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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Just been in for half an hour and managed a 14.496 - think that was without braking as well. Opening laps are fine, keep within 14.5 - 14.7 but after that the car just pushes on and times go down to 14.9 - 15.1 The humps throw the car around abit and it can catch you out all too easily!!
  2. Going by the F1's last night - yes it is a fast track!! If you don't have to brake, then cars will be almost flat out into the bends and it makes contact often and hard (As was with the ones). My concern with F2's is the cars break easier, and will there be more cars retiring than finishing!?!?!?!?! lol In the ones the lap times were 13.6 best and 14.0 average, not sure how F2 will compare tbh. For those that race - GOOD LUCK
  3. Mav


    It is honestly a real shame that a new driver, who has progressively improved since he started, has had to leave in this manner. Having found something that he is able to do due to his disability, I am sure Stumpy would have been genuinely excited to have something to concentrate on doing in his life. I wish you well Stumpy, its been great to race with you as a lower grade driver.
  4. Apologies Al, I meant from a point scoring / finishing viewpoint. I understand that some lower graders race for fun and not worry too much about points - sadly i am not one and just can't seem to do it either, I have tried!!
  5. Definitely NOT a Whites & Yellows track!!!! Last eight drivers in the Dutch Open - W&Y's Last eight drivers in the Points Chart - W&Y's Only Stumpy scored good points for some stable drives from the front. WD Stumpy. I cannot image any of the W&Y's actually fully enjoyed the meeting as it was just useless trying to race for us. Mav_Jnr would have fitted in better, but he says he doesn't race for the constant moaning at how he drives as a lower grader. For me this track was a "Bully Boys" dream and even they were complaining it was too rough!!! Even though I moved over most of the time, I was still hit whilst wide by the chasing cars, and that extra nudge ended up ruining my race. I try and stay out of the way and hopefully get a top ten finish, but still get taken out, so where do I go from here?? This just epitimised why my enthusiasm for F1 rfactor has hit a real low, there is no enjoyment gained in what happens to me week in week out. The Dutch Open was a complete waste of time for me, as every time my car was hit I instantly spun. Within 6 or 7 laps I was at least 2 laps down, so just left. I am sorry Big Al, but I fear the season end will be my last, as I am just TOO old to enjoy it anymore - I need my pipe and slippers!!!
  6. Mav #525 Please
  7. Even better after a great result on Saturday Southy!! Boing Boing!!!
  8. Thx Jakie - Been a long time coming but shame i had to be white to do it! Nice to finally win a final, can retire at season end happy after 10 long years!!! Be great to win an F1 Final too, but settle for defending W&Y's. Be also good in F2's to win W&Y's but as its decided on a final race, don't think my luck will hold on tarmac!!! Thanks for the congrats guys - Appreciate it
  9. Mav

    F1's and Damage

    I wish I could drive aggressively Matty!!! I still haven't got complete car control let alone going in for the hits and siderail hits, for those I end up spinning myself out. Due to the "Bullys" I now pull over to try and stay in the race as I know that if I try and stay my ground I will get damage or taken out. Pulling over isnt a furfilling way to race, but its how I get my results or lack of them!!! lol Trying to think of the damage from another angle (which I am sure you guys have also done), is there any way that you can relate "Speed" to amount of damage. ie if a car is 70mph or above then the car collapses entirely even though it maybe bumper to bumper on the car infront. Very rare in real life would a car be connecting to another one at such speeds. I appreciate that you have many many restrictions on what you can do to achieve sensible results, and I applaud you all for trying to. But as its been said before, peoples attitude and consequently driving style contribute hugely to how the mod comes across.
  10. Mav

