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UKDirt Admin
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Everything posted by Dave488

  1. Install it to desktop then drag the folder into locations manually see if that works?
  2. Don't forget if you have raced previous meetings in a novice car you need to send me a skin for TONIGHTS Skinpack deadline or your bookings for this month will be refused This is the final warning
  3. REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE RACED A NOVICE SKIN YOU MUST SUBMIT A SKIN FOR THIS PACK OR YOUR BOOKINGS WILL BE REFUSED UNTIL THE NEXT PACK if you have any issues please let me know asap so we can try to sort something out
  4. dave 488 red + bully jnr 848 blue
  5. Well done to all winners last night and to Dode for winning the nationals I would also like to say thanks for aub for stepping in and running the meeting as all of f2 admin were unavailable to run it without him it would have been cancelled simple. He did a great job even tho he had to rejig the whole meeting due to no shows and people booking out after the mi was set and as always thanks to super stumpy for being the steward
  6. mi has been changed at 8.26 please re check
  7. If you haven't got 1 sorted by the time the deadline is up I will knock you up some quick plain 1s to go in
  8. Dave488


    we have two servers load rFactor, click connect, click join, click the blue plus sign, type in the IP address for the server you need to be in.... The password will be found on the members section of the website This is providing a server is set to f2s of course. Not being near a PC I don't know but I'm sure someone will put 1 up if they see this
  9. You can continue using a novice until this pack is released. But you must have a skin sent in for this deadline to race next month (June)
  10. We are now accepting skins for the 4th Skinpack of 2014 please send them in and I will try to keep the received skins part updated A FEW SIMPLE RULES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please) 2: CAB PANELS/ROLLCAGE - cab panels and cage MUST BE YOUR GRADE OR NEUTRAL COLOUR (ie if you are a red roof you CANT have a white, blue or yellow cage or panels, if you are a blue roof you CANT have red, white or yellow cage or panles and so on) THE COLOUR GOLD CAN NOT BE USED FOR ANYONES CAGE OR CAB PANELS EXCEPT THE WORLD CHAMPION (236) - A NEAUTRAL COLOUR MEANS ANYTHING BUT GOLD, RED, BLUE, YELLOW OR WHITE 3: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 4: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 14UKD488_DaveT for tar and 14UKD488_DaveS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 14UKD488_DaveTred or 14UKD488_DaveTyellow etc if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way 5: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread 6:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2013 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack 7: NOVICE SKINS - remember if you have used a novice skin this season you MUST upload a skin for this pack or you WILL NOT be able to race until the next pack is made 8: CHASSIS CHANGES - you have 1 change on each surface in the season but can then go back to your 1st chassis choice if you wish, HOWEVER if you send in a new skin that is on the same chassis as your existing skin, just different colours/signs IT WILL CLASS AS A CHASSIS CHANGE, and once you have met the limit for chassis changes no more skins will be excepted from you 9: ROOF COLOURS - i remind you that the roof grades are RED, BLUE, YELLOW AND WHITE NOT BROWN, PURPLE, GREEN AND GREY - if the colour you have chosen is not deemed to be correct admin will fix it themselves, or REFUSE it i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR SKINS IS MIDNIGHT SATURDAY 31st MAY Skins received so far: 47 82 147 481 tar only
  11. Rite everyone's had their say on the matter people have accused and people have responded that is all I care to read on the subject Every grade could do with reading aubs advice and maybe we will all get along I'm sure nobody intentionally tries to ruin others races but it does happen
  12. Bully jnr 12 Yellow Cheers
  13. thanks all for racing tonight and well done to Aub#188 for winning the meeting final and also top scoring, as always thanks to super steward stumpy and everyone else that helped out Results: Heat 1: 188 443 246 39 112 474 981 488 589 237 52 146 394 Heat 2: 641 79 356 180 238 249 384 8 31 93 848 221 342 380 Heat 3: 79 188 356 589 180 31 39 848 981 641 488 380 394 443 Heat 4: 249 52 238 146 474 112 246 221 8 342 237 384 93 Consi: 237 380 221 848 394 93 342 Final: 188 8 112 52 356 237 39 180 79 384 238 848 246 221 249 380 589 474 641 981 146 488 443 31 GN 1: 238 39 79 394 146 384 981 488 848 380 443 188 93 342 GN 2: 249 589 52 246 8 180 237 356 31 641 474 221 112 Points: 39 pts 188 Aub 31 pts 79 WeeRyan 31 pts 356 Mitch 31 pts 52 Hhunter 29 pts 8 Llyody 28 pts 39 LeeK 27 pts 112 TomD 25 pts 249 Jack 24 pts 180 Wardiee 24 pts 238 KaneM 19 pts 246 Stox 18 pts 589 Stijneman 15 pts 237 RickyLJames 13 pts 146 Crashley 12 pts 641 Mav 11 pts 474 DannyKing 11 pts 384 TheBagoo 10 pts 981 MartinB 9 pts 443 Ritzo 9 pts 31 Simon 7 pts 394 PaulE 6 pts 488 Dave 5 pts 848 BullyJnr 3 pts 221 Spike 1 pts 93 Twisty 1 pts 342 Heatrick 1 pts 380 Liam NO SHOW 0 pts 134 Bondy see you all next week where we will be at Bristol for another WCQR The replays are here!
  14. welcome to the 2nd meeting of the night (starts at 9) please check you are in 2 heats each Heat 1: 134, 443, 474, 237, 394, 146, 188, 589, 52, 246, 488, 981, 39, 112, , , , (Server .48) 14 cars Heat 2: 79, 93, 342, 641, 31, 249, 356, 380, 8, 221, 384, 848, 180, 238, , , , (Server .45) 14 cars Heat 3: 79, 443, 394, 641, 31, 188, 356, 380, 589, 488, 848, 981, 39, 180, , , , (Server .48) 14 cars Heat 4: 93, 134, 474, 237, 342, 146, 249, 8, 52, 221, 246, 384, 112, 238, , , , (Server .45) 14 cars top 20 point scorers go directly to the final then top 4 from the consi there will be enough gns for everyone
  15. 27 drivers booked for the 1st meeting tonight please make sure you are in 2 heats each Heat 1: 79, 443, 922, 394, 641, 146, 356, 380, 52, 221, 848, 981, 39, 180, , , , , (Server .48) 14 cars Heat 2: 45, 93, 237, 31, 188, 249, 589, 8, 246, 384, 488, 112, 238, , , , (Server .45) 13 cars Heat 3: 45, 79, 237, 641, 146, 249, 380, 589, 384, 488, 848, 981, 112, 180, , , , (Server .48) 14 cars Heat 4: 93, 443, 922, 394, 31, 188, 356, 8, 52, 221, 246, 39, 238, , , , , (Server .45) 13 cars top 18 go to final with top 4 from consi there will be enough gns for everyone
  16. Bookings for this meeting will close at 7.30
  17. Dave488


