a good un
  7. nice one budge you old romantic. congratulations to you both. have you set a date yet?
  8. huge thanks guys. fantastic job. this will be used on my online f2 next year. will post pics up when its done
  9. would anyone be good enough to make me the A.W. motors decal from f2 driver 132's car please. had a go myself but unfortunately im only good at the basics for the moment and wouldnt know where to start here is a link to the photo http://rides.webshots.com/photo/1193602186051033989VhUkwU thanks in advance ( i hope ) most appreciated as i am currently redoing my f2 for the league and really fancy this decal down the side. cheers, nezza46
  10. ROFLMAO!!! "and the award for most comical thread of the year goes to......the ministox gang" booze up in a brewery springs to mind for some reason................
  11. have a great day mickymoo long time no see buddy. you racing next year ? be good to see you return m8
  12. picture 1 looks more like a pussy than a dog???
  13. sounds silly but have you been to ukdirt.co.uk and downloaded the chat programme? if you have then on meeting nights, again see ukdirt.co.uk for meeting info, double click the desktop icon and you will see everyone else in chat. meetings start at 8:30. people will be in chat from 8:20 ish. make sure you've booked in for the meeting tho lol ....hope this helps and welcome to ukdirt m8
  14. Nezza46


    hey aub, the left rear wheels now floating instead
  15. Nezza46


    ok perhaps no one got what im saying here just an observation but on render 1 that youve posted the right hand front wheel is hanging off the edge of the trailer therefore needing a bigger trailer.
  16. Nezza46


    to coin a similar phrase to the awesome film 'jaws'.........."we're gonna need a bigger trailer"
  17. just looked to see how old you are what are you doing still playing computer games at your age? have a great day m8
  18. if we've all got the same setups then whats the point of grades as the whites would run away with it each week thus devaluing the need for grades or graded starts? so i disagree with giving them out. i started last year with no setups other than the standard 3 supplied ( and agree with kendo in the fact that that with a few very minor adjustments they are'nt that far off the pace anyway ) and have had to practise and practise and work my way up the grades to the blue im at now. most of you latest crop of drivers can actually put some very fast lap times in from what i see, but...and not meaning to cause any offence....cannot do them consistantly which is due to your personal driving skills imo, which will only get better with time and practise. you'll feel a much better sense of achievement when your upgraded in the long run. and to be fair why should the fast drivers share there setups that theyve probably put a lot of time and effort into making. put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself.....if you were winning major titles coz your setup was better than everyone elses, would you want to hand it out to everyone so they can then beat you in the future? especially if you had to start at the back with the superstars and the whites were going as quick as you i think your answer would be NO.
  19. just download the uslegends mod if you want rebels lol not much different imo and they bounce.
  20. nice skin viva and a good white top. looks like its got a few miles on the clock tho
  21. painkiller, loving the use of the state of the art cassette deck to prop the monitor up so you can see it over the wheel pmsl
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