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Everything posted by kendo912
If it was Big Ben (i've got no idea) then you could try pm'ing him via this forum-i do believe he goes via the name BigBen36. I think he was planning to re-do the MiniStox Heat game over the winter but the last post i saw he was trying to juggle about 10 different modding things all at once!
Disgraceful String 'em up by there nads i say!
Thank god for that-UKDIRT isnt ready for another kendo!!!! There are a few other racing leagues out there-BWS is the obvious one which races on a sunday evening i believe-there is a BWS section on this forum-from memory i think DavieG is an admin member for it. There is also the NI League which races on a tuesday evening (8pm start). Its mainly F2's with generally one support forumla each tuesday. The website for that is www.attheracin.co.uk There are also 2 or 3 others mainly, banger league although i couldnt tell u anything about them. UKDIRT is the biggest and best racing league going with larger grids due to the JOLT servers that we use although due to the cost of these members are asked to pay a SMALL charge of £20 for this season. For that money you can race Monday-Friday nights in meetings (F2's, F1, Sallons, Hot Rods and Bangers) then practise at the weekend as well for as long as you want. I read somewhere that if u raced in all meetings in all mods then it costs just 17p per meeting (i think that was about right anyway)
Havent laughed for so long in ages!!! Whats next, anyone heard of Rob Speak/FWJ/John Lund??????
Well said Rikard. I'm not into bangers myself Lenny but fair play to you for the effort your making with your models.-hope it brings in some cash for u . I'd be interested to find out if you have a mad mick tracey replica from the mid 80's as thats the only banger driver i remeber from my trips to NIR. Always remember him being called to Race Control on the tannoy and doing some jumps off of the ramp that was in place! Off Topic: I think many people would like to hear your response to what Knobby has said Hoosier!
It doesn't, but i thought i would be helpful in suggesting that someone has a similar skin just in case you decide to actually get some money out of the moth ridden piece of leather u call a wallet to join a real league!
Dare i say it, you may find that Nezza46 already has a very similar looking car to Chris Bonner's real life car, although he doesnt race in the NI league
There is an NI league which is free to race in on a tuesday night www.attheracin.co.uk F2's seem 2 be the most popular with other mods also being ran. They run on private servers, which can generally hold 12 before cars begin 2 warp. IMO your much better off paying a mere £20 so that you can join us in the JOLT servers which hold upto 22 cars. During a season, race meeting are on most weekday evenings and practise at the weekends. In theory you can race f2's monday, bangers tuesday, rods or saloons wednesday, F1's thursday and BriSCA Legends on a Friday then get in some praccy in "afters" when each meeting finishes followed by banger/rod praccy on a saturday and f1/f2 praccy on a sunday. All of this for £20 and many will help you find the fence as well-what more can u ask for? Right off 2 pay my jolt fee's-just sold it 2 myself!!
Can't say i recall anyone with a bright orange car in UKDIRT similar to that of F1 manDave Willis 337 [attachmentid=4805]
Session on!!! Happy b'day matey
I think you'll find that the forum has been down for everyone since approx midnight till 9.30pm. I'm sure Kev has been aware of this and has been in touch wth various people trying to correct it. Kendo
Wasn't in jolt at the time of your problem but one possible answer is that the track was Skegness which has been released recently. If you don't have this installed then the game will crash-at that stage it'll ask if you want to look at the crash log. If you click on yes then copy and paste that into your post here on the forum then we'll be able to advise you of whats happened.
I've looked into the possiblility of moddeling tracks and oh my god it looks rediculously hard to do. There are various sites out there, the main one being the mod squad which has a forum about track modding but these guys are very skilled and have more time on their hands than i do. Its not just making a simple tweak here and there, the whole track would need to be re-done which would involve hours and hours worth of work and testing. Personally unless people like NickM or BigBen(as an example)would want to even consider adding to there already rediculous amount of track requests on this forum then i don't think we've got much of a choice. It's a huge from me for the work that the track moddelers have done to make the tracks as lifelike as possible and also the sheer amount of choice of tracks/mods that we have anyways.
Hmmmm, bit of a large gap between them for my liking and her nips seem to point in totally different directions! but i'm not fussy!!!
when your in the screen above try clicking onto favourites on the menu bar along the top then recent channels followed by ukdirt secure chat-the next chat screen should pop up (it does for me anyway!!!) [attachmentid=4093]
"I'll beat that queue for the pie van" says Prydie!
Does that mean we'll be seeing Mr Kitson in an F1 next season trav?-it'd be blinding to see although disappointing to see him leave the twooz.
Superb stuff as per usuaul chopps-WD mate Looks like the f2 will need a blue roof after the 1st re-grade next year!!!!
Happy birthday matey!
Bit extreme i appreciate and no scooby doo how it would be possible to arange but if there's money left over from the jolt fee's (that is if there is any left-think i read somewhere a few months ago that there was but might have dreamt it) how about sponsoring a real life racer and car if we all want numbers to be increased then some advertising could be aconsidered-i appreciate Cabs and Spike already do (i assume for no cash) but would it not be good to give back some of this "free-advertising" to the real life ukdirt drivers int he form of a helping hand?
he should do with his....
probably wrong but i think some people have had probs before if they are running SP2 other than that seems a bit odd if he's disabled his firewall once again don't know if this'll do anything at all but try adjusting his security levels for internet access
Corny covered the wheel base sizes here's the link http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=1688
Happy birthday Nez
Top shots rigg Any chance of seeing the other 3?