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Everything posted by Wardieee

  1. Just to reiterate what Grasser has said... BOOKINGS are LIMITED to 30... So far I count the booking list at 25 Drivers Bookin NOW to guarantee your place! A reserves list will be formed at a first come first served basis! If bookings exceed the 40/45 mark then we will more than likely cater for everyone! Keep the bookings coming folks! Come and join us for some festive fun
  2. Personally I would like to thank everyone for the 2015 season - Dave, Ben, Kane, CB, Wardy, Becks, Twisty, Drumbstick, Stumpy, DanSkin, LeeK! As of the start of this year it was my sole decision to leave the F2s after many years of being an F2 admin both on this league and many other leagues. Even though i'm still around giving them a hand, its got to be said that without them we would have none of this! For many years myself, Dave and Drumb battled on with the tooz making them bigger and better every year, so for us three key figures to take a step back in 2015, the huge workload has been spread across quite a new team. 2016 is of course going to see some other huge changes, and it doesn't take a genius to guess that BenChambers name hasn't changed to blue for no reason. Hopefully the fresh blood can propel the F2s even further forward, to bring an ever bigger better F2 season to UKDirt!! Thanks to everyone who has helped me through the 2015 season. Especially BigDave, DanSkin, Drumbstick, LeeK, Grasser, CB, DanW. Without these guys I would have no motivation to race, no help, no skins and ultimately no laughs. Finally a huge thank you to Mr Starter! You lot might not see it, but Stumpy is the man! Stumpy sees people cocking around and reports them, Stumpy sees a bad start and restarts it... Yet Stumpy still puts up with a lot of abuse!! - Stumpy designates his night to making your racing great, and without him we would have to deal with Warping Cars, Raging Drivers, Idiots, Jump Starts, and a lot less DP!! It might be a bad thing when he catches you out, however when you think about it, he is only doing it to benefit you! Here's to 2016! Lets make it a good one
  3. What was the best Tarmac track of 2015? Northampton – 4 Birmingham – 4 Skegness – 3 Taunton – 3 Bristol – 1 Hednesford – 1 Nutts Corner – 1 Reece – Northampton - Always makes for some great close racing. CB – Bristol – It’s just the best! Mav – Birmingham - It’s a good flowing track, plenty of room to move about, wide enough to take a hit and not loose time. Suits all types of drivers. What was the best Shale track of 2015? Stoke – 6 Kings Lynn – 6 Coventry – 2 Sexbierum – 2 Mildenhall – 1 Wardieee – Stoke - Because stoke always produces good fast hard stockcar racing, win or lose! I love it! Wardy – Kings Lynn – Brilliant side by side racing! LeeK – Sexbierum - best track for wide open space to race with a bit of room. Who do you think was the best overall driver of 2015? DanSkin #236 – 15 Ben #800 – 1 Josh #397 – 1 Jake – DanSkin - Always consistent and on pace even when you think your having a good night! Dbecks – DanSkin - the king of consistency MartynR – DanSkin - Winning another World Final and just making it look easy! DanSkin – Josh - Simply unbeatable on his day. Who do you think was the best lower graded driver of 2015? DanW #117 – 6 Dbecks #82 – 5 Twisty #93 – 2 Dbecks – DanW - just a matter of time before this man jumps up a few grades DanSkin – DanW - He has come on well over the season and really pushing towards the top on race pace towards the end of the year. Ben – Dbecks - He turns up week in week out and always gives respect and provides a good battle. He always tries and seems to score points 9/10 and has managed to get himself up to blue. Who was your favourite driver of 2015? Wardieee #180 – 7 Ben #800 – 1 CB #167 – 1 DanSkin #236 – 1 Dbecks #82 – 1 Hoggy #92 – 1 Kane #238 – 1 LeeK #39 – 1 Mr Starter Stumpy #255 - 1 Twisty #93 – 1 Wardy #184 – 1 Ben – Wardieee - comes back slow as blues, then finds his pace to be nearly as fast as 236, coming from the back in the WF to take second was what tipped it for me, shows how good he is and you can always count on him being a steam train when you are behind meaning i can make up places while keeping my front bumper straight. CB – Wardieee – Team Ohh Arr Tim – Wardieee – I like to see him drive LeeK – Mr Starter Stumpy - Drive the meeting