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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Toff244

  1. toff 244 yellow please
  2. 244 toff yellow
  3. Tar Skins 244_Toff_TarSkins.zip ** Received **
  4. Shale skins 244_Toff_ShaleSkins.zip ** Received **
  5. My new F1 Skins 244_Toff_F1_Skins.zip
  6. I will be making a collection of new cars to display of the UKDirt facebook page. If you would like your car(s) to be included please PM me(Toff244) on the forum with your screenshots and i'll post them to the album. RULES: - Screenshots must be Sent in via PM on the UKDirt forum to Toff244 i will not accept the if the are sent in by any other means - You must provide the screenshots - Please don't just take a picture of your screen with your phone/camera - Please only send NEW cars - 2 screenshots per car maximum
  7. Thank you.
  8. Dave im not on the list!!!
  9. submitted on the upload tool please let me know if its not worked or anything needs fixing and i will sort it
  10. make sure its the right version there should be like 400 variation of the track like bumpy, a bit less bumpy, dry, a bit dryer, wet, damp, moist, tacky, kinda tacky, sort of tacky tsunami, underwater, really bumpy, full on stoke bumpy, etc, etc
  11. toff 5g Joe Faram
  12. as far as i am aware we do not currently have access to a banger mod for rfactor
  13. toff 244 yellow please dan
  14. toff 244 white
  15. Results: Well Done Tom on winning the Tarmac masters, the final and top scoring Results: Tarmac Masters : 112 236 262 297 89 90 246 238 80 380 385 363 180 62 244 484 356 527 43 39 229 48 Heat 1: 236 385 112 180 246 484 43 39 80 90 244 356 82 62 238 380 Heat 2: 236 363 484 297 262 385 82 89 62 43 48 180 380 109 39 527 Heat 3: 246 89 43 244 238 363 90 527 380 474 62 262 109 82 229 Heat 4: 297 385 363 356 238 80 229 112 474 48 89 39 62 244 Heat 5: 236 246 527 484 84 112 229 297 180 474 356 262 80 48 109 A-Final: 112 363 474 262 297 246 238 90 229 80 380 527 244 356 82 180 89 385 43 236 62 48 484 39 GN 1: 484 385 236 246 89 363 527 297 238 112 244 43 380 229 180 80 262 48 39 Points: 50 pts 112 Tom D 49 pts 363 Walker 44 pts 246 Stox 37 pts 297 HamsterJnr 36 pts 236 DanSkin 30 pts 385 Boostman 30 pts 484 Jack Ward 26 pts 238 Kane_M 22 pts 262 Harmen 20 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 18 pts 89 Montangoo 17 pts 527 fast track 12 pts 90 LiamB 12 pts 229 Tsjalle 11 pts 43 Lloydy 9 pts 244 Toff 9 pts 80 BenChambers 5 pts 356 Mitch Wells 5 pts 180 wardieee 4 pts 380 Liam Powell 2 pts 82 Dbecks 1 pts 39 LeeK 0 pts 109 Dan W 0 pts 48 Tinman 0 pts 62 HHUNTER MESSERS 71 JoshW *Note 23/10/14 results updated to reflect disciplinary action against 229 The replays are here!
  16. Please check you have 3 Heats TARMAC MASTERS : 112,236,380,262,238,527,39,89,246,90,229,297,48,385,244,43,80,62,363,4 84,356,180 Heat 1: 82, 244, 356, 385, 484, 43, 62, 180, 246, 39, 80, 90, 380, 112, 236, 238, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 71, 82, 109, 385, 484, 43, 48, 180, 363, 39, 89, 297, 380, 527, 236, 262, server .48 ( steward 180 ) Heat 3: 82, 109, 244, 474, 43, 62, 246, 363, 89, 90, 229, 380, 527, 238, 262, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 71, 244, 356, 385, 474, 48, 62, 363, 39, 80, 89, 229, 297, 112, 238, server .48 ( steward 180 ) Heat 5: 71, 109, 356, 474, 484, 48, 180, 246, 80, 90, 229, 297, 527, 112, 236, 262, server .48 ( steward 255 )
  17. Please post any late booking below please include your Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings will close at 7PM
  18. M**die is a ban word im afraid we will have non of that on here
  19. no its what will happen to ash's head when he realizes he has been wasting his time driving boring f2's around
  20. Toff 244 Yellow
  21. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH as if dan would take number one or paint his car. far too much effort needed for that s***
  22. Toff244


    like it
  23. my pace car is a temp but i removed too many pace car files whilst trying to fix an error caused by the NZ mod
  24. i cant see a duplicate name in the driver lists, it must be on the system somewhere. PM LeeK im sure he can fix it
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