Kevin Posted September 28, 2005 Report Posted September 28, 2005 It's that time again with the 2005 season fast coming to a close we need to look forward to 2006. Just like last year we are asking you, the members, to help us to improve UK-Dirt. This topic has been provided for you to write any suggestions you may have to improve this league. The only thing I do ask is that when you post a comment on a certain thing, then also please post a suggestion along with it. Posts that argue with someone elses suggestion will be removed, that is not the purpose of this topic. All suggestions will be discussed and decided upon in an admin meeting which will be held after the season has ended. All decisions will posted here regardless of the outcome. So fire away...
MC388 Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 All league's should have same closing time of bookings or at least have them written down is their league-rules.
Nick M48 Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 I'd like to see the UK-Dirt website improved, as it is at the moment it does exactly what it was designed to do, all the technical stuff like booking in, skin uploads etc, A huge credit to JamieG for that but I'd like to see it 'looking' nicer with maybe UK-Dirt news on the home page, a proper FAQ page with answers to common questions regarding joining UK-Dirt and getting it running on a pc. I'd also like to see a section on each mod with screen shots and renders. I know that the admin team are very busy but maybe they could ask some members to help, I'm sure there are some willing volunteers.
JohnMid Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 An "advert" page for all the mods- a few times I've tried to "show off" UKDirt on other forums, email, etc, and there's no obvious page to point to to say "Here's what F1 looks like/bangers/SSC etc" with screenshots, model renders, etc.
misterbreg364 Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 i agree on the website, there's hardly any (visable) things happening there.. also its very hard to find what you look for.
Pedz 212 Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 got to agree about ukdirt site is very bland i think site should be stock cars that looks gr8,where new people must look at it and say what is this naaaaaaaaa,close page RULES:: can we not remove general rules and just have rules per mod
Tricky88 Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 Nick M48 said: I'd like to see the UK-Dirt website improved, as it is at the moment it does exactly what it was designed to do, all the technical stuff like booking in, skin uploads etc, A huge credit to JamieG for that  but I'd like to see it 'looking' nicer with maybe UK-Dirt news on the home page, a proper FAQ page with answers to common questions regarding joining UK-Dirt and getting it running on a pc. I'd also like to see a section on each mod with screen shots and renders. I know that the admin team are very busy but maybe they could ask some members to help, I'm sure there are some willing volunteers. i agree totally and would be willing to help with the ukdirt site if needed also i think there should be a set time for bookings on all formulas at 6.00 pm the day of the meeting to give the rm's time to sort heats , as we know they do it in there spare time ( whats that ) and it should be no bookings after the set time
Guest Scrapman53 Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 Would it be possible to incorporate all our mods into the Nascar Heat Essentials and have just 1 download/cd for newcomers? It can be very confusing for newcomers with all the downloads etc. I've introduced a few people to the leagues now over the years and it can be very time consuming trying to explain to someone that has very basic PC skills about it all. This would probably cut down on all the crashlog posts on the forum as well from newbies. Just a thought. Maybe more to come as I think of things.
Ham 775 Posted September 29, 2005 Report Posted September 29, 2005 Scrapman53 said: Maybe more to come as I think of things. Oi You ain't got time to think Scraps. Have you got me an ariel for the astra yet or been up the loft hunting for those magazines Seriously i have had people ask me (usually when they stop laughing ) what all this sitting in front of a computer with a steering wheel in front of me on a Thursday is all about. Rather than direct them to the uk dirt site my standard answer is come round one night and i'll show you. Therefore i agree that the website could be more appealing to those new to the world of online stock car racing.
Mav Posted September 30, 2005 Report Posted September 30, 2005 Complaints & Admin Handling of such Complaints The complaint & its procedure for any mod should be the same. The outcome of the complaint would be determined by the rules governing that mod. Communication between "The Moaner" & Admin and "The Aggressor" & Admin needs to be vastly improved. Admin's Role Step 1 - Upon receipt of a complaint, Admin should instantly acknowledge its receipt. Step 2 - Admin should then inform asap "The Aggressor" that a complaint has been received & is currently being looked at. Step 3 - Admin should post on the forum disciplinary thread (or an new thread) that a complaint has been received about "The Aggressor" at which meeting, but not who has lodged the complaint. Step 4 - Admin and Disciplinary Team review the evidence. Step 5 - Once agreed on the outcome, Admin should inform both the Aggressor and Moaner of the outcome by PM on the forum, and await a response from both parties. Say one day timescale to respond. If one or both parties do not respond then Admin decide as to what course of action to take. Step 6 - Once concluded, Admin post on the forum thread the outcome of complaint. Either a "Ban" or "No case to answer". Step 7 - If not concluded, ie appeal has been lodged by either party, revert back to Step 1 and replace " a Complaint" with "an Appeal". If for any reason that a decision is too be delayed, then inform both parties by PM and update the thread on the forum, to that effect. The forum doesn't have to be specific in detail, but at least the "moaner" and "Aggressor" are always up-to-date with whats going on in detail and the rest of UK Dirt are just aware. This would save speculation from members, as to what is happening and can follow what's what, without accusing anyone of "Them & Us".
