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Everything posted by Dino

  1. Sorry Trash. Yes wrighty there should be a space there
  2. When you are in safe mode try to start any programs which will normally run on start up,If any of them crash the computer you have the culprit,after that then try a normal start because just running is enough to fix some errors. Failing that try james suggestion of restoring the registry,click on run in the start menu and type scanreg/restore be aware depending how often it backs up this may take the registry back a fair way and loose access to recently installed programs. Usual disclaimer "I take no responsibilty for the smoking lump of plastic which used to be your pc if this advice goes wrong" But it's what I would try if it was mine.
  3. Wrong patch Baz, not 1.72e
  4. Viper racing was the forerunner of nascar heat and uses basically the same game engine. That is the reason for some non nascar bits in the options.cfg like a horn,traction control and abs.
  5. Dino


    Have you downloaded and run all 5 hotrod files in order? It should be in the hotrod race.res file (which you cant check without the right tools). No point me posting my race.res to try as I'm not up to date with rod updates so it may be wrong.
  6. They have not got decent pictures of the ones that are a mess.
  7. Check that you are saving the tga as 24bit uncompressed
  8. 1.72e is not installed/working
  9. google for error 1607
  10. I may be wrong, but I think as long as there is a driver.txt in it any folder in the ukdirtbangers folder will show up in the car manager.
  11. Right click on a .tga, click on "open with", then choose a paint program, keep doing this till you find the program that opens .tga's.
  12. Dino

    help me

    You need to go to jolt 1, the address and password is in the members section of www.ukdirt.co.uk
  13. I think "increase max files"is a patch problem, reinstall patch 1.72e.
  14. It will pay to make sure it is gone because blackworm drops it's main payload on the 3rd of every month when it deletes various types of files.
  15. Ranny. Is it just bangers or all mods. Someone on another forum said they cured it by swapping the "options.cfg" from a working mod into a none working one, I cant see that would help but anything is worth a try if you have a working mod.
  16. TryFSAutostart. It takes more setting up than enditall but gives you much more control over what runs.
  17. Good question MOR, I certainly do not drive sitting on the hiab arm out the back
  18. It works ok on my wheel buttons
  19. Install patch 1.72e
  20. Fine here now since sunday, thanks Kev.
  21. Yep. Was off this morning.back on now,expect it to go off again by this evening and back on later tonight,that is the usual pattern, but I know the site is up because if i use a proxy server I can get access at all times.
  22. I would guess it's some sort of transit problem depending on which route your isp takes to get here that is why it's ok for some people. I have no access with my normal connection but if I get here via a proxy server it's no problem. Make a note of http://www.guardster.com/ and try connecting through their free proxy next time you cant get in.
  23. Cheers All. Not much of a computer guru though only got about 10 gig back so far of the 70 I lost in a hard drive crash yesterday(really must learn to back up before I do something silly )
  24. Try using a driver cleaner such as the one here http://www.drivercleaner.net/ to remove all traces of old drivers. Not used this on myself so cant vouch for it.
  25. You could try checking the date in the bios. I have an old ibm lappy which needs a new cmos battery and comes up with the same error from time to time,XP does not like to start with a date 20 years before it was programmed.
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