    F1's and Damage

    I seem to pick up damage quite easily!! When I hit the inner tyres or when I hit a stranded car, I always seem to get damage - yet if I hit the fence hard I usually bounce out and carry on. I would prefer these to be reversed - If you hit the fence hard you get damage like real life, but if you hit a moveable object (Inner tyres are movable in real life) then you should pick up less damage. This would aid with the racing, as often its not your fault when clipping cars or inner tyres and it seems harsh to penalise you for it, but there are only two reasons why you would hit the fence hard and thats 1) a dam good hit or 2) flat out into it. That should get you the damage. Tricky bit comes with post and wire fence such as Yarmouth. Not many people would finish if the damage was more from hitting the posts plus I think more drivers would try and put you in to get you damaged. I have lost interest in racing F1's and F2's because I get no luck and the two sets of drivers whom are doing well are UKSom, who have knowledge of the mod and its characteristics (not their fault), and the "Bully Boys". These are drivers who just "Bully" their way through other drivers, not caring what it does to the other drivers race, and scoring well because of it. Not saying thats wrong, if the mod is there to be driven that way and its not against the rules to do it, then they are exploiting the weakness of the game to their advantage. Maybe changing the damage levels would make them change their driving style and make the racing cleaner and more like real life, who knows?? I don't know what the answer is, all I know is that its not the kind of racing I enjoy, and it seems that its always certain drivers who prosper and genuine drivers who don't.
  11. How has Mav_Jnr been classed with no points AND a messer Strike???? I informed the RM at 19:40 that he wasn't racing, so why the messer strike??? I always thought you preferred drivers to book in and cancel if necessary, rather than turn up on spec and expect to be in the MI. I understand those that do not show without word, after booking in, get messers, but not those who made the effort to inform the RM prior to the start of the meeting.
  12. Mav_Jnr has decided to go out as his mates have come calling!! Kids!! So please cancel Jnr's place and add a reserve to the Semi - Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. 285 is booked in for the meeting. White #285 - On UK Dirt Website Booking list.
  14. Not sure how I feel about thursday night. Was apprehensive about my graphics card packing up again, but as it was cooler than monday I felt it would be ok. Was aiming for top ten finishes in all races, was ambitious for the Semi I know! but you have to aim high! Made mistakes in my heats, and to those I took with me I apologise, but one heat I got away with and finished 7th dispite a last bend lunge from Harmen!! The Semi was a good race and probably the best I could have done. 12th would have been a great result, but two quicker drivers snatched that away from me in the second half of the race - so 14th I'm happy with even though I started 15th!! B-Final could've done better when out in front leading, but was swamped on last lap and took 4th. I will win a B Final one day!!! GN again lost places in the closing laps which is disappointing. Apologies to Craig for ruining his race when well placed Overall I enjoyed it, good to see other lower grders getting some decent results.
  15. On monday night as we started the F2 meeting, my graphics card got too hot and shut down the pc. Before that it was jumping during practice. I took the side off and dusted the inside, then sat the pc on the window sill and the breeze cooled the card down enough for me to race with no problems. Since then I have left the side off, and although the graphics card gets warm, it runs ok. (PC is in sunlight from 3pm to dusk). I run my settings at "high" as I have a hdmi cable, but on the shadows and shaders I have set them to "off". I also have mine set to 16 cars visable, as thats how many I think I need to get to see on my screen at once. In the semi, I couldn't see the front two rows of cars on the roller, but that didn't matter as I only needed to see the cars immediately in front when racing. Since changing these things, it hasn't made me drive any better, but has made the game more stable for me.
  16. Mav


