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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Toff244

  1. Welcome to tonight's meeting You should have 3 heats please check Heat 1: 345, 376, 82, 444, 474, 84, 237, 411, 39, 43, 90, 89, 236, 800, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 2: 345, 376, 566, 82, 221, 17, 84, 204, 237, 43, 48, 527, 236, 238, 800, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 3: 345, 221, 474, 518, 17, 237, 411, 39, 48, 167, 527, 89, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 4: 566, 82, 444, 474, 518, 17, 204, 39, 43, 48, 90, 167, 238, server .48 ( steward 255 ) Heat 5: 376, 566, 221, 444, 518, 84, 204, 411, 90, 167, 527, 89, 238, 800, server .48 ( steward 255 ) A Final ????? Server 48 GN's for all
  3. i prefer wensleydale my self
  4. £25 its my final offer
  5. Results: w+y : 82 109 296 237 525 589 17 599 518 442 Heat 1: 484 167 109 527 238 89 246 43 518 39 454 442 589 48 Heat 2: 229 262 296 237 90 380 525 800 204 291 82 236 599 653 17 Heat 3: 82 236 17 589 237 800 262 484 204 291 229 527 53 442 653 Heat 4: 109 90 525 380 89 238 167 48 518 246 454 296 599 39 Heat 5: 90 82 237 89 589 262 246 800 229 167 380 43 442 454 Heat 6: 109 236 238 17 39 296 653 48 527 525 599 291 518 204 484 A-Final: 229 236 82 237 89 238 262 90 296 109 518 589 204 48 527 167 246 653 800 380 17 525 484 39 B-Final: 43 442 599 GN 1: 109 236 484 90 589 238 599 454 39 246 204 43 645 17 GN 2: 296 518 82 380 525 262 48 237 291 527 229 89 167 653 800 Points: 81 pts 236 DanSkin 75 pts 82 Dbecks 62 pts 237 rickyljames 62 pts 229 tsjalle 54 pts 90 LiamB 54 pts 238 Kane_M 53 pts 109 stan 48 pts 262 Harmen 48 pts 89 Montangoo 43 pts 296 KizzaC 29 pts 484 Jack Ward 26 pts 380 Liam Powell 25 pts 525 Mav 25 pts 589 Stijneman 22 pts 518 MartynR 15 pts 17 Dan W 14 pts 167 CB 14 pts 48 Tinman 11 pts 39 LeeK 11 pts 246 Stox 11 pts 527 fast track 11 pts 800 BenChambers 8 pts 599 Harold 6 pts 454 Frans 6 pts 291 Marten 4 pts 204 minitom 4 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 3 pts 43 pinken 0 pts 442 Colemann The replays are here!
  6. Welcome to Hednesford for WQ11 & WY9 W&Y: ??? , server .48 Heat 1: 109, 182, 442, 244, 518, 589, 167, 454, 484, 39, 43, 84, 246, 527, 89, 238 , server .48 ( steward ? ) Heat 2: 82, 296, 17, 237, 525, 599, 204, 380, 653, 90, 229, 262, 291, 236, 800 , server .45 ( steward ? ) Heat 3: 82, 109, 442, 17, 237, 589, 204, 484, 653, 43, 229, 262, 291, 527, 236, 800 , server .48 ( steward ? ) Heat 4: 182, 296, 244, 518, 525, 599, 167, 380, 454, 39, 84, 90, 246, 89, 238 , server .45 ( steward ? ) Heat 5: 82, 182, 442, 237, 244, 589, 167, 380, 454, 43, 90, 229, 246, 262, 89, 800 , server .48 ( steward ? ) Heat 6: 109, 296, 17, 518, 525, 599, 204, 484, 653, 39, 84, 291, 527, 236, 238 , server .45 ( steward ?) Final: ??? , server .48 GN's for all
  7. Well Done Fake Wardy w+y 484 237 84 525 510 221 244 82 599 394 Results: Heat 1: 800 238 167 249 246 237 221 244 653 510 589 599 82 48 Heat 2: 484 84 236 527 229 43 39 380 89 691 394 525 454 Heat 3: 484 43 89 237 238 167 527 249 800 39 244 82 525 510 Heat 4: 229 236 691 84 246 48 454 221 380 653 589 394 599 Heat 5: 484 236 89 48 800 39 244 394 167 599 653 589 221 Heat 6: 84 237 229 691 238 43 380 82 454 525 527 246 510 249 A-Final: 484 89 238 236 527 394 43 229 244 82 800 249 84 167 380 454 221 691 246 48 39 237 B-Final: 599 589 510 GN 1: 84 229 43 238 39 380 484* 48 221 454 589 599 244 GN 2: 527 236 394 89 525 800 691 237 246 167 82 249 Points: 96 pts 484 Jack Ward 79 pts 236 DanSkin 77 pts 89 Montangoo 75 pts 238 Kane_M 61 pts 527 fast track 57 pts 229 Tsjalle 55 pts 43 pinken 46 pts 84 Timm 44 pts 394 PaulE 28 pts 800 BenChambers 27 pts 237 rickyljames 24 pts 691 Jakeeey 22 pts 39 LeeK 19 pts 380 Liam Powell 18 pts 48 Tinman 17 pts 244 Toff 17 pts 167 CB 16 pts 246 Stox 13 pts 525 Mav 11 pts 221 Spike 10 pts 249 stoxjack 8 pts 82 Dbecks 8 pts 454 Frans 3 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 1 pts 510 NoahMedway 1 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 589 Stijneman NO SHOWS 155 MickyFinn * denotes double points The replays are here!
  8. Evening folk and welcome to Ipswich for WQ10 & WY8 W&Y: 8:20 start Heat 1: 510, 82, 221, 237, 244, 599, 167, 589, 653, 48, 246, 249, 800, 238, server .48 ( steward ??? ) Heat 2: 566, 84, 155, 394, 484, 525, 43, 454, 527, 39, 89, 229, 380, 236, 691, server .45 ( steward ??? ) Heat 3: 510, 82, 237, 244, 484, 525, 43, 167, 527, 39, 89, 249, 800, 238, server .48 ( steward ???) Heat 4: 566, 84, 155, 221, 394, 599, 454, 589, 653, 48, 229, 246, 380, 236, 691, server .45 ( steward ??? ) Heat 5: 566, 155, 221, 394, 484, 599, 167, 589, 653, 39, 48, 89, 800, 236, server .48 ( steward ??? ) Heat 6: 510, 82, 84, 237, 244, 525, 43, 454, 527, 229, 246, 249, 380, 238, 691, server .45 ( steward ??? ) A-Final: ??? GN's for all
  9. Late Bookings and cancellations here please Bookings close at 7.30pm Please state: Name- Number- Grade-
  10. They are indeed: we currently have- Monday-F2 Tuesday-Ministox Wednesday-Saloons Thursday-F1 All on rFactor
  11. Toff 244 Yellow
  12. 244 Toff Yellow
  13. If the dwarfs over the winter and the grasstrack last year proved anything. people dont want to race non contact formulas. if they did people might have actually turned up to the meetings. i cancelled over half of my dwarf car meetings because not a single person booked in. as with the tail end of the grasstrack season with only 2 people turning up to the last 4 or 5 meetings. Im also lead to believe this is why the hot rods stopped running in the 1st place
  14. toff 244 yellow
  15. Cheers Mav well done glad you enjoyed it
  16. Toff244