through with precision every week. Who do you think was the fairest driver of 2015? Ben #800 – 5 DanSkin #236 – 4 Dbecks #82 – 2 LeeK #39 – 2 DanW #117 – 1 Dave #488 – 1 Kane #238 – 1 Twisty #93 – 1 Wardieee – Ben - He is a good fair driver who will always move over for anyone faster, even if they are a yellow grader. Ben has a lot of respect and will pass you clean if he has the pace or momentum to come through! CB – Ben - He never hits anyone Kane – DanSkin – He will put you wide but if you get on his nerves, he will soon take you out! Who do you think was the hardest hitter of 2015? Jake #691 – 5 Tsjalle #329 – 3 Tim #84 – 2 Tim – Jake - He gives always some hard hits to me and other people to get in the top 10 MartynR – Jake - If you're in the way, he'll move you, well enough so you can't repay the favor Wardy – Tom - Race craft king............. Who do you think was the hardest trier of 2015? DanW #117 – 8 Ricky #237 – 4 Dbecks #82 – 2 CB #167 – 1 Kane #238 – 1 Wardy #184 – 1 Reece – DanW - Always puts a lot of time and effort in practice and never seems to give up. Jake – DanW - Always puts weeks of effort into one track. CB – Ricky - The man never gives up LeeK – Kane - Dunno why, just seems to Who do you think the most improved driver of 2015 is? Dbecks #82 – 6 Reece #411 – 2 Ricky #237 – 2 Wardy #184 – 2 LeeK #39 – 1 Wardieee – Dbecks - has managed to really turn his season around getting back up to blue! Kane – Dbecks - Started the year off at white and struggled to get around, as the year went on, more top 10s and those becoming into some wins. Now making it up to blue is a huge improvement for him! DanSkin – LeeK - A title! Hurrah! Mav – Wardieee - He came back in August after a break and just was mesmerizing! The transformation was amazing – He almost got the World Final too! Who do you think the newcomer of 2015 was? Reece #411 – 8 Seneschall #376 – 6 Dbecks #82 – 1 JoshBanno #415 – 1 Kane – Reece - Started the year off as a white and improved so much throughout the year getting to red top and being one of the quickest. He should be very pleased with himself! CB – Reece - Cheats or not, he’s been quite good Ben – Seneschall - He turns up most weeks and always gives a good display. Mav – JoshBanno - Although Josh only did 12 meetings this season; he was winning races almost from the start. He was settling in well then just disappeared! Who had the best paint job in 2015? Wardieee #180 (Tarmac) – 7 Grasser #233 (Shale) – 3 Aub #188 (Tarmac) – 1 Josh #397 (Tarmac) – 1 Kane #238 (Shale) - 1 LeeK #39 (Tarmac) – 1 Reece – Wardieee - Really like the colours and the overall design is a bit different to everyone else’s. Ben – Wardieee - without his ugly Irish roof though! A bit different but very sexy in my eyes! DanSkin – Wardieee - Beautiful!!! CB – Grasser – It looks nice Mav - Can’t really say as I didn’t race for that long this season, but most drivers had excellent paint jobs in my opinion. Meeting of the year? Hednesford World Championship – 5 Northampton European Championship – 3 Birmingham Gala Night – 3 Belle Vue 06/04 and 29/06 – 2 Wardieee – Hednesford World Final - After being taken out a couple of times I got myself to the front only to be taken out once again! Thanks to sheer determination i managed to get back to second and start to hunt down the 236 machine however it was too late! Kane – Belle Vue 29/06 - Probably my best overall meeting this year in my memory, winning the Final and having a great race with DanSkin as well. I enjoyed the European Championship but other people might think different! Jake – Northampton European - 5 Drivers fighting for the win going into the Final turn with anyone able to take the victory. LeeK – Mildenhall 19/10 - Enjoyed the meeting, always tend to like the nature of Mildo. DanSkin – Hednesford World Final - A pleasure and so much joy/relief to retain the title. What was your most memorable moment of 2015? MartinB – Top 10 in World Final DanW - My 1st Final win Jake - Winning Euro Masters Championship (after messing it up the year before!) Reece - Being banned for the World Final, not positive but it will be remembered so I don’t make the same mistake again. Ben – F2 Nationals - Winning my first championship that got me my little silver stripe at Cowdie LeeK - Getting the news that Grasser had won the Monday night pub quiz!! Tim - when i was 3rd in semi final. Mav - Birmingham