    .48 is on mildenhall now
  18. Bully jnr 848 Red
  19. Dave 488 Red
  20. the link for skinpack 3 is below, you will all need this for the meeting at Northampton tomorrow night >>>SKINPACK 3<<< DONT FORGET THE NEW GRADES ALSO COME INTO EFFECT FOR THIS MEETING, THEY CAN BE FOUND >>HERE<< This pack is installed on both servers and server 45 should be set to Northampton now IN THIS PACK: new cars: 79 tar and shale 134 tar only 385 tar and shale 443 tar and shale chassis changes: 394 tarmac from randall to rce (no changes left for tarmac) new paint schemes: (taken as a chassis change) none fixes: 180 shale 188 shale 394 shale 488 shale as I have said on other threads we had no skins from 4, 184, 70, so they will NOT be able to race this month
  21. here are the latest grade changes for the f2s these come into effect immediately so please be aware of them and have the correct wings on for tomorrow nights meeting at NIR up to red 221 384 848 down to blue 188 380 488 653 up to blue 356 589 down to yellow 342 well done to all those that have gone up the grades this month, im sure the 1s that have gone down will be aiming to climb back up again ALSO THIS MONTHS SKINPACK CAN BE FOUND >ON THIS THREAD<
  22. 474 skins sent in via upload tool
  23. yes got them thanks list above updated and we didn't receive skins from the following novice drivers so they cannot race this month, you were warned! 4, 184, 70,
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