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Everything posted by Mav

  1. Congrats on your final place Big Al #515 Don't you go winning a final before me
  2. But look in your mirrors for #112 coming through ;-)
  3. It is an awesome meeting when you do well, but to do well especially here at Coventry, you need others to do it fairly with you. Fairly is what I didn't get at Coventry and it was a really disappointing meeting for me because of it. I would be interested to hear Aub's view on the meeting.
  4. Well Done Danny. Like I said to you at Coventry, I could have repaid you in the Final for all the spinnings of me in previous meetings, but as you had seemingly changed how you raced me in F1's and F2's over the past couple of weeks, I let it be and you went onto get a brilliant 2nd place. Then to find out you went and won at Sheffield - That's Excellent Danny - Well Done Up to yellow now - I wish you luck!!
  5. If last week was a meeting to remember then this week was certainly one to forget!!! I knew the track was difficult but in 2012 I had a setup that scored me some decent results in one meeting there, so I had high hopes of being competitive within my grade at least. Practice was rough, the setup wasn't stable and no tweaks seem to be working. 8:10pm and I was close to booking out but I found that if I kept off the throttle then I could do a decent 13.6, sometimes a 13.5, so I was then happy to continue. Whites & Yellows had some decent drivers in, who had been quick in practice, so it would be damage limitation in this round. Set off, got into a rhythm, went onto the inside of Matty #300 who unfortunately dropped down the bend and planted my front bumper into a tyre. No damage thankfully but I was well down the order. Few laps later and the car in front hit a tyre and I hit him squarely at the back. Another car hit me squarely, so now we had a three car train being held up by a tyre!!! Finally forced my way through and by now was well down the field. My cars handling was poor but I was in 5th place and clear of 6th, chasing Ricky #237 in 4th. Another lap or 2 at most I would have caught him, but 5th was a good result considering the field and the incidents I was involved in. My first heat went really well and was over the moon to have scored 4th, this gave me confidence that the setup works and that I could make the most of a difficult track. However, the evening went over a cliff and downhill very quickly, I was willing the races to be over so I could go do something else All the remaining races blurred into each other, and all I know is that several drivers were not happy with me or with my driving. As I said before I had worked out that if I took a steady approach and didn't over accelerate then I could put in decent lap times, but usually meant I was racing on my own. My problem came when I felt threatened by someone coming to pass me, or at the very start of the race. My reaction was to accelerate harder to try and use speed as a defence. This however had an opposite reaction which was the cause of all my troubles. If I kept accelerating or just "Flawed" it, the car didn't stay straight enough to handle, the front end would always turn inwards as the back tried to push the car forward therefore inducing a slide and spin feeling. Once the car started to go, I never seem to find the right movement to stop it or correct it. This then inevitably caused me to collide with other cars and either "tyre" them or just create problems for them like spinning. I can assure you I wasn't doing anything on purpose, I just got past the point of "No return" which I knew I shouldn't do. Its as frustrating for me as it is annoying for many a driver and I don't seek any pleasure in it whatsoever. I am aware that none of the above will be any compensation for the drivers I affected last night, but I apologise if any of it caused you offence. I think in future if practice doesn't feel right then its best that I don't partake in the meeting - Simples.
