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Everything posted by splinter

  1. Nice car's TommyD / Dave, I will have to make a start on mine soon
  2. Bloody weird feeling to be sat at PC and all the house shaking around you. It didnt sink in till about 20 seconds later, and I suddenly thought "What was that!" EDIT: Language
  3. Wow, brillaint work there guys. Great to see that people with the equipment can put it to such good use demonstrating the cars and the game to the public. I suggested doing that at the NEC, but it was "no, no, no"
  4. Sounds like you just have the opposition car detail set on 'low/medium' in the display settings in the game. You can increase the settings to the max if your game is running smoothly with 20+ cars on track. And alos make sure you have the hi-res skinpack as Kruiz said
  5. Try downloading the track again, from a different link on the rfactorcentral website. The direct rfactorcentral links 7 times out of 10 download badly or corrupted.
  6. screenshot from Ht 3 [attachmentid=23060] thanks for fixing it drumb in the end. the last race for me, made up for it
  7. Splinter 20 booking in ***CAR TO BE USED; CARLOS PEREZ #305***
  8. I think you would need to have a double centre page spread!
  9. lovely looking car
  10. ..they got six's though!
  11. Aye that be it I think, can I ask why you have a picture of it though? lol i offered to get pictures for someone modeling You forgot the gents!
  12. Thanks very much for hosting It was really appreciated Hope people enjoyed the videos
  13. wot the hell you circling lol its the two sheds/shacks/whatever you wanna call em in the pits, opposite side of the road to the 'pitside cafe'
  14. And yes you did, but I didnt find these buildings till this week If you are in the pits looking at the high class cafe bar, look over to the left there is a small white building and a goofy greenish one. I have seen 1 pic but there are haulers all around them, so I havent been able to get a solid pic of what they are or what is even around them. I was working on the tower and caught a peep show of one of the buildings. Since I didnt ask for pics of that area, Furwinds might have come to the rescue but if anyone finds something please post it. Seeing as no1 even knows that they exist, I dont think they will be missed. I think they're the gents toilets. I've not been in them since I was about 12
  15. Well I wont have to live with it. Unfortunatly I wont be subscribing to jolt again this year. I know its impossible to please everybody with decissions but the only thing I can see in regard to the start times, instead of making things awkward for a few, you have made it awkward for a lot more people by then alternating the start-times every week. For me I think they should both start at 8:30. I know there are small negs to that as well, but there's only 3 or 4 regular-ish drivers that race both mods, most members have by now chosen to race one or the other (either now or in the future when they upgrade) I agree with Scrapman and was previously going to cover some of the same points made by AliP but decided not to waste my breath until I had thought about the pros and cons all round. I too enjoyed the Sunday nights, I would think nearly everyone would get back from a meeting by the start time. My issue isnt about the start times or the nights raced. Its how ridiculous decisions can be made about the alternating start times of two of the major mods of UKDirt. ...so instead of a sensible start time for at least one mod, it means that both mods will have to suffer. Seems like a cop-out decision to not go one way or the other
  16. Think each mod would be better with static times, not alternating each week. and for me personally I cant race at 7:30 anyway
  17. a real mixed bag of results tonight and fareham i thought is a really good track for racing at. I should have finished better than 11th in Final but adding to my suspension damage I then ran out of fuel on the last lap! Taking so long to arrange the grid lost about 2 laps worth of fuel! Its getting very close at the top once again between Drumb and Hutch so it'll be down to the wire again to who takes the series win next week.
  18. It was tongue in cheek. I'd just read Mark Bond's write up in the Civil War program
  19. its stockcar racing..its like an oval battlefield out there..its survival of the fittest and only the best at combat will come through. You do what you can without ruining someone's race but at the end of the day its an individual sport. There are people out there that have there own 'rules of engagement' and you gotta learn by them but accept them and give it back as good as you receive
  20. pah! late again Splinter20 booking in
  21. Joesville.zip
  22. same here in the past, just on that track, again assumed it was my PC randomly crashing, but it only did it at kr3w wet
  23. Yeah its a very tricky greasy feeling surface. Makes a fun change but I wouldn't like it to race it too often!
  24. The kr2w wet track is in the GRC Raceway Track Pack You choose the Wet Version, it is not selectable or changeable weather as rFactor cannot yet do that, but there is spray & rain effect with shine off the surface, which is all very realistic. rFactor2 which is being programmed is planned to have changeable weather conditions for all tracks. But that's something for the future.
  25. 1.250 version had a few 'niggles' which made the game slower but the following 1.255 is the latest version and wont slow it down over the original 1.150 version. If it does, maybe you're short of hard drive space, got a corrupt file (if so re-download & install, you wont need to re-activate) or you're just short of RAM memory. Ideally you need at least 1GB of ram (depending on what other programs/processes you have running in the background) If you really want to start all over again, just delete your rfactor folder and install the old version
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