prydie#9 Posted October 2, 2005 Report Posted October 2, 2005 i brought this topic up at the start of the year, but im im gonna do it again. I think ukdirt should have proper accounts, any club where money changes hands should and usually do have this. We could also have an AGM at the end of the season, where all the topics raised could be discused and voted on by the memebers. prydie
Guest Trash Posted October 2, 2005 Report Posted October 2, 2005 prydie9 said: i brought this topic up at the start of the year, but im im gonna do it again. I think ukdirt should have proper accounts, any club where money changes hands should and usually do have this. We could also have an AGM at the end of the season, where all the topics raised could be discused and voted on by the memebers. prydie Very much agreed, accounts summary should be available to all members.
kendo912 Posted October 2, 2005 Report Posted October 2, 2005 Champion of champions race?- a bit like countdown or 15to1 where all the past winners have a big scrap to see who is top chump-erm champ!
Fozz155 Posted October 2, 2005 Report Posted October 2, 2005 prydie9 said: i brought this topic up at the start of the year, but im im gonna do it again. I think ukdirt should have proper accounts, any club where money changes hands should and usually do have this. We could also have an AGM at the end of the season, where all the topics raised could be discused and voted on by the memebers. prydie I agree 100% Prydie,it`s not that were implying that anyone`s on the pockle or owt,but a rundown of accounts would be greatly appreciated
Guest Scrapman53 Posted October 3, 2005 Report Posted October 3, 2005 prydie9 said: i brought this topic up at the start of the year, but im im gonna do it again. I think ukdirt should have proper accounts, any club where money changes hands should and usually do have this. We could also have an AGM at the end of the season, where all the topics raised could be discused and voted on by the memebers. prydie I'll 4th that.
Fozzer Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 Go on i'll 5th it, dont hold your breath tho
Dragon 428 Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 Don't want to get involved too much as the years before so I just thought I'd copy and paste CLICK HERE THIS here. From what I have read on the separate forums here and there it seems that still a couple of questions from last year are the same as the ones to this years questions. Makes me wonder if last years questions ever have been answered (I know that some have never been answered, still got the list)??? I agree that also some questions raised in the "old" thread have been answered and solved. Admin, see for yourself what you want to answer but the point of this post is to have a look at the questions that were raised last year and are raised this year again. For them being raised for the 2nd year running must mean that they are important to the members? Dragon
TRAV365 Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 prydie9 said: i brought this topic up at the start of the year, but im im gonna do it again. I think ukdirt should have proper accounts, any club where money changes hands should and usually do have this. We could also have an AGM at the end of the season, where all the topics raised could be discused and voted on by the memebers. prydie here here ill agree on that
Guest Trash Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 The Jolt Servers to be kept up to date. How many times do you go in for Bangers and it says Uk Dirt F2's or BriSCA Legends on the server title. A newbie came in tonight in an F2 for banger practice and who could blame him as the server said F2. Also for the Jolt Password to be changed more regularly, we seem to have got into a habit of only changing it weekly sometimes which isn't the best deterrent in the world when a freeloader gets hold of it.
