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Everything posted by Dazza290

  1. Thanks for the kind reply's all. The model was done from a dead square side pic and everything lines up with that picture in max so maybe its just the picture?? I will change it though and see what you think then. Thanks for the link Cun, I've had a look through but cant seem to find anything 100% suitable. Got a couple pics to work from, gonna take a fair bit of editing in Photoshop but we will see what happens with it in the next couple weeks. Dazza
  2. Stav said to me that the old X Flow siezed
  3. Hi all, Normally I wouldnt ask for this sort of thing but as these cars are getting so scarse now I thought better had. Im after some dead square pictures of a Mk3 Ford Capri stripped out, and if possible, with no signwriting (or as little signwriting as possible). Particulary after the front but would appreciate it if someone could get me the side and rear aswell. I never got the pics I wanted when I had the chance The pics will need to be taken at kneeling height and also need to be dead square, otherwise they will look wrong on the model. For any of you who do not know which model is the Mk3 I have attached a pic. Sorry to sound fussy but that's how they have to be! I was going to use the old template but decided I would wait to get some more higher quality pictures. [attachmentid=8123] As you can see from the pic (hopefully) the Mk3 is the one with the long flat front headlights. Here's a couple of pics of the model so far, not nowhere near done yet as I still have things like rollcage/seat/corner plates to add aswell as some general work tidying it up. I hope you see this as an improvement. [attachmentid=8124] [attachmentid=8125] Cheers Dazza
  4. As far as I am aware, once you have made the .tex file there is no way of cracking it back into a .tga
  5. Dazza290


    Do we ever do anything else??
  6. I've got one word for you BELL
  7. Sorry its late but Happy Birthday Si! p.s Wicked joke Splinter
  8. A few people have been asking me how Westworld is coming on, well here is a pic so they can decide for them selves I did get further then this, but I wasnt happy with it so I deleted it right back to the basics and built it up from there. There are obviously a few texture problem with it, however what I do is create the bit needed in max, whack any old texture on it just to test and see what it is like in game before texturing it properly. Hoping to get this released before the end of the season so it is ready for the start of next year if Ukdirt wish to use it. Cheers Dazza
  9. You beauty Mac, been after a dead square pic of St Day for ages 2 Cornish tracks now possible
  10. Before you start off on one like before, what I have to say next is advice as to what I think will help you, you dont have to use it of course....... When doing damage on a car for a render, what I would do is join all the parts of the car together to make one solid model, then start pulling the verts about to bend the car. Maybe you already know this, but it looks on that estate that you have just rotated the front round and pulled it back. IMO, its more realistic if you snap your car as one object rather leaving it 4 seperate pieces. Here is a damage render I done before last years World Final, just for extra little touches I've put the wheel back into the arch abit and twisted the front of the car round so it hasnt snapped straight. Not the best damage render ever but just trying to help. Well done on the other stuff though, its amazing what you can do after a little practise isnt it Dazza
  11. Stu, theres a couple of pics from Newton Abbot, and Im sure that they are pre-'92 ones! The one of Richard Penfolds car reminds me of a trip I made to his old mans yard once, there where piles of mk1 grannys, three high at one side of the yard, and HUGE mountain of scrap cars in the middle, the height of the boom on his crane, and then on the far side of the yard there must have been at least 45/50 trummies, all piled three high, just waiting to be stripped. Pure Heaven! It's still like that now
  12. But who would really care if Smeatharpe did get closed?
  13. End It All did not close the pop-up/virus/programme
  14. Cheers for the help lads, now sorted
  15. Hi, I now have this same problem, can anyone help me out on this? Cheers Dazza
  16. Happy Birthday you old git!
  17. Crewie, worked out we just about got enough time to build the old girl for Crasharama, know any good sign writers Eric??
  18. ouch 81 CARS NOW also Steve i would hazard a guess that you will be working with Team Mental (as it says on your signature) but does that mean that you and pikey vs the bears,Team mental and Pikeys vs Posh Wash? I think the Team Mental thing is only online mate My sig is similar
  19. Geez Daz, Ive been to sleep since then, plenty of times! I cant remember TBH, although I thought it was either a 2 door mk4/5 cortina or a starlet that did the damage. Crewie, what knocked silly or alcohol induced Steve has answered for me anyway!
  20. No worries mate. I have found only 2 real good old pics, both when Smeatharpe was post and wire. I know its not retro but I got my pics back of 3/4/5 years ago which I may set a page up for, surprising how many Cortina's were still be raced back then
  21. Surely you cant be dissing the mini-roundabout that is Smeatharpe? Was looking at some pictures which Steve has got the other day Crewie, that Kadette you raced which ended up well bent, was Stoneman behind it?? Got a picture of Gus doing Stoneman who is in the back of you,can see your roof fin, but another car is blocking the rest of your motor????
  22. Well then Rubble Mk2, sorry I mean Steve, do what your uncle Brett said and build a Volvo, I wouldnt even want to waste a used Granny there, let alone a fresh one
  23. Happy Birthday Mart
  24. Thanks lads, hasnt been the best of birthdays having to work on it but todays Thunderbolt made up for it a little
  25. blockbuster 4 or 5 go down as the best i rekon Nah. Blockbuster 1.......'cause I raced at it! Or Blockbuster 1 anyway! Number 1 and 4 were definately the best!
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