    Come on

    I concur Mr Skin, Sorry you feel that way Stumps. Missed you not being there on Thursday, not the same without you. I must admit this whole "my keyboard froze" is doing my head in. i work with any where upto 60 different computers a day and never one have i had a keyboard "freeze".
  17. Results: Heat 1: 233 474 221 653 599 291 236 525 527 241 238 454 43 244 71 Heat 2: 48 691 237 262 297 380 39 246 800 167 484 182 394 82 589 Heat 3: 474 691 236 599 238 167 380 527 237 244 246 525 71 394 484 Heat 4: 48 182 241 653 297 233 262 82 39 800 221 291 589 55 43 454 Heat 5: 233 221 236 691 238 589 71 653 800 48 394 599 380 167 39 244 Heat 6: 474 43 182 246 315 297 262 527 525 82 237 241 291 55 454 484 B-Final: 800 525 71 82 589 394 454 249 A-Final: 297 43 48 474 182 233 39 238 246 291 527 241 167 691 236 262 237 599 221 315 380 653 GN 1: 244 43 653 39 691 800 262 291 297* 454 71 182 589 167 221 241 GN 2: 525 394 474 233 238 599 527 48 246 237 82 484 380 55 315 236 * Double Points Points: 80 pts 474 BeesFanDanny 75 pts 297 Hamster 72 pts 43 pinken 67 pts 48 Tinman 64 pts 233 Grasser 47 pts 182 Shay Murphy 40 pts 39 LeeK 39 pts 238 Kane_M 37 pts 691 Jakeeey 33 pts 653 Simmo 25 pts 525 Mav 24 pts 246 Stox 23 pts 599 Harold 23 pts 262 Harmen 21 pts 244 Toff 20 pts 236 DanSkin 18 pts 394 PaulE 17 pts 221 Spike 16 pts 291 Marten 16 pts 527 fast track 15 pts 800 BenChambers 12 pts 237 rickyljames 9 pts 241 MarkPuxty 9 pts 380 Liam Powell 6 pts 167 CB 6 pts 315 Mike 5 pts 589 Stijneman 4 pts 71 JoshW 4 pts 82 Dbecks 2 pts 454 Frans 0 pts 484 Jack Ward 0 pts 55 Barker The replays are here!
  18. EDITED!!!
  19. Good evening folks. Heat 1: 474, 599, 71, 221, 241, 244, 525, 43, 233, 454, 653, 55, 236, 291, 527, 238 SERVER 48 Heat 2: 182, 589, 48, 82, 237, 394, 246, 380, 484, 691, 39, 167, 315, 800, 262 SERVER 45 Heat 3: 474, 599, 71, 237, 244, 394, 525, 246, 380, 484, 691, 167, 236, 315, 527, 238,SERVER 48 Heat 4: 182, 589, 48, 82, 221, 241, 43, 233, 454, 653, 39, 55, 291, 800, 262 SERVER 45 Heat 5: 589, 599, 48, 71, 221, 244, 394, 233, 380, 653, 691, 39, 167, 236, 800, 238 SERVER 48 Heat 6: 182, 474, 82, 237, 241, 525, 43, 246, 454, 484, 55, 291, 315, 527, 262 SERVER 45 GN1: ??? GN2: ??? You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Any complaints please PM Leek39 Please be in chat by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the meeting!
  20. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name Number Grade Bookings will close at 7:30PM, thank you. Anyone booking in after 7.30 may be refused.
  21. Toff244

    Hey Admin Team

    you will want the in game ffb set to low. if you are using realfeel then ith all down to preference. i personally have mine as heavy as i dare go with out blowing my wheel up
  22. Toff244

    Hey Admin Team

    laps. lots and lots of laps. just until you get the feel for the car. aim to be consistent, the speed will come later. im 3 years down the line and still not fast or consistent. just stick at it. as for steering wheels. i bought a thrustmaster rgt wheel. it cost me a tick over £50 with postage. Hopefully it helps
  23. got a spare higman shale and rce paule used to use if needed both red and black. Example here
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