psyko75 Posted October 4, 2005 Report Posted October 4, 2005 i think the server info is not so important. I printed it out and stick it next to my pc. only server info i need is the password
Cod120 Posted October 5, 2005 Report Posted October 5, 2005 1.agree with prydie about detailed accounts. 2.rules set in stone for all mods ie lap downs. 3.ukdirt chairman and admin members to be voted in by members not current admin members applicants for vacant positions should be put on forum via poll for the members to decide who gets the position. mentioned before the notification of points bans etc is in a poor state of afairs 5. better control of rolling starts in meetings jump starts are ridiculous at times
Mav Posted October 5, 2005 Report Posted October 5, 2005 1. Consistancy of "Swearing" in chat. Which will get you a ban :- a) Using swear words / abbreviations / synonyms - no matter how or why. b) Swearing in a general discussion - not aimed at anyone, just enhancing the sentance. c) Directed at another member whether its private chat or main chat. It needs to be clear what is acceptable and stuck too by RM's and enforced (no matter who wrote it) with whatever punishment is required. In the main, UK Dirt is in an adult society, and in todays world a degree of swearing is used in real life, but since my son, whose 6 yrs old, races legends (and to be very fair to all legenders, swearing is almost nil - which I am extremely grateful for) so as my wife and daughter occassionally watch, I would hate to see them viewing expleatives on screen. It takes no time at all to say "swear" words but to actually sit and type one, you know you are going to say it in chat, and its non excusable. Swearing on the forum is not tollerated (but very rarely happens) and is "Altered" accordingly when it does. 2. Consistancy of Punishments Can a table be drawn up to show what crime fits which range of punishments and be displayed along with the rules of each mod ? For example - What is more important to UK Dirt ? a) On track enjoyment for its members or b) Image to members or newbies My Example (Hyperthetical of course!) :- I was deliberately fenced by a car turning right (anti-clockwise race) whom was on the same lap as me, but totally destroyed my race in a Championship event. I returned to chat and swore once in open chat at that driver to vent my frustration and anger. What would the punishment be that we each received, with the RM receiving a complaint from me regarding the fencing ??? Me for swearing - Loaded up on spot and a week ban all mods. Fencer for fencing me - A WARNING to future driving misdemeanours. Not exactly fair, I would say but as mentioned earlier, which is more important for UK Dirt ???? I just ask for better clarification of what an individual can expect if they chose, for whatever reason, to break the rules.
Allan268 Posted October 17, 2005 Report Posted October 17, 2005 Keyword, "consistancy", from what i seen in chat, it wasn't consistent. Unless consistent means one-off?
Riggster Posted October 28, 2005 Report Posted October 28, 2005 Something needs to be done with the shale tracks to make them more... erm... shaley I know there have been attempts in the past to alter physics in individual mods' cars (last winter's fwj shale F1), but it seems to me that a quicker fix would be to simply alter the grip levels of certain tracks - Kings Lynn being the prime example - to make it less like brown tarmac. Mildenhall should be the model for this. Trying to keep the back end under control gives it a feel of a proper shale track. The smoothness of the tracks is another area which could help get the feel of shale - see Stoke and Nelson - but I suspect that this is not as simple a fix as the grip levels...
mickymoo Posted October 28, 2005 Report Posted October 28, 2005 prydie9 said: We could also have an AGM at the end of the season, where all the topics raised could be discused and voted on by the memebers. agree with above, and can we have a members vote for admin applications?
kendo912 Posted November 1, 2005 Report Posted November 1, 2005 Bit extreme i appreciate and no scooby doo how it would be possible to arange but if there's money left over from the jolt fee's (that is if there is any left-think i read somewhere a few months ago that there was but might have dreamt it) how about sponsoring a real life racer and car if we all want numbers to be increased then some advertising could be aconsidered-i appreciate Cabs and Spike already do (i assume for no cash) but would it not be good to give back some of this "free-advertising" to the real life ukdirt drivers int he form of a helping hand?
Badura_Racing258 Posted November 1, 2005 Report Posted November 1, 2005 I think if there's any money left over, it just goes towards the next years fund, and make that year a little bit cheaper....but i think the Jolt servers are more and more expensive these days, so i doubt any money will be left over
Grasser233 Posted November 1, 2005 Report Posted November 1, 2005 (edited) Hi, some general suggestions from me, I realise some of these maybe either a)stupid, b)un-feasible, c) both....apologies in advance 1), Sort out all the installers/downloads on the ukdirt site for the main mods. How many times do you see someone posting an error log in the computer help section down to a no ui.res error or something. With Nascar heat essentials being more common now maybe the mods should be packed with that in mind 2), How about some new splash screens for the mods (the front screen, loading screen etc). We've been using the current ones for 2 years I think now and it might be good to have a change of scenery...could be done an a non-essential update or something 3), I think the front page of the Ukdirt website needs sorting, It currently has the "this is the backup site...." paragraph and surely this is out of date now. 4), How about a locked FAQ section for this forum, the ukdirt site imo isnt the first place new people look for help and maybe some of the info on the site...installation guide, skin conversion etc could be on here as well just so it isnt so confusing for first timers. I could also stop so many threads on how things work, whats gone wrong... 5), We should go back to the password for jolt being changed at least every other day I also realise that most of the above will take a lot of work by various people and this isnt putting down any of the work currently done by all the admin Cheers Grasser#233 Edited November 1, 2005 by Grasser233
AndyH 148 Posted November 1, 2005 Report Posted November 1, 2005 On the subject of the UK Dirt site is there anyway that on the fixtures pages the championship winners are listed as well as the winner of the meeting final at that meeting. Eg the SSC world final meeting has me down as winner because I won the meeting final it looks like I won the world final if you see what I mean?! Cheers Andy
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