  6. Name: Mav Number: #641 Grade: Yellow
  7. Having the need to have a sleep after feeling unwell at work, I lost about 30 minutes practice time. It didn't start off well, my 2010 setup not really hitting the mark; so I decided to try my Buxton setup that stood me in good stead for Buxton. With a few tweaks, I felt comfortable, not necessarily quick, but happy enough to give the meeting a real go. First up, the Whites & Yellows. With leading the Championship I wanted to do well but felt it only right to start at the back and earn the points. First bend and the yellows went wide, I hugged the bend and passed most of them, but on the exit I got a bad bounce off Ricky #237, and was forced to the inner shale track. Rather than stay on the shale I tried to pull it back onto the track before the bend but the rear of my car hit the tyre and I crashed out. I thought the car was broke, but when I set off again the car was fine. No option now but to push. Crossing the line in fourth was a great feeling, tinged with a bit of disappointment as the top three were only just ahead on me. Heat one saw the 3 whites crash out altogether on the first lap, I get tangled and go from 4th to 15th! Once again, found myself at the back watching everyone ahead of me. A few crash out, and I'm up to 11th chasing a couple of reds. It was great to keep up with them, then with the lap boards out I saw I was in 8th, Now I was really pleased, at least I had a point on the board. Heat two and my expectation was rising, but a bad bounce off PaulE #394 saw me spin right in front of the oncoming pack and I was then hit by everyone! I was sure that the car was broke but once I set off again it appeared to be ok - Unbelievable! Was racing with Stox #246 for 10th when out of nowhere Big Al #515 appeared in the middle of the track stationary, and I unfortunately hit him and spun out. As it was so near the end of the race and I was well out of the places so I pulled off. Lining up on pole for the final heat, didn't give me any encouragement especially as a few other yellows had won races. Mitch #356 pushed past me on lap one, but I managed to get back past on the next bend as Mitch went wide with the white top. I was leading! A blue was only two car lengths behind, so I didn't think it would last. After 10 laps I was still ahead and no sign of the blue. Now I was starting to panic!! From lap 2 to lap 16 I was circulating at 14.7 seconds consistently dropping to 14.8's for the final three laps, but more importantly no sign of anyone wanting to get past! Huge smile as I made it across the line to win my first heat at a different track to Skegness! Well Chuffed and now pumped for the final. Several yellows had won races so far, so I knew it wouldn't be an easy run in the final. We all got away off the start well and instead of belting each other we all settled into the race. The laps ticked by and we were still not being challenged from behind, until I tangled with Ricky #237. This allowed Liam#90, Tom #1, DanSkin #236 and Dode #151 past but tucked in and kept up with them. Two to go and a crash ahead promoted me to 4th, and crossing the line for the 1 lap to go board out I had TomD right on my bumper. He didn't wait till the last bend, pushing me wide on turn one well enough for DanSkin to get by also. I had the thought of trying a last bend hit on both, but DanSkin was wise enough to not let me tuck in behind to plant the hit. So I went from 4th to 6th on the last lap, but was well pleased to have been in contention and finish in the top ten was a real bonus. Now on a semi-high, I lined up for the Grand National on the front row, only to remember I had to start at the back! Dam!!! Started off well and was engaged in a race right from the start. It was intense and even getting a hard hit to my car I was still in the mix. Final few laps approached and I was now being pestered by H229 and TomD. They both got past, but entering the last lap I was ahead again and desperately trying to think what to do! Entering turn 1, H229 hit my back corner putting me into a spin. H229 continued to push my back end towards the fence, with Tom also throwing his car into us. So H229 was now clear of my rear end and I was 90 degrees to the track with Tom pushing my front end. He continued to push but we were heading towards the inner tyres. Fortunately Big Al #515 then hit us and we were corrected and setting off down the back straight. Tom hit Big Al hoping for him to hit me but luckily missed and I rounded the bend in one piece. Brilliant race ending with another points place - a fantastic feeling. Overall it was a great meeting and a great feeling to have been competitive and to achieve 30 points was just brilliant. The rolling laps were really good and everyone played their part in that. Well Done to Liam #380, who does seem undergraded lol and thanks to the stewards - a meeting I will remember for quite some time
  8. I thought the Grand National was a compulsory handicap if you win the Final, but just checking it isn't Well Done Lloydy - nice points haul - you were quick in practice so I knew you would be hard to keep back!! For me, all I can say is - "I lead the final" I knew this wasn't to be the track for me, god knows how I won a race round here before! Happy with 6 points a lot better than I thought. Apologies if I ruined anyone's races, it certainly wasn't meant, I am ok when on my own but when near cars I start to get it all outta shape and then it goes wrong - So Sorry guys.
  9. Is the Grand National not a compulsory handicap if you win the Final?
  10. You are quite right Dode, I probably didn't show respect to drivers when I first started rFactor, and thus I didn't command any respect back either. However since spending most of 2012 and 2013 away from rFactor I returned with a different approach and thus far I feel that some respect has started to flow back and forth. A quote I have from 11th May 2011 sums it up nicely :- "Just get so annoyed as being from superstar you have to work quite hard to get to the front and then to get spun by a lower grader and having it ruin your race can just get to you sometimes." Having it pointed out by you, made the difference to me, and now that Danny knows his actions does affect other drivers and wrecks their races, he may change accordingly also?
