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big al 515

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Everything posted by big al 515

  1. Great meeting again. Was pleased to get a top 10 in my first heat. Hit trouble in the other two heats, but managed to scrape 10th place in the Final, then me and Spike had a good last few laps in the GN to come home 8th and 9th. Also Mike's car looming in front of me was too good to resist after last week, and gave him a hard one but he rode the hit perfectly and think he managed to just avoid the armco, good stuff m8. Was really good to see some new faces and some white tops, I hope they come back for more, is very difficult to adjust at first to racing meetings, it's so different to doing practice laps, but makes for a much better meeting and stops the stars getting things all their own way as is an extra challenge. Another great track next week so I am looking forward to that already.
  2. Mike must have been on a roll, he put me in a post in GN lol. What a great night's racing. The heats were steady for me, clung on for a top 10 in one of them, and just missed out with a last-couple-of-laps battle with Southy in the other. Going from yellow I would have been well happy with a top 10 in the Final, so 4th was amazing and can't remember a better finish for me in rFactor. The first few laps Matty and me were passing and re-passing which was great fun, but I realized that there seemed to be problems further down the field as we were nearly lapping cars already so thought I better not mess with faster Matty anymore and see if we could hold position for a while. The laps seemed to go quickly and a couple of superstars caught up and passed me, but then there seemed another gap and I was surprised to see the chequered flag suddenly appear and I'd done it! Well done Matty, you love this place, I told you so! Bring on Skeggy, should be another cracker.
  3. As the site has been down for 2 or 3 days, can you book me in please, thanks.
  4. Cheers Waqar, I worked hard for those 3 points! I loved the meeting, Ipswich feels so fast and I couldn't fault anyone else, it was just magic stuff. Look forward to next meeting, although I'll find it harder back to yellow, should be some good battles with Jnr and Matty, and have to try and catch Waqar now
  5. Brilliant Tosh! Reflects a great night.
  6. A brilliant meeting, the track is a great shape and probably better racing than before. I enjoyed brief bumper exchanges with Corny & MOR. I know I can't hold a candle to them but it's nice to be able to give them a bit of a race for a bit. I was really chuffed with a 3rd in a heat and 10th in the final. A good effort from Waqar too, he was unlucky not to score, keep at it mate, and good to see a new face in Jakie, he seemed pretty competitive too. Thanks all.
  7. Well done Waqar, that was a terrific improvement from last week mate. Sorry to anyone in the Final if I spoiled their race. Don't let it put you off coming back Scootah, I will probably be getting a ban anyway.
  8. Fair do, lads, thanks for the replies.
  9. I am having my doubts about this whites and yellows series. It's a bit embarrassing with 3 or 4 cars involved. It's maybe useful practice for the main meeting to some extent but it's not the same as having plenty cars on-track. What do others think?
  10. Stick at it Waqar, you are very welcome and it's great to have another white top racing. Can't let the fast guys have it all their own way, we have to get in the way a bit.
  11. No problem Southy, I could not remember who had said anything and certainly wasn't targetting you specifically. The reason for my comment was that in the 'old days' there was plenty of people to practice on-line with on nights other than racenight before actually taking part in a meeting, but with the lack of on-line practice opportunities, plus the fact that racing on-line is so much more different to racing offline in rFactor compared to the old HEAT days, realistically people can only learn by taking part in actual meetings, even though they are probably at a standard miles below the majority.
  12. It seems excellent - well done all concerned, can't wait to race it on-line.
  13. I enjoyed the meeting, as usual. It was challenging to race shale again. Great to see a good turn out of drivers, I hope this continues. The only disappointment was seeing some criticism of the other white top during the evening, I hope this does not lead to Waqar giving up. Novices really should be given more leeway, otherwise they will soon not bother and you will be left with the same top guys with a clear track in front of them, yawn. We get few enough new drivers as it is, and eventually the league will die without them, they should all be given every encouragement.
  14. Top meeting, I really enjoyed it. Well done to all the winners, and thanks to all drivers, seemed plenty hard but fair action.
  15. Brilliant to see Matty win the Final, and also delighted to see Bobbert on-track, hope you keep coming back m8, stick at it and you'll soon be as good as me. Very enjoyable meeting, and looking forward to seeing what Nutts Corner is like.
  16. 141 Carl Pickering Tarmac 34 Mal Brown Shale Thanks
  17. Sorry to miss this one. I would have loved seeing a few old faces like Mart & Rebel back on track, but unfortunately something urgent cropped up. It's good to see the meeting went very well. Looking forward to next season already, the last few weeks have been superb. Thanks to Kev and the other Admin for a great season.
  18. What a fabulous meeting. The racing was excellent all night, you could never relax because there was a lot going on throughout. The NS finale added a lot to the meeting. Congratulations to Tom who rode a very sensible meeting to ensure he deservedly clinched the title. Also well done to Mike for being a very worthy runner up and taking it with good grace. It was champion to see a couple of new faces tonight, along with one or two who have only been racing UK Dirt for a short while. It's good to have fresh faces, I hope they will continue to come back for more. It's a shame the season is nearly ended, hopefully there will be something going on in the Winter. Thanks to Kev who ran a superb meeting yet again. Sorry to hear Spike's work commitments will mean he can't race anymore - hopefully this will change as I have been racing him since 2000.
  19. A top meeting with loads of action. Personally I loved having the characters on the night - can't remember exactly what happened but ended up having a tit for tat with Mav Jnr in the last race (I think) which was fun, also Waqar making his debut - I would far rather have these guys in a meeting rather than racing just against fast established blue tops and above, so keep coming back all the whites and yellows, you guys make the meeting for me, Thursday's are never boring when there are a few of all grades. I think it was Fordy who gave me a big hit early in a race, so I returned the favour next bend, he never moaned, just got on with it like it should be I am still loving the new format where we get a minimum of 6 races and all done in about an hour and a quarter. Well done again Kev & Spike. It's a shame the season is coming to an end as I am really enjoying it at the mo.
  20. Cracking meeting, I enjoyed the racing all meeting. Well done Matty, great comeback m8. Thanks to Kev for running another good'un.
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