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big al 515

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Everything posted by big al 515

  1. Things continue to go well for me. 4 good races, with the highlight been a good run from the front of the GN, led for a good number of laps, eventually Mike caught and passed me, so I was 2nd down the back straight of the last lap. Harmen came from way back with a great last bender that had me smash into the wall, I went over the finish line pushing him over I think - very pleased with third. Great racing, everyone was fair with me, well done all. Thanks Mike & Kev.
  2. Thanks jnr - I can't believe how well it went for me tonight. I said to myself before the start don't expect to score then you won't be disappointed and I really didn't expect to either, but I felt to be going well, and thankfully there must have been a lot of action going on behind because not many cars were catching me up until late on in races. Had good races with Walker & Harmen (as usual). My best score yet, 4 top 10's yehaa. Well done to Wardy for his two wins, he was driving very well indeed. Hard luck jnr, you will get used to mixing it in yellow grade I am sure. I don't think Mav will thankyou for suggesting blue grade for him though Thanks Johno and Kev. The meeting fair flew by.
  3. That's a nice thought, will do my best! It was great to see Bobbert debut too, glad he enjoyed it and looking forward to seeing him racing regularly hopefully.
  4. Good to see a lot of positive posts about this meeting, I concur with them. Like Mav, I had not raced here before and had to rely on pre-meeting practice. The track was quite hard on my graphics but I seemed to be able to shut out the rather fuzzy look at times without it really affecting my driving. I really enjoyed the racing, I was dead chuffed to get a top 10 in my 2nd heat, and the consolation was brilliant. I managed to hang on to a top 6 finish until just a few laps to go, then had an awesome bumper battle with Walker and a Dutch guy for that crucial 6th place. I ended up in a tyre on the last bend but I wasn't bothered, was just buzzing to have had such an enjoyable battle. Broke the car after a few laps of the GN so retired. Another very well run meeting, thanks to all involved. Congratulations to Spikejnr for maiking yellow, I must say I'll miss him not being at white, he has been great company. I hope at least a couple of other whites keep turning up, it makes all the difference.
  5. I don't think the download link on the website is working Johno, although I have downloaded ok from MadCowie's link.
  6. Things went quite well in the heats. Getting a top 10 place in my first was pleasing, I remember having an incident and getting back going in a panic to try and hold onto 10th, right in front of leader Johno who nearly had a heart attack. In my second heat, I had a prang quite early on but had good pace after that. The all-in Final & GN were the usual story for me with so many cars, plenty of incidents and no chance of a top 10. I am still trying to work out how I got a top 10 in the Skeggy Final last week in fact. Thanks to Johno for running it and especially Kev who continues to do sterling work every week stewarding for us - brilliant stuff m8, thanks once again.
  7. Nice issue as usual, well done Dazza & co. I even got a mention
  8. Keep at it Pusher, I think only on-line racing will get us better, practicing offline is so different. Sheffield might suit you as it's full throttle most of the way and being loose shouldn't matter, and the default setup should be ok with maybe gear tweaks from memory. The more cars in meetings the better whether we are struggling or not, so hope to see you there m8.
  9. Well done Uk Open Champ MOR, and Davey for winning the Final. Also well done to all the white tops who all had their moments tonight. It was a fantastic meeting for me, with me getting places in all the heats, then a top 10 in the Final, and nearly repeated in the UK Open, I was in 8th place with only a few laps to go after a superb race, ran into Spike who seemed to be crawling round inner kerb on oppo for some reason, serves me right probably for using the kerb on the corner, that's racing anyway. A great meeting, thanks again Kev.
  10. Thanks Mav, was disappointed you didn't get through the Consi. Hope you have better luck tomorrow m8. Well done Jnr, you had a brilliant night. My 3rd place was one of my best rFactor results, and I might have got some more points with a touch more luck, maybe they will come tomorrow, should be good anyway. Keep it up Whites Thanks for running things quick Spike, and great stewarding by Kev as ever, thanks for that.
  11. Great programme, a very good read and looks magic - well done all involved in it's production.
  12. no worries Tosh, thanks for the replies m8.
  13. Thanks Tosh - sounds like theoretically I wasn't doing much wrong already.
  14. OK no problem. Is anyone willing to give any tips as to how best to drive the place, as the two meetings I have done there I was so far off the pace it doesn't feel worth turning up unless I can get a better grip on it.
  15. "Short Scunthorpe Raceway" - is this different to the standard track?
  16. Heat One I stuck solidly at 20mph until the Go, I think I should have speeded up a bit on the bend as on the outside of the roller I fell back, then the first yellow was on me down the straight, gave me a hit and I was at the back of the field already. Heat Two was quite enjoyable. The Final & GN were terrible for me, too many cars with my pc struggling a bit and chaos everywhere. I was especially disappointed to make another mistake, overcook the corner and catch out Mav who was possibly leading and ended up careering onto the centre. He could have done without that. I came away from the meeting thinking it's time for a break, but I will probably feel different by Thursday.
  17. Unlucky Pusher, I was looking forward to racing with you, better luck next time m8, must have been very frustrating for you.
  18. With a lack of practice and very tricky corners, I could not expect to find things easy and I didn't. I think my favourite race was (I think) my second heat when I had a bit of a battle with Skeet and A.N.Other for a couple of laps mid race. Other than that, it was try to let the other white tops get a clean getaway, then try and keep the car pointing the right way. Birmingham should suit me better. I really need to put more practice time in, but I still enjoy my meetings.
  19. The whites seem pretty steady around the 20 mark on the roller these days, so the grades behind should have no real reason to mess things up. Thanks to Kev for again giving us such a good night, a superb effort considering Kev does not currently race the cars. 7th place in my GN put the icing on the cake to complete an enjoyable meeting for me. I tried hard and I think I just about deserved the 6 points I gained on the night, which will hopefully help me sneak on the back of a Semi.
  20. Which race was it Al? If it was Heat 3 - I did not register until about a third of the way through the race for some reason - which could be why your result gives you tenth, but when you put me back into the results, you will be 11th. It said that I had finished 14th, but I had only completed 15 laps I think it was. Cheers Johno Looking at the results, must have been heat 2 as Corny is shown as 10th. Oh well, I was a happy guy for 24 hours.
  21. My results showed me get a 10th with Corny being 9th (I ran into him just before the finish line). Was feeling pleased with myself for scoring, but looks like I didn't after all?
  22. Nice production again and interesting interview with Danskin.
  23. I love the high detail level - the textures look superb, looks almost a different mod to what I see when I race as I have everything maxed down.
  24. No problem m8, and nice fliers by the way.
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