  11. He didn't just happen to get you Ritzo, it what he does to most drivers that pass him. My bad experience with Danny started at Sexberium in Heat 1. I sat behind him for a lap or two not wanting to make him go wrong, or cause a crash, so I waited. When he went wide, I took the opportunity to go up the inside exiting the bend. I never touched his car once in those few laps. I went from inside to outside curving the straight, as Danny went outside to inside driving down the straight, straight and at speed. I knew he wasn't going to make the bend driving as quick as he was and sure enough when I entered the bend he didn't turn he just drove at my car hitting the back end and spinning me. Danny just went wide and continued on. This one action ruined my enthusiasm for a good evenings racing and I quite rightly was warned about my verbal abuse directed at Danny, but I was so annoyed and angry. I didn't race for a few weeks after because of this. Returning for Mildenhall and King's Lynn, I had a decent chance of doing well, Mildenhall was fine, but King's Lynn saw Sexberium all over again. On passing Danny I was subject to him ON THE VERY NEXT BEND driving straight at the back corner of my car causing me to spin. Again I hadn't done anything to him prior to passing him. In the meeting final, he did me like this, then he went on after to taking out another THREE drivers in this exact manner. He obviously believes that this is ok to do!! Again we met in the Grand National, but again despite my feelings towards him, I passed him clean and guess what, he caused me to go out of the race yet again next bend. So needless to say I am not a fan of Danny's and will not be so generous to him when trying to pass him in future. I agree entirely with Aub, and that's why when I am passed I drop in behind and follow. If there is a chance near the end of the race I will challenge, but then again some Superstars don't like being challenged either!!
  12. Interesting read. Danny's driving style questioned. Wardieee mentioning the word "Respect" & how he deals with lower graders !!!! How bizarre
  13. Thanks Wardieee. I just seem to come off worse every time there is something like that that happens. My path was clear on the outside, but TomD's was blocked on the inside yet he got through and I ended up with the crowd!!!! lol Problem for me is that when it happens and people go out or affected by it, it looks as if I caused the accident which clearly isn't the case, but people won't know that in the heat of the moment.
  14. With liking Skegness, I was looking forward to this meeting. Yet during practice I didn't seem to have the pace but could deliver a "Hot Lap" and be high up in the lap charts. One race I started pole yellow, I managed to stay in front and forge a decent result, pushing Mike #315 over the line for 2nd. The remainder of the heats, I found that the closeness in speed, style and aggression of the other yellows made it a very hard challenge to get to the front. By the time you had settled the blues were upon you and then its all hands on deck to stop going backwards in places as the faster guys who hugged the inside, started to file past. Some used brute force, some use the tight inside line and other just drove normal, and it was hard to judge what would be best for me. I stuck to what I know best, and it worked for me - Driving Crap!! As Ricky said in chat, if you didn't get a pole start in the yellows (which Ricky didn't in any of the five races - shame on the other drivers for not mixing it up!!), then it was just hard work. But none of it was dirty, just very hard racing. 5th, 2nd, 14th, 9th, 12th but fortunate to be in the final. As with every closed grid race, my car turns into Mr.Jeckyll and is totally opposite of how it went in the heats. The car just does not handle well, or its my PC that can't cope with drawing all the cars or handle the details quick enough. Whatever it is, I always crash out when I am doing nothing different to what I did in the heats. I would like to ask anyone who modded the game, if they can explain for my curiosity more than anything, what caused Harmen's car to suddenly stop and float in the air. I had a clear run down the outside against the fence but it meant that I had to go under Harmen. I thought I was through and away, but out of nowhere, my car sunk then immediately rose up and went through the fence, hitting something and then stopping dead and then spinning. I really don't understand how this happened as I had a clear run along the fence? Once this had happened, I lost interest but just wanted to beat Jnr after that. I had said I would finish 17th, before the race started, and that's why I had a go at H229, but it didn't work and I finished 18th. A disappointing end to a very hard evenings racing, but as I said, there was nothing dirty, desperation driving perhaps but all good stuff. Well done to Mike #315, looks a good race from Dan's car. Apologies to Bully Jnr in one heat and sorry to Big Al #515 in the UK Open - Had I known you would spin after hitting you, I would've done something different! Hope to make it out for Sheffield, So see you there
  15. I do accept what you are saying Wardieee, and I do not want to start a debate or argue as I don't think there is one to be had. What there is, is us coming from two different angles here. Allow me to explain. I believe once a race has been called "Go" it is underway and should not be stopped - Any transgressions should be dealt with after the race - this happens in real life. ie 474 should be docked or excluded after the race was concluded. The restarting policy is acceptable if the "Go" has not been called. The restart in that GN we were told in race server, was that the "Yellows did not keep up" not that the "White had jumped the start", hence why I questioned on here why were the yellows at fault - Now I know they weren't. The 2nd re-run was worse than the first as we all bunched up, and to my mind that should have been restarted too. Drivers would get the message eventually! But if we only have one restart policy, then won't drivers try and take advantage every time after the first one? This would create more work for admin in the long run. Maybe if its one driver causing problems they are removed to the back of the grid or excluded for the re-run? So now that you have clarified the GN situation, that the yellows were not at fault although were told so at the time, we are in agreement that things need to improved by both Drivers and Stewards. Still unsure why heat 1 was stopped first time around tho? Was it just a mis-judgement?
