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Everything posted by mcrew

  1. Well done again Swindy.
  2. When Newton Abbot was closed, someone opened a small grass track on the edge of one of the claypits at Kingsteignton. That ran for a few weeks before the locals ( for locals read retired gentlefolk from bl##dy miles away) complained and the racing was stopped. Christ knows how anyone could have complained about the noise as the complete area was wooded in and the track was partly sunken, so any noise wouldve been well muffled. Typical of yet another a well used entertainment amenaty(sp) being closed ( Newton Abbot track) and the local council doing their upmost to stop any further racing takin place elsewhere. Oh and of course Teignbridge council offered all the youngsters that where interested in oval racing something else to do instead.......NOT.
  3. Random post?
  4. Great Idea Nick. I only wish I had thought of that years ago before both Newton Abbot and St Austell disapeared.
  5. Do they also race these on figure of eight circuits? I recall seeing something like these racing on a figure of eight track, and there was loads of contact! One of the drivers was subject to a discovery channel series, but that was regarding his other hobby/job, making custom cars. Think the guys called Jimmy Shine, or summat like that.
  6. Cowdenbeath Mart, did someone steal the track and fence?
  7. mcrew


    lol too busy squabbling about which track should be built first, from of course, the invisible pictures that they both posted.
  8. Yes it is Sash, and had I said that, I wouldve been looking at a ban. Oops, I quoted you though, looks like I wouldve been banned then. Am I Bothered?
  9. I wonder how much the seats cost?
  10. Awww, but pwitty pweeze!?
  11. Erik, I wasnt having a go, I was just stating that as parry put the time into creating his model, its realy up to him if he gives it out or not, just in the same way that if someone makes a realy good setup for a certain track, you wouldnt realy expect them to give that out freely either. Boss, FBF, Parry...any chance of an early xmas pressie?
  12. Paices hill or Layhams Farm
  13. Ooh, its just so unfair, make a cracking car and then dont let us use it. Its just like making a cracking set up for a track and not sharing that out too! If anyone realy has the hump because somebody else has made a model and they wont release it to joe public, instead of moaning, why not just spend endless hours researching the dark arts of modeling and MAKE YER OWN!
  14. I never said he was queer, I was hinting at the alcohol.
  15. I would be more worried about Chewy rummaging around in your trousers to find the 70cl bottle.
  16. mcrew

    FX4 Taxi

    Ta Swindy.
  17. mcrew

    Metro Limo

    Nice one Andy, ta.
  18. Happy Birthday Muns!
  19. nice find Chewy
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. Oh no, I must be a caveman, Ugh Ugh.......*gets back into cave* Ive just made another step up the progressive ladder of evolution then, as my Broadband speed was increased yesterday. Soon I should be able to walk upright!
  22. Ta Rodder, your a star! You Pikey.
  23. Well if you dont have a high speed connection you must be a caveman because nowadays its cheaper to have the best broadband rather than have the slowest dial-up. also uk-dirt must be off there nut to tell us to turn it off. It add's more realism into the game and also you can see the diffrence in the f1's and f2's if you put it on.... also if you were to put it on in the hot rods then it would stop the tailgating as if you hit someone from behind you either screw your suspension or have a from wheel that cant steer. why does uk dirt not pay attetion to this forum and the points shown and its simply if you dont have a high speed connection why not buy a ps2 and the latest copy of gran turismo because i bet half of all connection problems lead to races being messed up. EDIT: Grammar Not everybody is fortunate enough to have the quickest internet connection or own a mega powerful pc. To enable everyone a fair chance to race, UK Dirt and most free leagues insist that vetex is switched off. Simple as that realy!
  24. mcrew


    Ive noticed that when you select reverse, the gear indicator still says your in 1st, but thats a small error. Im not knocking what youve done in any way TADS, its great. I couldnt even get as far as modeling one of the inner track tyres, let alone a whole track, and this is just your first attempt. Excellent work, keep it up mate!
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