    All the best m8 and don't forget you can visit us on a wednesday if you can make it!
  17. I think it sorts them in driver number order when tied from what I remember. Looking forward to the semi as long as my pc don't pack in like monday night!! I'll just be happy to take part and not have anything contriversal happen With the prospect of 290, 41 & 391 joining my semi, I'll be lucky to finish top twenty oh yes and Aza behind me!!! Good Luck to all!! Jnr says he's going for it in his semi!
  18. Southy #277 is in Heat 5 twice but no where else?
  19. Before the demise of Heat, we had a couple of racers in their early 50's but since moving to rFactor, it has become a young mans sport!!! Heat enables the "plug 'n' play" whereby it was simple to turn up and race, but now its more technical and the "older" generation just cannot cope!!! I would guess that I am probably one of, if not the oldest drivers here (before your arrival) having been here for 10 years and was advanced in years when I started!! I shall be 43 in August. But my lad is probably the youngest here, he turned 13 in April. As for real life F1's, I have been going since I was born, and seen alot of things in my time, hence why I started my F1 Website, with the help of another ex.UK Dirter Kev149. Its good to have another "Oldie" in the ranks, but beware you can't tell these young guns anything when it comes to racing these machines!!!! Good Luck and hope you still racing when you celebrate your 50th!!!!
  20. I may just book for nostalgia reasons. 10 years ago today I had my first taste of Online racing in an F2 Meeting at Barford - Here are the results: Barford: Tarmac Masters rd4 - 15/07/2002 - 27 Cars Heat 1: 151, 247, 657, 17, 66, 394, 280 Heat 2: 512, 435, 148, 567, 261, 515, 31, 273, 71 Heat 3: 152, 79, 9, 732, 622, 410, 641, 77, 221, 630. Heat 4: 512, 744, 31, 657, 280, 66, 515 Heat 5: 151, 17, 247, 9, 622, 732, 77, 641, 394 Heat 6: 148, 273, 410, 79, 152, 435, 71, 567, 221, 630 Consi 1: 567 Consi 2: 221 Final: 17, 148, 512, 9, 567, 152, 435, 221, 79, 247, 151, 657 GN 1: 247, 221, 435, 79, 17, 567, 66, 641, 35 GN 2: 148, 31, 744, 630, 732, 622, 273, 71 GN 3: 512, 152, 151, 515, 77, 410 Grids were random back then! Also the European was held the following week and these were the results : Northampton: 22/07/02 - 30 Cars ------> Will we get 30 cars for the rFactor 2012 European meeting??? European Championship Heat 1: 717, 31, 247, 732, 170, 641, 271 Heat 2: 79, 273, 410, 221, 630, 66 Heat 3: 152, 148, 190, 622, 677, 77, 71, 657 Heat 4: 744, 512, 17, 435, 515, 431, 261 Heat 5: 512, 31, 515, 567, 435, 732, 170, 431 Heat 6: 717, 247, 630, 641, 221, 410, 66, 271 Heat 7: 148, 273, 79, 77, 622, 657 Heat 8: 677, 17, 744, 152, 190, 261, 71 Consi 1: 431 Consi 2: 567 EUROPEAN: 717, 31, 79, 152, 512, 744, 273, 247, 431, 17 (Mac, Skeet, Jok, Stutch, Trash, Corny, Jonnyboy, Hotrod, Stavo & Spud) GN 1: 247, 431, 152, 435, 221, 273, 567, 212, 717, 170 GN 2: 148, 31, 732, 744, 190, 410, 17, 515 GN 3: 79, 66, 622, 77, 71, 630 GOOD DAYS!!!
  21. Mav Jnr #285 Please
  22. To score only 1 point from this meeting was extremely disappointing. For the second week running I felt in practice I was on it and very happy with my consistant laps. Yet every race did ONE incident, not of my doing, take me from a good position to out of the running. How I seem to end up facing the wrong way, when others just straighten up and carry on I don't know!!!! Getting disallusioned with the racing, as it just seems to happen to me. To name a few - Sheffield, Yarmouth (Big time), Coventry and now Ipswich. I apologise to LeeK and Corny for the final last night, LeeK I was being pushed and did not want to put you wide like I did, and Corny, as that was the second time I had been taken out after getting myself back into the top ten, I was annoyed and wanted to get back on track as soon as possible. I thought I had enough room to get round before you appeared. Thankfully you survived and did go on to finish ahead of me leaving me in 11th place - I hate 11th place!!! Not sure what else I can do, other than to find a four leaffed clover as this at the moment is not giving me any enjoyment
  23. Enjoyed the meeting once I figured out how to drive the car!! Great W&Y race, great heat 1 until I spun myself on the last lap (3rd to 8th), excellent hard race for heat 2, Final was great as I worked my way up to 3rd with top 2 in sight, only to be deliberately spun by 4th place man. Really annoyed at that, as it ruined my final chance big style and then I was just in the way of other drivers, apparently ruining a grandstand finish to the final - Sorry Guys However, justice was done in the GN, with my "Spinner" being taken to the fence first bend and effectively out of the race - Well Done that driver brilliant move made my night!! Very happy with 13pts. Hope to race next week too.
  24. Mav

    Belle Vue

    I would also like a provisional booking please. As yet I am unsure how my evening will pan out, so cannot commit 100%. Thank you.
  25. As several of the yellows were ex Star drivers, I had no illusions that I was going to do well. Yet the longer practice went on, once my frustration with Lithgow had been blown away , I managed to change my setup for the better and was very happy with my laps. Only thing was, I hadn't factored in the bad luck I always seem to attract!!!! W&Y's, hit a recovering car and lost a lap, Heat 1 was possibly the best race I have had ever at Coventry and drove well to a great 6th place. More of the same I thought, but in every race that followed did I get drawn into a racing incident and end up facing the wrong way, and last. Made it back to 12th, 13th, 13th & 14th, but alas no points! Twice I finished by reversing over the line!!!! B Final I led, but glory hunter Chevykiller stole my win, which would have put me on par with Big Al and would have also made up somewhat for a VERY disappointing evening Well Done Dan on retaining the title
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