  16. I don't agree Wardieee, It is not all the drivers fault. I think you were very wrong to stop the Grand National when you had already called "Go". You abandoned the first rolling lap complaining that we yellows were too far back behind the white, which Ricky and I were not, and we rolled at 20mph. THEN after abandoning the first GN, up on the next attempt to run it, you allowed the blues to be right behind Ricky and I when you called "Go" - This was grossly unfair on both us yellows, why wasn't this stopped?? The pictures below will verify where we lined up - note that you did not move the blues back to where they should start - and where they were when the "Go" was called. LINING UP FOR GN - PART TWO WHERE GO WAS CALLED This also leads me to the false accusation by the steward in heat 1 that the yellows were too far behind the whites and not keeping up, and therefore that race was not started. Again Heatrick & I rolled at 20 as did the whites. So why were we singled out as being wrong. You can clearly see that the distance between the W&Y remain constant right up till the rolling lap was abandoned, so we couldn't have been hanging back. I have no intention of jumping the start, no intention of cheating by going 25+, I am happy to start at the back of the grade, all I wish to do is to have a fair race. W&Y LINING UP W&Y WHEN ROLLER HAD DONE A LAP AND ABANDONED So that proves we were keeping the same gap given to us when we lined up. But look at the remaining grades. LINING UP HEAT 1 PART WAY THROUGH ROLLING LAP WHEN ROLLER HAD ONE A LAP AND ABANDONED I feel that I had a great opportunity to do well taken from me because of the calls by the stewards, and because of drivers just not caring enough about the integrity of the meeting. I hope that everyone can play a part in getting this right from here on in, and this highlights the need for drivers AND stewards to work together better.
  17. Having stayed up till 1am the previous evening to complete the reports for the heat league, I was so tired during the day that I wasn't particularly up for racing rFactor F1's once I got home from work. Had tea, cleared away, sorted out a few things then around 7:15pm I went to the server. I had raced at Kings Lynn before and from what I remember I was "Ok" but not consistent. Well, went out on track and the car just kept spinning, and being tired this just kept on annoying me. However, rather than doing a "Ricky", I tweaked a few things and went out and tried them out. After half an hour I wasn't improving and felt like having a night on the sofa watching por..... programmes we had recorded. I made further adjustments and gave it one more shot. Having only done 14.4 at best I now went and did a 14.2! This gave me hope, but with up to 19 cars on track practicing, I wasn't sure if it was good enough. I decided to give the meeting a go, after all a nil point score wouldn't be the worst thing as it would lower my average and keep me at white for a bit longer, giving me more opportunities for that final win I so much desired. I know its sad to think that I could only win a final from white but its a final win to me! I had managed to win an rFactor F2 final from white at Kings Lynn, but didn't consider this meeting to be my best chance of winning a final as I wasn't quick enough or consistent enough. My biggest fear was if I did score zero, would that have meant I had taken people out of races, hence controversy or would I just not be quick enough and people passed me with ease? Lined up for heat one with Mitch #356 & Big Al #515, I followed Mitch for a few laps. We all got away well until Big Al spun, but Mitch was quick, slow, quick, slow and I was holding back too much and the yellows were coming. I went past but Mitch wasn't going to follow me and re-took the lead, but would go wide and I was through again. He hit back again and lead again. By now the train of cars had caught up and I got barged about and ended up back in 10th. I just circulated then and crossed the line 11th. Heat 2, and the two whites went charging into the first bend and tangled. I kept it tight and was away. I couldn't keep it consistent enough to build up a lead, and it wasn't long before Matty #300 and Pieter #165 caught me. I put up a little resistance, but they were through and gone. The last three laps of the race I lost a place each time and finished the race in 6th. Was that enough to see me in the final? Heat 3, a much better performance. I hung in there and fought back on a few occasions which actually paid off for me. A good close race and really pleased with the outcome - 4th place - more points Definitely in the final, I just hoped not to be in the way too much. When we went to practice for some unknown reason I tweaked one bit of the setup, went out and did 2 x 14.2 and a 14.3 straight off! This gave me great confidence. When the go was called, Big