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Everything posted by bathyboy81

  1. Thanks lads, been away, had a great day Friday.
  2. Thanks lads, been away, had a great day Friday.
  3. Sorry for disappearing act, broadband died on me and couldn't get back on till 10 mins ago.
  4. Add me pls spike - Bathyboy81 - white
  5. Can you add me please Dave - Bathyboy81
  6. Happy Birthday m8, have a good day.
  7. Cheers lads, did have a good day thanks - had today off work as well, so long long holiday weekend.
  8. Cancel tonight - will be there tomorrow though.
  9. Bathyboy81 - Yellow
  10. in about 18 minutes m8, though 'racing' may be in its loosest term for a month or so.
  11. What a load of [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b] - the Facebook Group guide to Political Economy. 100 Years ago the population of the Britain was about 50% what it is now, the tax payer base probably about 25% as mum stayed at home not working (or having the vote) and a substantial amount of the population were essentially still peasants living on the whim of the landowner. Average wages were about £2 per week - £104 a year (compared to £23000 pa now) - do the maths and the scale of the cash coming in to government can be calculated. Kids worked down pits and cleaning chimneys and there was no NHS, schools, national police or fire service, old age pension, winter fuel relief, child benefits, unemployment benefit or income support - if you couldn't pay your way you went to the poor house. The government is still the biggest employer in the country, so a lot of the taxes we pay simply gets redistributed to teachers, doctors, firemen, coppers, bin men, DSS staff trying to deal with the lazy chavs who scrounge dole and rob the rest of us. (But at least they pay back some tax on their Lambert & Butlers, and White Lightning) I am not defending the shower that are in government now, or the ones that were in before them, right back to the fuckwits who had millions of British soldiers climbing out of trenches and walking to their deaths across no man's land in WW1. 2 World Wars (and one World Cup), a Great Depression, austerity in the 50s, the swinging 60s, the recession of the 70s, 80s and 90s housing boom, and the out of control growth of credit, (money that doesn't exist) got us here, all contributing in stages. What do suggest we do anyway? Vote for David Cameron? become anarchists? throw out all the foreigners? cut and past half arsed nonsense on a forum?
  12. Have a good day m8
  13. Congrats Tosh & Carol Ann, good to hear all is ok.
  14. Sorry going to have to cancel, just come back to find kids blaming each other as to which one knackered my pad. Good luck to all have a good meeting
  15. Not a lot. Does anyone have a replay from a race at Birmingham? will help me see how much of a shambles I will be
  16. Hope you have a good day m8. Can't believe you would miss Stoke though...
  17. I am in
  18. Tosh874 Swearing/abuse directly aimed at another member - Two weeks ban all mods. He will be able to race again on 10th of March 2009.
  19. Prydie97 Swearing/abuse directly aimed at another member - Two weeks ban all mods. He will be able to race again on 24th of February 2009.
  20. Have a good day m8
  21. Thanks lads, a baby boy - naming him Drake. A week 'late' against the due date, but he came out at 8lb perfectly healthy, with loads of hair, and seems pretty relaxed. I am looking forward to watching UK Dirt replays and You Tube stock car videos with him at 3am. Chrissie is fine as well, heroically didn't have any pain relief at all.
  22. No, its just Kev's time in massive amounts that he gives to us. Kev's currently working 60 hour weeks, so I guess he's not seen this or got round to it. Have you e-mailed him direct? if not I will do so and make sure he knows again. The Scrapman account hasn't been on the forum since 5th Decembers so it doesn't look like the hacker (if that is the case) is using it.
  23. I am signed up for Fulham
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