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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Toff244

  1. Looks fine to me....
  2. Fixed thank you
  3. Results: W&Y:228 504 10 341 468 144 417 6 321 Heat 1: 131 211 504 527 57 51 145 100 228 20 910 244 417 83 6 468 Heat 2: 777 238 229 691 321 696 341 472 221 10 381 621 8 39 Heat 3: 621 504 131 910 777 8 527 341 211 472 145 229 221 417 83 381 Heat 4: 238 228 321 691 100 696 20 468 10 57 244 6 39 Heat 5: 504 229 910 472 238 527 131 57 20 145 211 51 417 341 83 321 Heat 6: 621 468 228 10 244 39 8 100 696 777 691 6 221 B-Final: 145 221 417 6 882 83 A-Final: 211 10 504 20 691 39 472 229 228 238 910 777 100 244 57 8 341 621 696 51 527 131 468 GN 1: 504 621 472 238 211 39 696 8 417 341 244 145 6 GN 2: 100 229 527 910 777 691 57 10 221 468 20 Points: 87 pts 504 CharlieBoast 73 pts 211 EmielDeJong 61 pts 10 BrianB 54 pts 691 Jakeeey 50 pts 229 Tsjalle 47 pts 472 MarkF 44 pts 238 Kayne 42 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 40 pts 39 LeeK 38 pts 621 jouke heddema 32 pts 100 Tomdavison 32 pts 527 fast track 29 pts 228 Sierd 29 pts 910 McFerran 29 pts 777 HGR 22 pts 131 rutger 20 pts 696 Kloosterman 18 pts 57 LittleTheo 15 pts 8 Tosh 14 pts 321 HaaDee 12 pts 468 Bradley Cooper 9 pts 341 BryanLee 6 pts 221 Spike 6 pts 244 Toff 5 pts 51 Peet Gommans 5 pts 145 SKint 4 pts 417 Klaasydelourens 0 pts 6 THoyes 0 pts 83 BenS 0 pts 144 Bunny 0 pts 882 phil 0 pts 381 kevharbord The replays are here!
  4. Please make sure you are in 3 heats each and everyone to discord at 8:20pm W&Y:6, 144, 83, 321, 417, 882, 497, 10, 228, 341, 468, 504 Heat 1: 6, 83, 417, 882, 228, 504, 20, 48, 51, 100, 131, 57, 211, 244, 527, 145, 910, , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527) Heat 2: 144, 321, 497, 10, 341, 468, 221, 381, 472, 621, 8, 229, 238, 691, 696, 777, 39, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39) Heat 3: 83, 144, 417, 882, 341, 504, 131, 221, 381, 472, 621, 8, 211, 229, 527, 777, 145, 910, , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527) Heat 4: 6, 321, 497, 10, 228, 468, 20, 48, 51, 100, 57, 238, 244, 691, 696, 39, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39) Heat 5: 83, 144, 321, 417, 341, 504, 20, 48, 51, 131, 472, 57, 211, 229, 238, 527, 145, 910, , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527) Heat 6: 6, 497, 882, 10, 228, 468, 100, 221, 381, 621, 8, 244, 691, 696, 777, 39, , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39) Final GN
  5. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  6. Just a reminder. F1 skins are available by request on the link below.
  7. Submitted to 2019 Skinpack 2
  8. Submitted to 2019 Skinpack 2
  9. I am aware that we have had many new members this year, and that some people are new to rFactor and skin painting. In an effort to make things a bit easier for folks that are unsure how to pain skins I am offering to paint skins for you. I will only be offering this on the WainS and WainT chassis. You will be able to pick the car and chassis colours and one of the sign options. I will ensure all 4 grade colours are included I will upload the skins and they will be ready for you to use in the next available skinpack(as long as the request isn't too close to a pack deadline). *Please note these skins are not compatible with the Stu Smith style wing. There are 3 sign options: Sign option 1 Sign option 2 No Signs To request a skin please Fill out the template below: Number: Car Colour: Chassis Colour: Sign Option: Example: Number: 244 Car Colour: White Chassis Colour: Blue Sign Option: Sign Option 1
  10. Nickname: Toff Number: 244 Grade: Red (UKDirt F1) Real Life Driver: 244 - Mick Rogers
  11. Every week is a team meeting if you live in Holland
  12. Because i'm the tallest!!!
  13. @Grasser233 "I didnt win the national points because the winner kept adding himself into the points twice" I've even written it for you!
  14. That explains how hes won the national points two years in a row....
  15. Toff 5g please @Grasser233
  16. This should help with your wheel. http://uksom.tumblr.com/controller
  17. Well done, stick at it mate. These things aren't the easiest to drive even without all the chaos going on.
  18. Bye Dan!!!
  19. 50p and a whole curlywurly
  20. 50p and 7/8th of a curly wurly
  21. The banger numbers should be through the roof for next week based on tonight
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