April - Having practiced the track to death and feeling that I was too tight, I set off in my first heat and just left everyone! Looking in my mirror every lap to see nobody behind me, starting me believing that I had discoed!! Won the race and was chuffed. Rest of the meeting went downhill from there! DanSkin - LeeK winning the European Championship - Someone who I've raced against since the beginning of my time online racing on Heat. An absolute pleasure to race him each week and chuffed to see him picking up titles again. What are your aims for 2016? Wardieee - To manage to settle down once again, and maybe give Dan a challenge for the gold or silver roof! Reece - Win a championship. Don’t get banned Kane – Get some luck and win some kind of championship Ben - Win a major championship for once, not had one yet so obviously want to have a nice new shiny roof! Dbecks – Qualify for the World Final MartynR - Get back up to red and stay there for more than one month. A championship would be nice, but we can all dream! LeeK - I don’t set aims as you only get annoyed if you don’t reach your aims. No aims = no disappointment. MartinB - To win as many races as possible! DanW - To improve my overall pace when in a pack of cars and not to be muscled out as easy as I do get at the moment. Wardy - World of Shale, gold cup and give Skinner a run for his money at Mildenhall DanSkin - No aims / enjoy it. How was 2015 for you? Wardieee - 2015 was a hard year, with the start of the year seeing me return to the wheel after 6 months in a cast. The start of the year was a success however I just couldn't buy myself a race victory.... After having a fair few months away I decided it was time for a return of the real 180 machine, and what a return it has been! Multiple championships have once again been added to my roof! I'm over the moon! Kane – Not as good as I’d liked it to have gone compared to the season before. I know I should have done better but luck hasn’t really been on my side this year. CB – Brilliant... until Bristol Jake - Poor, targeted in main races. Mav – Dreadful! New G27 wheel, refurbished cars and a will to succeed was how I started. As each meeting passed I got worse and worse and even after a short break I came back to the same scenarios. When I was criticised for wanting to win a race, and then put into a tyre deliberately on lap 2, enough was enough. LeeK - It was ok, very few wins, won a title I didnt expect to win so pretty decent id say. DanSkin - Very successful, but very hard work. I wish I had tested more pre-season and taken the new engine rather than persevering all year with the Pinto (but I'd never have forgiven myself if I had switched mid season and then struggled). Dbecks - up and down my driving style was not on pace with everybody so i took what i could get, a broke computer and hours of practice to change my driving style really kicked a new confidence in me although I’m still learning the new style i now feel more racey with a bit more time it will come together more gaining a blue roof will also stand me well of learning a different method to race craft too and help from Danw117 and wardiee180 have really benefited me without these two i think I’d be a struggler in f2s Who do you think will be the person to beat in 2016? DanSkin #236 – 9 Wardieee #180 – 7 Reece #411 – 1 Reece – Wardieee - He's really the only person capable of beating DanSkin and i think he could be beating Dan next year and hopefully give him a run for his money on the National Points. Mav – Wardieee - If Wardieee was to race in 2016 in the way he finished 2015 then he will be very hard to beat. Wardieee – DanSkin - If I can manage to really challenge Dan for gold or silver, then 236 is 100% the man to beat in my eyes! Ben – DanSkin - The one that wins it all, he only needs to have 1 title next year Dbecks – DanSkin - is always the man to beat realistically for me I’m gunning to beat Ricky James 237 DanW - Wardieee - I think he will be a man on a mission in 2016 going by his recent form. Twisty – Reece – Looked very quick for half of the season, could be a contender! Roughest 2015 Finally we come onto a special award donated by Mr Wardieee himself! After many hours of discussion with the UKDirt admin team and of course the members!! We have all come to the conclusion that #167 Callum Barron has managed to 'bag himself' a trophy! OHH ARRR!!