Al, who was on pole, let me get the jump and I was away. Opening laps were very consistent and I was building up a lead from Mitch #356. The concentration was at 110% and I never looked down to see how far 2nd was or indeed who it was, I just kept going. At lap 11, I did see that Mitch was still 2nd and that's when it started to dawn on me that this could be the one. I started to catch backmarkers but decided to stay behind. I didn't want them to tag me or force me into a tyre so I hung behind. Fortunately they were quick so I wasn't loosing too much time. At one point three went wide and I stuck to the inside, and down the home straight Spike #221 wasn't in full control and caused me to go sideways and I thought my chance had gone. I did hold it, thanks to Spike for not tagging my back end, and I was away but my hands were now sweating and now my heart started pumping that hard I thought it was gonna burst through my chest!! Five laps to go and still being consistent, 4, 3, 2, and still I couldn't see anyone close enough, yet I always panic on the last lap, as I don't want to throw it away by spinning or hitting a tyre or anything. One lap to go was shown on the screen, cue the shaking! I under cooked the bend and had to pull out of my drift else I would have hit the tyre, trying desperately to get the front end back round so I could accelerate. Good it did. Down the back straight, and I did a little wiggle so I eased off. I needed to be close to the tyre so I could stave off any attacks, but I believed I was far enough in front not to be attacked. I skimmed the tyre and as I was just about to accelerate to go round the corner - WHACK - I'd been hit. It was a complete surprise and shock - adrenalin kicked in and I thought "NOOOOOOOO" I couldn't see who hit me nor where they were. I held the half spin but just as I was picking up speed, a car came up my inside. My only thought was to drive it at the tyres but they had too much speed for me to do that and my big chance had gone. I should have stopped and not collected 2nd and the 20 odd points that came with it, but that would be going a step too far in "working" the system for my own benefit. Looking at the replay, TomD put in some magnificent laps to catch me in the first place, he was over a straight down on me with around 5 to go and still had Mitch #356 and Big Al #515 to pass. The hit was inch perfect but he got lucky with the bounce off the Armco and was able to get on the power earlier than me as I was sliding. Maybe if I drove at the fence after being hit I too could have got the bounce and got away. Maybe if blah blah, the bottom line is that TomD deserved the win for the effort he put in to catch me along with the final bend assault - Congrates m8 I do seem to have a collection of 2nd's in my racing career, so that's probably all I am destined for, but if the races are as tense and enjoyable as that then I would be happy to be 2nd every time. Wasn't sure if I wanted to do the Grand National as the disappointment was overwhelming, but gridded up and went for it. Again I got away and lead the whole race again, and again I was assaulted on the last bend!! This time it was Chevy #184, but he came from along way back and had a lot more momentum which took us both to the fence. Pieter #165 also followed Chevy, so all three of us were in the Armco and fighting to get out to the line. We were three abreast down the straight me on the outside, Chevy being squeezed in the middle and Pieter on the inside picking up speed. We all crossed the line together and was very jubilant to see that I was still in first place! Again another brilliant end to a race, but this time I was the victor! The whole meeting sums up why I want to be white. I am no good in chasing people and trying to pass them, I much more enjoy being chased and trying to hold off drivers. Its certainly not so I can win races, that is just an added bonus, its because that's what I am good at, and what gives me the enjoyment. I know I would never be good at being blue or above, I just haven't got the ruthless streak in me to drive hard, but racing at my own level is great for me Up to yellow now, and another set of challenges. The aim will now be top ten finishes as I would have to rule out winning races especially a final until I get a lot better which will take time. (My setups are all my own work Ricky!) 11th, 6th, 4th, 2nd, 1st - Have to be happy with those results Finally, congrates to Mitch #356 & Big Al #515, some great results there and it goes to show how enjoyable rFactor can be when all grades do well. UK OPEN next week, and I quite like Skegness, so here's to another great meeting fingers crossed ps I tried to capture the last 10 seconds of the final to upload to facebook, but for some reason it played a black screen when run. Would someone be able to capture it and post for people to see?
