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big al 515

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Everything posted by big al 515

  1. Sorry to hear of your fall, Corny - hopefully you had a ready made anaesthetic as you were returning from a night at the pub I noticed Mav Jnr had pulled further and further away from me & Lew in the Final roller, and even though we speeded up he seemed to be away, so Kev was right to recall it. I am certain the "Cheat" said in chat was entirely joking, it's a shame Jnr did not realise this. I am sure we will try and go easy on the young lad in future.
  2. A very good meeting. I enjoyed a comeback after a few weeks off. The TNT's at the end are an enjoyable addition to proceedings, a big improvement on the short meetings previously. Great fun. Thanks for running it so well Kev.
  3. Great write up, and super poster - especially as it looks like I have just put 3 cars away to take the lead (that'll be the day).
  4. Wow what a superb production. In fact haven't had time to read it all yet, must have took a lot of time to do, well done to all involved. Very enjoyable read indeed.
  5. A shame there was a low turnout - sorry I could not attend but this is the one track my pc is totally unable to cope with in terms of graphics.
  6. LOL good old Trav, where would UK Dirt be without him. I feel privileged that Admin will never be able to stop me returning to white and probably staying there. A bit of a waste having full race kit and seat to race at just white though Trav don't you think.
  7. You have been a great Head Admin, can only admire the time and effort you have put in, plus above all the tremendous enthusiasm you have ALWAYS shown and also a common sense approach. Thanks very much for all of the above Johno.
  8. This was an abysmal meeting for me. I could not seem to judge the braking for the corner or the right line to achieve anything like a decent laptime, I was half a second down on everyone. It was tempting to give it up as a bad job there and then but I like to make up the numbers if nothing else. First race I wasn't best pleased on getting humped straight into the fence the first corner when the blues caught me, although looking back I was probably just too slow into the corner more than a deliberate fencing. My next heat wasn't much better, then in the consi Spike spun right in front of me just as we were getting going. I buried him later out of sheer frustration. The GN I was just making up the numbers again and trying to keep out of trouble for a change. Surprised to see that I am now promoted to tenth so avoided a no-score for the night. Thanks to Kev for great stewarding as ever. Well done to the successful drivers on the night - especially Spike & Junior. I need a good meeting to get the enthusiasm back after this one.
  9. Cheers Matty, looks great.
  10. I was another to make a late decision to race, but was quite enjoyable. Was fun being in the Euro race, and the last two races were a bag of laughs with Trav as we were both off the pace.
  11. Sensational pics MOR, I love them. The quality is magic. Had to laugh at poor Jarry hitting the fence, I saw him winding up the big one and took the corner as early as poss which worked a treat as he just missed me. I hope Jarry thinks I played fair, I think we had a great battle and I took the chance to put pressure back on him when Murf passed us both. Great racing.
  12. Good luck Mav, you deserve success after 250 laps practice.
  13. No need for apologies Johno, the programme looks very professional and is a good read - well done. There's clearly been a lot of work gone in on it.
  14. I am still trying to get over the fact I nearly top scored, I knew I did well but didn't expect to be anywhere near the top of the pile, was pretty low scoring I suppose. What a fab meeting, I was absolutely buzzing after every race. I have never got the hang of BV before, but it all seemed to click - I could turn the car on the bends by running the front left onto the kerb most laps which seemed to work for me. I was especially pleased that when cars caught me and we had our little battles, I didn't make my usual mistakes to spin or crash, so kept going, hence the solid scoring. Nearly half way up the grid for the semi is better than I could have dreamed of. Sheffield is fine for me, but starting on the outside could be tricky - should be fun anyway. Thanks to everyone who ran this meeting and for all their work on the WCQR's. Sorry that Wardy wasn't able to race, hopefully he can sort his problems out, and I hope Mav is going to be back on the grid soon too.
  15. Here's your win Matty, enjoy re-living it m8. Belle_Vue_V0.9_4.Vcr.zip
  16. Big Al 515 (white) booking in. Not been a good track for me previously but best try and sneak another WC point or two.
  17. A very good read, well done all.
  18. Sad to see this Davey, always enjoyed racing you, we have had some great fun in Legends together. It's only a few weeks since you were absolutely flying from yellow top in the Ones so I was hoping we would be seeing plenty of you in them, but your choice m8. Will be pleased to see you whenever and if ever you race.
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