  4. December 03/12/15 - NZ Superstocks - Huntly - New Zealand Grand Prix 07/12/15 - Superstox - Cowdenbeath - Scottish 09/12/15 - Grasstrack 5s - Scunthorpe - British Series RD 1 10/12/15 - NZ Superstocks - Rotarua - North Island Championship 14/12/15 - Superstox - Aldershot - Southern 16/02/15 - Grasstrack 5s - Sexberium - British Series Finale 17/12/15 - NZ Superstocks - Wanganui - Christmas Cracker January 04/01/16 - Superstox - Ringwood – British 07/01/16 - NZ Superstocks – Bay Park - King of the Clay 11/01/16 - Superstox - Ipswich - European / UKDirt Speedweek 12/01/16 - Ministox - Ipswich (Shale) - Winternationals / UKDirt Speedweek 13/01/16 - Hot Rods – Ipswich - Points Series RD 1 / UKDirt Speedweek 14/01/16 - NZ Superstocks – Ipswich (Shale) – UK Championship / UKDirt Speedweek 18/01/16 - Superstox - Nutts Corner Raceway - World Final / Irish 20/01/16 - Hot Rods - Hednesford - Points Series RD 2 / Midland Championship 21/01/16 - NZ Superstocks – Stratford - New Zealand Championship 25/01/16 - Superstox - Wimbledon - Best in Britain 27/01/16 - Hot Rods - Arena Essex - Points Series Finale / Southern Championship 28/01/16 - NZ Superstocks - Nelson - South Island Championship February 04/02/16 - NZ Superstocks - Palmerston North – NZ Team Championships 11/02/16 - NZ Superstocks - Rotarua - World 240s 18/02/16 - NZ Superstocks - Woodford Glen - Season Finale!
  5. 96h Scott Redfern Book me in for some wrecking please.... If I score a point please take it off me!
  6. Thanks for the F1 season!! Really good fast season! Just a shame to see a few trying to ruin it Well Done Tinman!!
  7. Excellent season, nice to see 99% of the people legitimately take it in the spirit too!! Onwards and upwards to 2016 where we will see at least 4 Yarmouth Meetings??
  8. I like your style!! However there's no rest for the wicked, and I can promise you that Tuesdays and Wednesdays will see Ministox, ______s and __________s!!! So fill in the gaps
  9. Congratulations to DanSkin 236 on winning this years Shootout series!!
  10. Congratulations DanSkin - The new Shootout Champion!! Complete utter ***** tonight to be polite
  11. Last years NIR final.... Best race I've ever been in!! 19 clean laps and one huge last bend
  12. So if you'll do it again.... Then your an example of where the 'racecraft' has gone, and to be honest you have just flagged yourself up as being one of the people that doesn't deserve to race here! Congratulations
  13. You have just come back from a ban for lap down hits? Takes someone with no racecraft to know one? I would suggest stepping back a touch. Maybe less moaning, less cocking about in teamspeak and much less of the 'stupid' idiotic driving taking out the superstars would see you gain some racecraft... Maybe when you gain some, others will to!
  14. VIDEO REQUESTS!!! - Tell me what race you would like to see and who you would like to see it onboard with! - If the race proves to be a good watch I will turn them into a movie and post them on the UKDirt YouTube page!! - Any F2 meeting between the World Final and now!
  15. Best race of the season to end the season with the CoC!! Shame you were forced off the track Dan! Was such an awesome race!!!
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