  18. oooooohhhh so close WHITE TOP TO SUPERSTAR - WIN OR LOOSE ITS WUNDERBAR!!!...................... Well Done Tom, judged it to perfection, missing the tyre, putting me in a half spin, hitting the Armco square on and getting the power down before I did, sign of a true World Champion! Honestly truly gutted not to have a final win to my name, but one day maybe - Just not today Off to find some yellow paint
  19. Mav

    Kings Lynn

    No doubt I caused CB to spin!!! Name: Mav Number: 641 Grade: Yellow
  20. Finally debuted my tarmac car and to start of with a win was fantastic!! I was absolutely stunned to have won the race because I really dislike Buxton and looking at the bookings list there were several whites which would make the track very congested. My Dad rang me at 8pm, and I was busy chatting away whilst practicing one handed so I wasn't taking much notice until we were lined up on the grid ready for the W&Y race. I then ended the call with my Dad, and just when the "roll" command was given I saw that there were only two whites, one being me. That's good I thought!! The yellows were still a threat as most were faster than me throughout practice, so no game plan, just get to the finish asap! After a lap, the other white made an error and I took the lead. I just kept going, lap after lap. I dare not look down to see how close the yellows were, all I knew is that I couldn't see or hear them. Last lap was tense as I was awaiting the "Big Un" to happen but alas it didn't come, so I crossed the line shaking like a leaf but extremely happy I wondered if this was going to be the meeting that I could finally win my first F1 final, but disaster struck in all three heats, meaning that with no points I was one of the five drivers who missed out and went to the B Final. In the heats, I had my back end taken by Dave (Not intentionally) therefore spinning, and once down in 10th I just circulated. No idea why Ricky "I never do anything wrong" James pummelled me into the fence and going in with me, when I wasn't going to resist is beyond me! That damaged my car and I just continued to circulate. Next heat and either the grade gap was too small or the yellows jumped the start as the two whites (one was me) entered the first bend, we were hit hard by the yellows. As I tried to control the hit, Samwit clipped my back end and I went round. Again at the back I just circulated as I knew I wasn't quick enough to catch anyone. Heat three was better. I got away and lead till half way. Pieter & Dave caught me and we had quite a battle for the lead. They both got past but going into turn 1 I had an opportunity and pushed Dave into Pieter; they went wide and I was able to keep inside and negotiate the bend. Unfortunately Dave was able to pull it round also and on exiting the bend I careered into Dave's car resulting in my car spinning towards the fence half way down the straight. Dave missed me, and Pieter ended up pushing me backwards down the fence!! I quickly reversed back into the bend as not to catch anyone out, and when the chasing pack had passed me I drove up the straight to get to the concrete infield. That's when I saw two stragglers charging down the straight at me!! I therefore made a dive for the infield and fortunately bounced my way on to the grass before they got to me - phew! That's where I stayed till the end of the race. So that put me into the 5 car B Final, bit disappointing but at least it wasn't for dirty driving or my poor driving why I was there, it was racing incidents. Ryan Sharp took the lead and I decided to follow him and wait till near the end of the race for his tyres to go off and spin out or make a mistake. I didn't attempt to get by even when the two yellows caught up. I held Matty back, causing him problems in doing so, until he caught my car wrong and went into a spin. He tried to recover but ended up beaching himself on the kerb; he was out of the race. Ryan was now making mistakes so I went past whilst he was wide, but the following bend he didn't hold back and fired me in. As I went into the fence backwards, I was ready to pull away again, but Ryan tagged my back end again and I was then going across the track, not with it. I again tried to pull it back, but this time PaulE tagged my back end and I was then still going across the track. I then couldn't pull it around in time and found myself beached on the kerb and out of the race. So that left 3 drivers racing for the B Final win! Grand National and I was the only white, so I was away. Again I lead for quite some time then finally Pieter caught me. I didn't want to get in a battle with him so when he passed me I stuck with him and thought "If I am with him at the end I will try for the win". Pieter looked as if he was waiting for my return hit as on the next lap he went wide every bend, but when he realised I wasn't going to hit him, he started to pull away. It would be nice to win, but finishing in the points I am happy with, so 2nd would be fine. Alas two more drivers caught me before the flag, so I let them by and settled into 4th with 5th being along way back. So 4th place and 8 points, can't complain at that! Overall it was an interesting evenings racing at a track I detest. So pleased to finally get my car on show (Hope a few of those quality pictures of the meeting may surface) and to go to bed smiling made a very pleasant change - Thanks to Spike, Wardieee & Grasser for running the meeting, good job done
  21. Its a great service you supply Grasser and certainly would tune in to see the meeting from a different angle Toff244 - I hadn't actually seen that before, so if I get chance I may give it a read and see if I can pick up a few things. I don't like to be like Ricky, asking all the time, its nice to be able to do the setup yourself and if you do well (like Sexberium) its all the more better. If I really struggle then I do ask for help, but try and sort it myself first. Matty300 - In an ideal situation that's good advice, but with a 9-5, 5 days a week job, racing three nights a week, the other two spending with my wife and the weekends revolve around ferrying my kids everywhere + real racing + my website, there isn't much time to log into the server to practice. Also I am unsure when the server is setup for the up and coming meeting. Therefore realistically I only have from 7pm till start time to really dial in for the meeting. I understand about the fencings as you say but a bit of co-operation from the other drivers would go a long way to the lesser drivers learning about their cars and how they handle.
