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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Toff244

  1. Toff 244 Yellow
  2. I cant help with lap times, im the last person you want to listen to about being fast really. However in terms of set up you may want to look at the guide HERE I use the principals in this guide both online and for real racing. Its great. Just remember its aimed at anti clockwise directions if you use it for anything that goes the other way.
  3. For some reason non contact seems to struggle here. From my own experience of helping Grasser run the Grasstrack and heading up the Dwarf Cars in the Winter. No one ever seems to want to race them. It sucks when you set up a meeting and only 2 people turn up.
  4. Is there possibly some scope for "New Drivers" to have a go try before you buy style. I feel like when I speak to people who would be interested that telling them the have to pay upfront to find out if they like it puts them off. Would an open practice session once every couple of weeks/once a month be possible? Could rotate mods etc.
  5. Are you gonna let someone else have a go Dan?
  6. Decent meeting, never scored that many points from yellow. This new wheel is definitely helping! Bring on the rest of the year!
  7. Toff 244 Yellow
  8. 1st final win, hopefully its not the last. Thanks to Dan and Stumpy for running the meeting
  9. Toff244


    Match the resolution to the size of your screen.
  10. Nickname: Toff Number: 244 Grade: Yellow (UKDirt F1) Real Life Driver: 361 - Steve Reedman
  11. I wont be painting any new extra skins sorry Davo but you are welcome to this one if you want it. It is only the shale skin though.
  12. My Martini F1. I painted this and decided i didn't want to use it but it seems a shame to leave it sat there. I will put new numbers and name on it.
  13. BEST TEAM MEETING .....EVER!!!!!!!
  14. Stumpy you were a kid??? i though thought youd always been this old!!!!
  15. Toff - 5g Please
  16. Great nights racing, Cheers Grasser!!!!
  17. Toff 5G please!
  18. Toff 244 Yellow
  19. I think part of the problem is that if a good portion of the people here had a whip around they could only muster half a brain cell between them.
  20. Toff244

    Signs for cars

    try looking on dafont there are lots of different fonts and styles on there. that way you can get exactly what you want
  21. Results: W+Y 189 17 82 146 477 599 241 Heat 1: 484 233 238 82 241 411 237 90 800 43 527 48 474 363 Heat 2: 236 89 84 74 691 39 146 246 599 17 204 189 180 Heat 3: 17 246 484 90 89 180 39 527 43 74 363 241 48 474 Heat 4: 236 146 189 238 691 233 204 800 411 237 599 82 84 Heat 5: 189 17 236 599 89 411 84 800 82 90 233 484 527 204 Heat 6: 238 691 39 43 363 74 48 180 246 146 237 474 241 B-Final: 48 204 527 474 800 A-Final: 146 236 189 691 238 180 89 233 39 484 82 246 90 84 411 43 74 599 17 GN 1: 411 17 691 89 484 48 204 43 74 527 599 363 474 GN 2: 233 236 180 90 39 189 246 238 800 84 237 241 146 82 Points: 91 pts 236 DanSkin 72 pts 691 Jakeeey 68 pts 189 NathH 64 pts 146 Ashley England 61 pts 238 Kane_M 55 pts 89 Montangoo 49 pts 233 Grasser 49 pts 180 wardieee 39 pts 39 LeeK 38 pts 17 Dan W 35 pts 484 Jack Ward 32 pts 411 Reece 25 pts 90 LiamB 22 pts 246 Stox 17 pts 74 Tommy Vaes 16 pts 43 pinken 14 pts 84 Timm 14 pts 48 Tinman 12 pts 204 minitom 12 pts 800 BenChambers 9 pts 82 Dbecks 9 pts 599 Harold 6 pts 241 MarkPuxty 6 pts 363 walker 5 pts 237 rickyljames 5 pts 527 fast track 0 pts 474 Danny King MESSERS 0 pts 442 Colemann The replays are here!
  22. Good evening folks. W+Y ???? Server 48 Heat 1: 442, 82, 241, 474, 233, 237, 363, 484, 48, 90, 411, 43, 238, 527, 800, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 189, 17, 146, 599, 74, 84, 204, 246, 112, 180, 39, 89, 236, 691, server .45 ( steward 244 ) Heat 3: 442, 17, 241, 474, 74, 246, 363, 484, 48, 90, 180, 39, 43, 89, 527, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 189, 82, 146, 599, 84, 204, 233, 237, 112, 411, 236, 238, 691, 800,server .45 ( steward 244 ) Heat 5: 189, 17, 82, 599, 84, 204, 233, 484, 48, 90, 411, 89, 236, 527, 800, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 6: 442, 146, 241, 474, 74, 237, 246, 363, 112, 180, 39, 43, 238, 691,server .45 ( steward 244 ) A Final ????? Server 48 GN's for all You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Any complaints please PM Leek39 Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  23. Any Late Bookings please post below using the template Name: Number: Grade: Late booking will close at 7.30PM
  24. Results: Heat 1: 236 84 90 474 39 82 89 800 43 444 237 411 345 376 Heat 2: 236 84 238 221 48 527 800 17 237 43 82 345 376 Heat 3: 411 236 89 48 167 237 527 17 221 518 39 474 345 Heat 4: 444 90 518 238 474 39 48 17 43 167 82 Heat 5: 89 238 411 90 527 800 444 84 167 221 518 376 A-Final: 236 89 82 527 800 90 39 221 238 237 48 167 43 444 84 474 518 376 345 411 17 GN 1: 444 89 82 236 527 238 84 167 43 237 800 39 90 518 17 48 474 221 411 376 Points: 93 pts 236 DanSkin 85 pts 89 Montangoo 62 pts 527 fast track 61 pts 82 Dbecks 49 pts 90 LiamB 44 pts 238 Kane_M 42 pts 800 BenChambers 35 pts 444 ritzoberst 31 pts 39 LeeK 29 pts 84 Timm 25 pts 221 Spike 18 pts 411 ReeceWinch 17 pts 48 Tinman 15 pts 167 CB 14 pts 237 rickyljames 13 pts 474 Danny King 9 pts 518 MartynR 9 pts 17 Dan W 9 pts 43 pinken 0 pts 345 Williams 0 pts 376 Seneschall MESSERS 566 danny-boyy The replays are here!
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