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Everything posted by Aub

  1. Good meeting I thought the driving standards were pretty good last night. Had a totally relaxed attitude to it last night and made a difference to me. After 2 or 3 years away I thought it went pretty well
  2. Well I lasted all of 4 corners before I fell off the edge of the world! Lol Must say what a disappointment dirt rally has become, still just the 3 rallycross tracks and they have the Base for at least 2 more tracks via the F1 series. No ds3 rally car but a rallycross version. Outdated Fiesta yet the rallycross has the current version.
  3. updated Tar car ... it will get used i promise 188_tar_f2.zip
  4. Enjoyed last night, not the fastest by any means but I must still have a good bit of race craft to get a 2nd in the final. Seemed to be stuck to 981 all night but that's fine with me as he's a good racer. I still can't figure out how I come worse off when I hit someone so I will not bother Probably won't bother next week with it being tarmac so see you all in 2 weeks
  5. all sorted now ta. Monitor broke so had to wait till i could hook it up to the tv
  6. Hi can someone help me with mildenhall as the download seems not to be working. says invalid file data for me thanks
  7. Lol Stumpy ex pat indeed. Only had really 2 good races but all was enjoyed. Hope to do a few more maybe just shale cause I can't figure the tarmac cars out at all. Nice to win a final in my 10th year
  8. book out please
  9. My shale car 188_skins_shale.zip
  10. Not sure if my skins are in the pack or not if not can you add my skins from last year please
  11. Any one up for it on Wednesday? I'm easy on time so let's work out what's best and if it goes ahead I will start a pick a car thing later.
  12. Tuesday would be better for more as its quiz night on fridays lol
  13. I agree with that grass i cant get on with the ds3 nor the polo. The fiesta is the one for me. Seems there is a bit of intrest when would people like to have a go?
  14. Would anyone be intrested in a session of Rallycross we can do all 3 formulas using the 3 different tracks. Not sure if the multiplayer is easy to set up as ive never done it nor looked at it before. On PC of course Lets see if theres intrest and go from there
  15. Gutted i missed it but just didnt get home in time the m6 was a nightmare! See you all next week
  16. 188 book out
  17. Very mixed night for me actually had some pace! Got driven into a tyre by 606 in my first heat and lost a wheel so that was that. 2nd heat went much better and got a 4th, made the final happy days! So onto said final was sideways a few times was riding around in 4th then I took 3rd in a perfectly clean move with all respect given to a white top as there wasn't many laps to go and he was doing well so I didn't want to ruin it for him, what a error that was next bend he wiped me out and out the race, Gn was good I think me and Jamie had a Daytona 500 finish for second place. All in all a good night even more so when 2 new enemies are made in 606 and 540 retaliation will be fun.. There's high kerbs at Barford eh Thanks Admins! And where was Dave! Not as if he's got anything important on this week..
  18. Aub blue 188
  19. Not got the time to finish mine so just last years please
  20. Shale car for the year just a wee update on the last 3 years car so nowt special
  21. Dennis middler 41 (2015) Aub 188 Blue
  22. I think i might sign up to iracing again for it
  23. Well done lads Anybody doing the daytona 500 events?
  24. well boredom has set in been off 3 weeks with a broken foot ive played gta 5 to death and read 2 and a half stephen king books (very good they were to). so i fired up photoshop and did a superstock not sure when i can race it due to said foot didnt take long to do so then i started playing about with a shale car for next year i like it but i think the wing will change i plan on giving f2s a go next year as my first season was 2006. the shale car is just a v3.0 i guess as ive had the car a long while now
  25. God knows who voted for my tarmac car as it was never seen lol. If the mod feels better next season then maybe it may make a apperance
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