  22. Being proud of my new tarmac livery, I had been really looking forward to its debut and Wimbledon was not a track I was concerned about. Having raced there in 2012, I was optimistic that my setup and current chassis choice wouldn't be too far from what I had, and from memory I had a decent meeting in 2012. It was immediately apparent from the opening laps that the setup was extremely taily & having 0% idea of what to do to correct it, I just tweaked with a few things. Now its this situation that I hate. Having to try and get a setup that you are comfortable with, not necessarily quick, just one that won't cause me problems during the racing. Reason I hate the situation is, you cannot get decent track time to test things out. Other drivers (mainly blues and above) seem to believe that anyone who touches them either by accident or during a duel is fair game. They then set about you until you are embedded in the fence or been spun and you can sense the broad smug smile on their faces as they are doing it. IF my setup was the best I could get then I am happy to play ball and laugh it off also, but when I need time to improve my setup the last thing I want is to be stuck away every lap by those who don't really need to be there and are quite capable drivers without the practice. I am not saying they shouldn't practice, but they should be more open to others that are needing the practice. There is a lot of new drivers this season, they all require track time and don't want to be put away because they inadvertently spun someone or crashed in front of them taking them out. Leave the new ones alone so they can gain more experience! If they do nail you, be the better man and do nothing but just say in race chat - "No need son" to let them know it wasn't acceptable. Anyway, after the likes of Harmen, Jake & Kane all taking turns in bending my car, no doubt they will say that I started it, I'd had enough - There was no point in me continuing; I couldn't get a setup to work and with being a liability on a tight track I felt that I would hinder other drivers during the meeting and I would be coming off feeling worse having annoyed drivers who don't let things lie. I was better off watching than racing. Jnr felt the same, but decided to race but soon gave up as he too realised that without a decent setup you are just fair game for anyone whose quicker. I am pleased to see that the comments on the meeting are positive, would have been nice to have been a part of it, but as I said the meeting may have just been a little less positive if I had raced!! My choice I know Well done to HHunter - could be a star in the making, the next Nigel Whorton?? lol
  23. Once I had installed the track and managed ten minutes of practice, I found that if I did a clean lap I was quick enough to compete. The meeting seemed an age to get started, not sure why or even if it was a long time, my tiredness was kicking in badly! Heat 1 and I had a decent start and managed to hold my place to the end, securing a 5th place. Happy with that, and was hopeful to kick on from there. Heat 2 and although I was up to 5th again I was tagged and was out of the running. Sat in 11th I was chasing after Heatrick #342, but every time I got close enough to strike I made a mistake and dropped back. Last but one lap and Danskin #236 had spun and was re-joining the raceway right in front of us, so I though this was my chance. I kept my foot in and hoped to push Dan into Heatrick and I would take them both knowing I only had another bend to survive after that. Best laid plans and all that! Dan slung his car in and where his back bumper was I now found his back wheel. I careered into it forcing Dan fencewards missing Heatrick altogether and in doing so fenced Dan. It wasn't what I intended at all. I crossed the line in 10th, but not happy with the situation at all. I apologised to Dan saying "That's why I don't use the bumper" and Dan was ok with it, but truthfully I wasn't. That put a downer on the final, the most important race of the night. I had a good start, hung in there and even managed to make a break for it. Sat in a decent position I was hopeful of a good finish. However, for the first time tonight, I got too close to a tyre and just glanced it causing me to spin, loosing out on the position I had and having now to contend with the leaders wanting to lap me. Seeing that was PaulE #394, I didn't want to get in his way and was all but ready to pull over and let him through, but then he made a mistake and dropped back. I tried to get away but the leaders caught me in the final few laps so I moved over effectively ending my chance to catch others. Extremely disappointed to have finished 15th, when it could have been so much better. To be honest, my enthusiasm for