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Everything posted by mcrew

  1. Thanks Nick & Moggeh, much appreciated guys. Im, absolutely gutted as I tried what you both suggested and it didnt work. I installed the 'old' hard drive as a slave in my ' new' pc, but when trying to start up, I just got the compaq/HP start up screen and the ' old' hard drive 'clicked ' away like it did in the old pc. Thats all it would do and my pc would not start up at all. Well thats the last 3yrs of my racing career's photos completely gone, plus some of my road cars as well as some pics of my best mate that died. ####ing computers!
  2. Ive just un-earthed my old pc out of the dark and scarey cupboard full of spiders, and tried to switch it on. Then I remembered that it had a fault and that was why it was put in the cupboard to keep the spiders company in the first place. The fault is this: on startup, it goes onto a black screen which starts off in good faith saying that its loading etc etc, then it goes to another screen which has the system details at the top, then goes through the system processes, but then displays the message " Disk boot failure, please insert system disk and press enter". As youve probably guessed, I dont have a sytem disk as I was never given one when I bought it. I can however start the pc up and get it to an " Award BIOS setup utility " page and this kinda looks like a safe mode page. Is there any way that I can ' break into' the pc, just so that I can get it started? I only realy want my old racing pictures out of the thing and then it can go to the big computer chimp dump in the sky.
  3. Fixed.
  4. That does look a little bit ' tender'. Whats with all the duct tape ' armouring' it up?
  5. So you got legless in more ways than one! I cant talk, been off work with...........a sprained foot!
  6. Are you allowed to cut the bulkhead and run a normal cvh dizzy out of the back of the head?
  7. Just checked and the first Dolomites where launched as 1300 FWD's in 1965. These looked similar to the early, larger sized model Triumph 2000 range ( mk1 ). These Dollys where badged as 1300's or 1300tc's ( 1500cc's where only available for export). In 1970 the Triumph 1500 FWD was launched with suprisingly a 1500cc engine and it recieved a revised body ( making it look more like the later MK2 Triumph 2000 range). The Triumph Toledo was also lauched in this year, as a 2 door RWD shell, with the same engine sizes as the Dolly. The Toledo had single, square headlamps and looked like the Triumph 1500, but the 1500 had a pair of round, twin headlamps and the Toledo had square lights. In 1971 the Dolly 1300 and 1500 FWD's where dropped and the Toledo became available with a 4 door shell. Then in late '71 the RWD Dolly was launched featuring a 2000 engine ( and using the 1500 fwd facelifted shell, but converted to RWD) . In '73 the 1500 FWD was dropped and replaced by a 1500tc RWD which shared the same shell as the Dolly. In '73 the Dolomite Sprint was also released, with a 1900cc 16 valve engine. Now it gets confusing! In '75 the the Dolly 1300 is launched but it has the same square lights as the Toledo range. The 1500tc then becomes the Dolomite 1500 and shares the same front end as the Toledo range, but a 1500 HL is also available, but with the Doll's twin headlights A 1850 hl Dolly is also launched. In '76 the Toledo is dropped. In '81 the Dolly is dropped and replaced by the Honda/Truimph, FWD pooh, Acclaim. Hope that helps to confuse you all even more!
  8. I thought that the RWD Dolomite was actualy a model called the Triumph 1300? It shares its looks with the MK1 Triumph 2000, in the same way that the Dolomites look similar, but smaller to the Mk2 Triumph 2000's If Im right, the 1300 model came out several years before the Dolomite.
  9. Happy Birthday Mr Dangerous!
  10. Looks the job mate. If I was you though, I would get some huge great big plates to bolt all the doors together with, that may stop the old girl bending as bad as the first one ( though seeeing that its a sierra, thats doubtful, coke can on wheels springs to mind). When I used to race sierras I used to nut and bolt as much as possible to try and stop them falling to bits. Depending on what the rules state , I would use atleast a minimum of 4 bonnet bolts, with BIG plates, and if your allowed, crush tubes on as many as you can get away with. I always used to cut the spare wheelwell out as well, that way when you get hit in the rear, the floor still drops, but hopefully shouldnt drag on the floor slowing you down. Always used to use a big pair of corner plates for the bonnet, cut from thick chequer plate, always used to weld these on( full length where they touch the wing and as much of the scuttle panel/windscreen lip) as that added a bit more stength and stopped the bonnet from coming back and slapping me in the face, bolted corner plates always seemed to rip throught the tissue thick front wings. When the cars wrecked, just chiesel through the windscreen part and you can literaly wrench the wing bit off ( the wings ARE that soft) then they are ready to weld straight onto the next one. anothet tip for this, is to get some 30mm holes drilled/gassed in the corner plates, over the part where they sit on the wing. when you fit them, spot weld the wing through these holes and it should prevent the plates from ripping off as easily. I always used to rummage round the yard, and collect bonnet stays ( log thin round bits off bar) off other cars, then use these to bridge the door gap around the drivers door, then seam weld them in solid. If your realy keen, then get some thicker plate and weld this over the top for good measure, remember " Driver safety is the most important thing" Oh, and dont forget to have loads of fun!
  11. Austin Princesses, Billy Blunders, Maxis and Joeys where always called Bilge by bangeraks, but now some lossys rate them as tin and material, how times change.
  12. Looks fun, but it needs one set of wheels less steering it, how many times did they nearly wipe themselves, or someone else out with it?
  13. Excellent work Swindy.
  14. That type of exhaust has some ghay system, where the box is put on sideways, rather than inline like on normal cars. What you can see is the back pipe on the left, and the inlet to the rear silencer on the right.
  15. Dual exhausts on a Volvo thats the iceing on the cake Sash, you needs to go to spec savers...theres only 1 exhaust box there! Looking good, again Ernie, and so is the X project in the background.
  16. mcrew


    The progress that you guys are making on perfecting rendering amazes me! I tried it and decided its best left to those that can do it properly, and thats something thats been proved in some of the last few post. Hey Rodder, you been out poaching rusty cars before I can get to them?
  17. Cheers Swindy!
  18. That sounds pretty realistic to me.
  19. Cheers guys! Any chance of the MK2 Escort template?
  20. mcrew


    How many more cars are going to be released? There seems to be like one new car out every week now, bleedin brilliant stuff! Keep it up guys, I take my hat off to you all for the hard work that you put in!
  21. Thats not for your next outing is it Jamesy?
  22. Nice one Swindy! For a 1st attempt that absolutely looks spot on. Keep up the good work, whats next in the workshop then?
  23. People power is the answer! If everyone just refuses to have a black box fitted to their car, what are the government going to do, bang everyone up? It works in France, if the French people dont like what their government are doing, they just carry on and do what they want, regardless of what their government say. It would never work in the UK as the people here are like sheep and just let the suit wearing tossers in Parliment walk all over them.
  24. No worries.
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