the Grand National was zero. I was disappointed, knackered and somewhat bored after racing the same kind of track all night long, with the same result. Jnr didn't even bother with his GN Although it was the last race, I don't remember much about it, just that I circulated after being taken out, and was pleased to see the flag so it had come to an end. So disappointing results from two meetings, but still glad to have taken part Well Done to HHunter #52, I said he would win from yellow! Now he starts alongside me, but I guess I won't see him for dust like I don't the other blues! What chance HHunter wins another final before the re-gradings, therefore getting to red, then being upgraded to Superstar due to his position in the grading table - Wouldn't that be unique "White top to Superstar" in one grading period yet been each grade in between! Finally I too would like to congratulate PaulE #394, great results tonight - Well Done
  24. Mav

    Stoke Results

    After my F1 experience at Stoke last year (Ask Grasser!) I wasn't to worried about missing this meeting. With Jnr wanting to race, I thought I had better try and sort a setup out for him so that he wouldn't be the talking point come the end of the evening. I loaded 4 other shale track setups and chose one and set off. Having used all four, there wasn't too much between them, but settled for Coventry's. As I practiced I started to enjoy it (I do prefer shale to tarmac) and in consequence decided to give the meeting a try. Conversely Jnr's PC wouldn't play ball once again, meaning that he hadn't completed a single lap and he actually missed his first heat too. This was after I was trying to sort him out with a setup for most of the evening! As for the meeting, I knew I wasn't capable of fighting the blues so decided to let them go, trouble was no sooner they were past the reds were there too, so it wasn't long before I was at the back. I'm fine trundling around on my own but it does rely on others failing for me to pick up places; as Stoke is one of those tracks that everyone is of a similar pace so catching and passing isn't easy. Having passed a couple of whites and yellows who had fallen by the wayside in heat 1, I was in 9th and following Toff #244. We had many a lap with me trying to get past cleanly (hate to be the cause of someone crashing out after trying their hardest to stay in the race); but I wasn't able to and Toff stayed ahead, and credit to him he drove well and deserved it. My second heat and again I lost out early on and couldn't make up the ground. Not many drivers went out in this one so I failed to make the top ten. In failing to do so, I was disappointed not to have made the final direct, but then how could I, when it was my choice to drop back and take the fight from the back! Shocked to find there was a Consi, but when the rolling lap was on, I suddenly thought "How many qualify?" - I may have missed it but it probably helped as I drove the nuts off the car, especially after being taken out and going from 4th to last. It was a great feeling lap after lap catching the cars in front and found myself in 4th chasing Jnr. Jnr & I were convinced it was top two that went through and when CB #167 spun, we saw a chance to get that 2nd place. Jnr went in on CB on the last bend but I held back. I kept tight and managed to power round before they did and was happy in 2nd knowing I had made the final. Once we lined up for the final, I thought - Just stick in there and give it a go. I did, but not for long. Once again I lost out due to others and found myself at the back anyway! This time though cars were spinning out left right and centre and it was hard to navigate them all, but I picked up some 10 places by race end. Happy with my drive but disappointed not to have been in the top 10. Grand National was frustrating and I was ready to pack up for the night. Not sure how I got relegated to the back, but again I was forced to fly around the track just to keep up and it wasn't until a few laps from the end that I made my way into the top ten. A lot of hard work is needed to race this track and when there is little reward its hard to be enthusiastic about the evening. Little errors cause big problems but that's the nature of Stock Car Racing! Feeling exhausted already, I wasn't too bothered about Belle Vue, especially not having had any practice and actually not having the right track installed to begin with didn't help either! Congratulations to MartinB #981 for his Final win, but my point is proven about its hard to catch up as Martin was last in the Grand National after starting a lap down.
  25. Having now had chance to test Stoke, and I'm faster than Ricky - Please may I have a late booking?
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